2 research outputs found
Validation of Advanced Computer Codes for VVER Technology: LB-LOCA Transient in PSB-VVER Facility
The OECD/NEA PSB-VVER project provided unique and useful experimental data for code validation from PSB-VVER test facility. This facility represents the scaled-down layout of the Russian-designed pressurized water reactor, namely, VVER-1000. Five experiments were executed, dealing with loss of coolant scenarios (small, intermediate, and large break loss of coolant accidents), a primary-to-secondary leak, and a parametric study (natural circulation test) aimed at characterizing the VVER system at reduced mass inventory conditions. The comparative analysis, presented in the paper, regards the large break loss of coolant accident experiment. Four participants from three different institutions were involved in the benchmark and applied their own models and set up for four different thermal-hydraulic system codes. The benchmark demonstrated the performances of such codes in predicting phenomena relevant for safety on the basis of fixed criteria
Enlargement of the Assessment Database for Advanced Computer Codes in Relation to the VVER Technology: Benchmark on LB-LOCA Transient in PSB-VVER Facility – final results
The VVER-1000 (Water-cooled, Water-moderated Energy Reactor, 1000 Mwe type) experimental simulator PSB installed at the Elektrogorsk research center in Moscow region (Russia), was extensively adopted to enlarge the database of experiments available for code validation in the area of phenomena expected during accidents in VVER-1000. In the present paper focus is given to the large break Loss of Coolant Accident simulation. In relation to any Integral Test Facility (ITF) like PSB, analysis is needed to optimize the simulation and to achieve test conditions which are the most close to the conditions expected tin the prototype NPP: this is part of scaling analysis