161 research outputs found

    A pp-adic Simpson correspondence for smooth proper rigid varieties

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    For any smooth proper rigid analytic space XX over a complete algebraically closed extension of Qp\mathbb Q_p, we construct a pp-adic Simpson correspondence: an equivalence of categories between vector bundles on Scholze's pro-\'etale site of XX and Higgs bundles on XX. This generalises a result of Faltings from smooth projective curves to any higher dimension, and further to the rigid analytic setup. The strategy is new, and is based on the study of rigid analytic moduli spaces of pro-\'etale invertible sheaves on spectral varieties.Comment: Comments welcome

    The Primitive Comparison Theorem in characteristic pp

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    We prove an analogue of Scholze's Primitive Comparison Theorem for proper rigid spaces over an algebraically closed non-archimedean field KK of characteristic pp. This implies a v-topological version of the Primitive Comparison Theorem for proper finite type morphisms f:XYf:X\to Y of analytic adic spaces over Zp\mathbb Z_p. We deduce new cases of the Proper Base Change Theorem for pp-torsion coefficients and the K\"unneth formula in this setting.Comment: Comments welcome

    GG-torsors on perfectoid spaces

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    For any rigid analytic group variety GG over a non-archimedean field KK over Qp\mathbb Q_p, we study GG-torsors on adic spaces over KK in the vv-topology. Our main result is that on perfectoid spaces, GG-torsors in the \'etale and vv-topology are equivalent. This generalises the known cases of G=GaG=\mathbb G_a and G=GLnG=\mathrm{GL}_n due to Scholze and Kedlaya--Liu. On a general adic space XX over KK, where there can be more vv-topological GG-torsors than \'etale ones, we show that for any open subgroup UGU\subseteq G, any GG-torsor on XvX_v admits a reduction of structure group to UU \'etale-locally on XX. This has applications in the context of the pp-adic Simpson correspondence: For example, we use it to show that on any adic space, generalised Qp\mathbb Q_p-representations are equivalent to vv-vector bundles

    Perfectoid geometry of <i>p</i>-adic modular forms

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    Moduli spaces in pp-adic non-abelian Hodge theory

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    We propose a new moduli-theoretic approach to the pp-adic Simpson correspondence for a smooth proper rigid space XX over Cp\mathbb C_p with coefficients in any rigid analytic group GG, in terms of a comparison of moduli stacks. For its formulation, we introduce the class of "smoothoid spaces" which are perfectoid families of smooth rigid spaces, well-suited for studying relative pp-adic Hodge theory. For any smoothoid space YY, we then construct a "sheafified non-abelian Hodge correspondence", namely a canonical isomorphism R1νGHiggsGR^1\nu_{\ast}G\xrightarrow{\sim} \mathrm{Higgs}_G where ν:YvYet\nu:Y_{v}\to Y_{et} is the natural morphism of sites, and where HiggsG\mathrm{Higgs}_G is the sheaf of isomorphism classes of GG-Higgs bundles on YetY_{et}. We also prove a generalisation of Faltings' local pp-adic Simpson correspondence to GG-bundles and to perfectoid families. We apply these results to deduce vv-descent criteria for \'etale GG-bundles which show that GG-Higgs bundles on XX form a small vv-stack HiggsG\mathscr Higgs_G. As a second application, we construct an analogue of the Hitchin morphism on the Betti side: a morphism BunG,vAG\mathscr Bun_{G,v}\to \mathcal A_G from the small vv-stack of vv-topological GG-bundles on XX to the Hitchin base. This allows us to give a conjectural reformulation of the pp-adic Simpson correspondence for XX in a more geometric and more canonical way, namely in terms of a comparison of Hitchin morphisms.Comment: updated now that sequel has appeared and some small correction

    Identifying the greatest team and captain - A complex network approach to cricket matches

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    We consider all Test matches played between 1877 and 2010 and One Day International (ODI) matches played between 1971 and 2010. We form directed and weighted networks of teams and also of their captains. The success of a team (or captain) is determined by the 'quality' of wins and not on the number of wins alone. We apply the diffusion based PageRank algorithm on the networks to access the importance of wins and rank the teams and captains respectively. Our analysis identifies {\it Australia} as the best team in both forms of cricket - Test and ODI. {\it Steve Waugh} is identified as the best captain in Test cricket and {\it Ricky Ponting} is the best captain in the ODI format. We also compare our ranking scheme with the existing ranking schemes which include the Reliance ICC Ranking. Our method does not depend on `external' criteria in ranking of teams (captains). The purpose of this paper is to introduce a revised ranking of cricket teams and to quantify the success of the captains

    Overconvergent Hilbert modular forms via perfectoid modular varieties

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    We give a new construction of pp-adic overconvergent Hilbert modular forms by using Scholze's perfectoid Shimura varieties at infinite level and the Hodge--Tate period map. The definition is analytic, closely resembling that of complex Hilbert modular forms as holomorphic functions satisfying a transformation property under congruence subgroups. As a special case, we first revisit the case of elliptic modular forms, extending recent work of Chojecki, Hansen and Johansson. We then construct sheaves of geometric Hilbert modular forms, as well as subsheaves of integral modular forms, and vary our definitions in pp-adic families. We show that the resulting spaces are isomorphic as Hecke modules to earlier constructions of Andreatta, Iovita and Pilloni. Finally, we give a new direct construction of sheaves of arithmetic Hilbert modular forms, and compare this to the construction via descent from the geometric case.Comment: Version 3. Minor improvements to abstract and introductio

    Perfectoid covers of abelian varieties

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    For an abelian variety AA over an algebraically closed non-archimedean field of residue characteristic pp, we show that there exists a perfectoid space which is the tilde-limit of lim[p]A\varprojlim_{[p]}A. Our proof also works for the larger class of abeloid varieties

    Hodge-Tate stacks and non-abelian pp-adic Hodge theory of v-perfect complexes on rigid spaces

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    Let XX be a quasi-compact quasi-separated pp-adic formal scheme that is smooth either over a perfectoid Zp\mathbb{Z}_p-algebra or over some ring of integers of a complete discretely valued extension of Qp\mathbb{Q}_p with pp-finite residue field. We construct a fully faithful functor from perfect complexes on the Hodge-Tate stack of XX up to isogeny to perfect complexes on the v-site of the generic fibre of XX. Moreover, we describe perfect complexes on the Hodge-Tate stack in terms of certain derived categories of Higgs, resp. Higgs-Sen modules. This leads to a derived pp-adic Simpson functor. We deduce new results about the pp-adic Simpson correspondence in both cases