200 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Three Agent Games

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    We study the dynamics and resulting score distribution of three-agent games where after each competition a single agent wins and scores a point. A single competition is described by a triplet of numbers pp, tt and qq denoting the probabilities that the team with the highest, middle or lowest accumulated score wins. We study the full family of solutions in the regime, where the number of agents and competitions is large, which can be regarded as a hydrodynamic limit. Depending on the parameter values (p,q,t)(p,q,t), we find six qualitatively different asymptotic score distributions and we also provide a qualitative understanding of these results. We checked our analytical results against numerical simulations of the microscopic model and find these to be in excellent agreement. The three agent game can be regarded as a social model where a player can be favored or disfavored for advancement, based on his/her accumulated score. It is also possible to decide the outcome of a three agent game through a mini tournament of two-a gent competitions among the participating players and it turns out that the resulting possible score distributions are a subset of those obtained for the general three agent-games. We discuss how one can add a steady and democratic decline rate to the model and present a simple geometric construction that allows one to write down the corresponding score evolution equations for nn-agent games

    Wall effects on the transportation of a cylindrical particle in power-law fluids

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    The present work deals with the numerical calculation of the Stokes-type drag undergone by a cylindrical particle perpendicularly to its axis in a power-law fluid. In unbounded medium, as all data are not available yet, we provide a numerical solution for the pseudoplastic fluid. Indeed, the Stokes-type solution exists because the Stokes’ paradox does not take place anymore. We show a high sensitivity of the solution to the confinement, and the appearance of the inertia in the proximity of the Newtonian case, where the Stokes’ paradox takes place. For unbounded medium, avoiding these traps, we show that the drag is zero for Newtonian and dilatant fluids. But in the bounded one, the Stokes-type regime is recovered for Newtonian and dilatant fluids. We give also a physical explanation of this effect which is due to the reduction of the hydrodynamic screen length, for pseudoplastic fluids. Once the solution of the unbounded medium has been obtained, we give a solution for the confined medium numerically and asymptotically. We also highlight the consequence of the confinement and the backflow on the settling velocity of a fiber perpendicularly to its axis in a slit. Using the dynamic mesh technique, we give the actual transportation velocity in a power-law “Poiseuille flow”, versus the confinement parameter and the fluidity index, induced by the hydrodynamic interactions

    Consensus formation on adaptive networks

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    The structure of a network can significantly influence the properties of the dynamical processes which take place on them. While many studies have been devoted to this influence, much less attention has been devoted to the interplay and feedback mechanisms between dynamical processes and network topology on adaptive networks. Adaptive rewiring of links can happen in real life systems such as acquaintance networks where people are more likely to maintain a social connection if their views and values are similar. In our study, we consider different variants of a model for consensus formation. Our investigations reveal that the adaptation of the network topology fosters cluster formation by enhancing communication between agents of similar opinion, though it also promotes the division of these clusters. The temporal behavior is also strongly affected by adaptivity: while, on static networks, it is influenced by percolation properties, on adaptive networks, both the early and late time evolution of the system are determined by the rewiring process. The investigation of a variant of the model reveals that the scenarios of transitions between consensus and polarized states are more robust on adaptive networks.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Consensus formation on coevolving networks: groups' formation and structure

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    We study the effect of adaptivity on a social model of opinion dynamics and consensus formation. We analyze how the adaptivity of the network of contacts between agents to the underlying social dynamics affects the size and topological properties of groups and the convergence time to the stable final state. We find that, while on static networks these properties are determined by percolation phenomena, on adaptive networks the rewiring process leads to different behaviors: Adaptive rewiring fosters group formation by enhancing communication between agents of similar opinion, though it also makes possible the division of clusters. We show how the convergence time is determined by the characteristic time of link rearrangement. We finally investigate how the adaptivity yields nontrivial correlations between the internal topology and the size of the groups of agreeing agents.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures,to appear in a special proceedings issue of J. Phys. A covering the "Complex Networks: from Biology to Information Technology" conference (Pula, Italy, 2007

    Knots and Random Walks in Vibrated Granular Chains

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    We study experimentally statistical properties of the opening times of knots in vertically vibrated granular chains. Our measurements are in good qualitative and quantitative agreement with a theoretical model involving three random walks interacting via hard core exclusion in one spatial dimension. In particular, the knot survival probability follows a universal scaling function which is independent of the chain length, with a corresponding diffusive characteristic time scale. Both the large-exit-time and the small-exit-time tails of the distribution are suppressed exponentially, and the corresponding decay coefficients are in excellent agreement with the theoretical values.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    "Clumpiness" Mixing in Complex Networks

