250 research outputs found

    Towards a two-parameter q-deformation of AdS_3 x S^3 x M^4 superstrings

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    We construct a two-parameter deformation of the Metsaev-Tseytlin action for supercosets with isometry group of the form G x G. The resulting action is classically integrable and is Poisson-Lie symmetric suggesting that the symmetry of the model is q-deformed, U_q_L(G) x U_q_R(G). Focusing on the cases relevant for strings moving in AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 and AdS_3 x S^3 x S^3 x S^1, we analyze the corresponding deformations of the AdS_3 and S^3 metrics. We also construct a two-parameter qq-deformation of the u(1) + psu(1|1)^2 x u(1) x R^3-invariant R-matrix and closure condition, which underlie the light-cone gauge S-matrix and dispersion relation of the aforementioned string theories. With the appropriate identification of parameters, the near-BMN limit of the dispersion relation is shown to agree with that found from the deformed supercoset sigma model.Comment: 35 page

    Poisson-Lie duals of the eta deformed symmetric space sigma model

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    Poisson-Lie dualising the eta deformation of the G/H symmetric space sigma model with respect to the simple Lie group G is conjectured to give an analytic continuation of the associated lambda deformed model. In this paper we investigate when the eta deformed model can be dualised with respect to a subgroup G_0 of G. Starting from the first-order action on the complexified group and integrating out the degrees of freedom associated to different subalgebras, we find it is possible to dualise when G_0 is associated to a sub-Dynkin diagram. Additional U_1 factors built from the remaining Cartan generators can also be included. The resulting construction unifies both the Poisson-Lie dual with respect to G and the complete abelian dual of the eta deformation in a single framework, with the integrated algebras unimodular in both cases. We speculate that extending these results to the path integral formalism may provide an explanation for why the eta deformed AdS_5 x S^5 superstring is not one-loop Weyl invariant, that is the couplings do not solve the equations of type IIB supergravity, yet its complete abelian dual and the lambda deformed model are.Comment: 37 pages, v2: minor change

    Maximally extended sl(2|2), q-deformed d(2,1;epsilon) and 3D kappa-Poincar\'e

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    We show that the maximal extension sl(2) times psl(2|2) times C3 of the sl(2|2) superalgebra can be obtained as a contraction limit of the semi-simple superalgebra d(2,1;epsilon) times sl(2). We reproduce earlier results on the corresponding q-deformed Hopf algebra and its universal R-matrix by means of contraction. We make the curious observation that the above algebra is related to kappa-Poincar\'e symmetry. When dropping the graded part psl(2|2) we find a novel one-parameter deformation of the 3D kappa-Poincar\'e algebra. Our construction also provides a concise exact expression for its universal R-matrix.Comment: 25 page

    q-Deformation of the AdS5 x S5 Superstring S-matrix and its Relativistic Limit

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    A set of four factorizable non-relativistic S-matrices for a multiplet of fundamental particles are defined based on the R-matrix of the quantum group deformation of the centrally extended superalgebra su(2|2). The S-matrices are a function of two independent couplings g and q=exp(i\pi/k). The main result is to find the scalar factor, or dressing phase, which ensures that the unitarity and crossing equations are satisfied. For generic (g,k), the S-matrices are branched functions on a product of rapidity tori. In the limit k->infinity, one of them is identified with the S-matrix describing the magnon excitations on the string world sheet in AdS5 x S5, while another is the mirror S-matrix that is needed for the TBA. In the g->infinity limit, the rapidity torus degenerates, the branch points disappear and the S-matrices become meromorphic functions, as required by relativistic S-matrix theory. However, it is only the mirror S-matrix which satisfies the correct relativistic crossing equation. The mirror S-matrix in the relativistic limit is then closely related to that of the semi-symmetric space sine-Gordon theory obtained from the string theory by the Pohlmeyer reduction, but has anti-symmetric rather than symmetric bound states. The interpolating S-matrix realizes at the quantum level the fact that at the classical level the two theories correspond to different limits of a one-parameter family of symplectic structures of the same integrable system.Comment: 41 pages, late

    AdS3×S3×M4AdS_3 \times S^3 \times M^4 string S-matrices from unitarity cuts

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    Continuing the program initiated in arXiv:1304.1798 we investigate unitarity methods applied to two-dimensional integrable field theories. The one-loop computation is generalized to encompass theories with different masses in the asymptotic spectrum and external leg corrections. Additionally, the prescription for working with potentially singular cuts is modified to cope with an ambiguity that was not encountered before. The resulting methods are then applied to three light-cone gauge string theories; i) AdS3×S3×T4AdS_3 \times S^3 \times T^4 supported by RR flux, ii) AdS3×S3×S3×S1AdS_3 \times S^3 \times S^3 \times S^1 supported by RR flux and iii) AdS3×S3×T4AdS_3 \times S^3 \times T^4 supported by a mix of RR and NSNS fluxes. In the first case we find agreement with the exact result following from symmetry considerations and in the second case with one-loop semiclassical computations. This agreement crucially includes the rational terms and hence supports the conjecture that S-matrices of integrable field theories are cut-constructible, up to a possible shift in the coupling. In the final case, under the assumption that our methods continue to give all rational terms, we give a conjecture for the one-loop phases

    Marginal and non-commutative deformations via non-abelian T-duality

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    In this short article we develop recent proposals to relate Yang-Baxter sigma-models and non-abelian T-duality. We demonstrate explicitly that the holographic space-times associated to both (multi-parameter)-β-deformations and non-commutative deformations of N=4 super Yang-Mills gauge theory including the RR fluxes can be obtained via the machinery of non-abelian T-duality in Type II supergravity
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