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    Three measures of clumpiness of complex networks are introduced. The measures quantify how most central nodes of a network are clumped together. The assortativity coefficient defined in a previous study measures a similar characteristic, but accounts only for the clumpiness of the central nodes that are directly connected to each other. The clumpiness coefficient defined in the present paper also takes into account the cases where central nodes are separated by a few links. The definition is based on the node degrees and the distances between pairs of nodes. The clumpiness coefficient together with the assortativity coefficient can define four classes of network. Numerical calculations demonstrate that the classification scheme successfully categorizes 30 real-world networks into the four classes: clumped assortative, clumped disassortative, loose assortative and loose disassortative networks. The clumpiness coefficient also differentiates the Erdos-Renyi model from the Barabasi-Albert model, which the assortativity coefficient could not differentiate. In addition, the bounds of the clumpiness coefficient as well as the relationships between the three measures of clumpiness are discussed.Comment: 47 pages, 11 figure

    "Clumpiness" Mixing in Complex Networks

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    Three measures of clumpiness of complex networks are introduced. The measures quantify how most central nodes of a network are clumped together. The assortativity coefficient defined in a previous study measures a similar characteristic, but accounts only for the clumpiness of the central nodes that are directly connected to each other. The clumpiness coefficient defined in the present paper also takes into account the cases where central nodes are separated by a few links. The definition is based on the node degrees and the distances between pairs of nodes. The clumpiness coefficient together with the assortativity coefficient can define four classes of network. Numerical calculations demonstrate that the classification scheme successfully categorizes 30 real-world networks into the four classes: clumped assortative, clumped disassortative, loose assortative and loose disassortative networks. The clumpiness coefficient also differentiates the Erdos-Renyi model from the Barabasi-Albert model, which the assortativity coefficient could not differentiate. In addition, the bounds of the clumpiness coefficient as well as the relationships between the three measures of clumpiness are discussed.Comment: 47 pages, 11 figure

    Deciphering Network Community Structure by Surprise

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    The analysis of complex networks permeates all sciences, from biology to sociology. A fundamental, unsolved problem is how to characterize the community structure of a network. Here, using both standard and novel benchmarks, we show that maximization of a simple global parameter, which we call Surprise (S), leads to a very efficient characterization of the community structure of complex synthetic networks. Particularly, S qualitatively outperforms the most commonly used criterion to define communities, Newman and Girvan's modularity (Q). Applying S maximization to real networks often provides natural, well-supported partitions, but also sometimes counterintuitive solutions that expose the limitations of our previous knowledge. These results indicate that it is possible to define an effective global criterion for community structure and open new routes for the understanding of complex networks.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Towards Machine Wald

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    The past century has seen a steady increase in the need of estimating and predicting complex systems and making (possibly critical) decisions with limited information. Although computers have made possible the numerical evaluation of sophisticated statistical models, these models are still designed \emph{by humans} because there is currently no known recipe or algorithm for dividing the design of a statistical model into a sequence of arithmetic operations. Indeed enabling computers to \emph{think} as \emph{humans} have the ability to do when faced with uncertainty is challenging in several major ways: (1) Finding optimal statistical models remains to be formulated as a well posed problem when information on the system of interest is incomplete and comes in the form of a complex combination of sample data, partial knowledge of constitutive relations and a limited description of the distribution of input random variables. (2) The space of admissible scenarios along with the space of relevant information, assumptions, and/or beliefs, tend to be infinite dimensional, whereas calculus on a computer is necessarily discrete and finite. With this purpose, this paper explores the foundations of a rigorous framework for the scientific computation of optimal statistical estimators/models and reviews their connections with Decision Theory, Machine Learning, Bayesian Inference, Stochastic Optimization, Robust Optimization, Optimal Uncertainty Quantification and Information Based Complexity.Comment: 37 page

    Characterization of complex networks: A survey of measurements

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    Each complex network (or class of networks) presents specific topological features which characterize its connectivity and highly influence the dynamics of processes executed on the network. The analysis, discrimination, and synthesis of complex networks therefore rely on the use of measurements capable of expressing the most relevant topological features. This article presents a survey of such measurements. It includes general considerations about complex network characterization, a brief review of the principal models, and the presentation of the main existing measurements. Important related issues covered in this work comprise the representation of the evolution of complex networks in terms of trajectories in several measurement spaces, the analysis of the correlations between some of the most traditional measurements, perturbation analysis, as well as the use of multivariate statistics for feature selection and network classification. Depending on the network and the analysis task one has in mind, a specific set of features may be chosen. It is hoped that the present survey will help the proper application and interpretation of measurements.Comment: A working manuscript with 78 pages, 32 figures. Suggestions of measurements for inclusion are welcomed by the author