159 research outputs found
Social Network Learning Analytics: identificazione degli studenti a rischio di abbandono scolastico
Social Network Analysis (SNA) is gaining increasing attention in educational research asbranch of Learning Analytics. This contribution offers an overview of Social NetworkAnalysis, describing the origins of this methodology, the implications of its use for educationalresearch, and its application in the study of early school leaving.This paper presents a case study of the application of SNA in a group of students attendinga vocational school. The study analyzes the external and internal relationships of thestudents in the school. The results highlight that students at risk of dropping out ofschool, tend to have less dense and less cohesive social networks, and exhibit a higherprobability of establishing relationships with classmates with similar tendencies to leaveschool early. SNA draws attention to the relational structures that are established duringschool activities, and can help teachers and schools improve learning processes andlearning environments more broadly. This study shows how a relational approach canbe used to explore the phenomenon of early school leaving and highlights dysfunctionalrelational structures that accentuate the risk situation.n settore dei Learning Analytics. La prima parte del contributo descrive le origini dellaSocial Network Analysis, le implicazioni nella ricerca educativa e la sua applicazione nellostudio del fenomeno dell'abbandono scolastico.Il lavoro presenta successivamente un caso studio di applicazione della SNA. Lo studioanalizza le reti di relazioni, sia esterne che interne alla scuola, costruite da un gruppo distudenti frequentanti una scuola professionale. Dai risultati ottenuti si evidenzia comestudenti a rischio di abbandono scolastico tendono ad avere reti sociali meno dense e menocoese, e a mostrare una probabilitĂ piĂč alta di stringere rapporti con compagni di classecon la loro stessa tendenza allâabbandono. Lo studio evidenzia come un approccio relazionalepuĂČ essere utilizzato per esplorare il fenomeno dell'abbandono scolastico e metterein luce strutture relazionali disfunzionali che accentuano la situazione di rischio.L'analisi delle reti sociali puĂČ aiutare gli insegnanti e la scuola a migliorare i processi di apprendimentoattraverso la strutturazione di percorsi di apprendimento che possano favorirestrutture di rete funzionali al raggiungimento del successo scolastico, attraverso ilcoinvolgimento attivo degli studenti
Il contributo della Social Network Analysis nella concettualizzazione del fallimento scolastico: una riflessione metodologica su una ricerca esplorativa
This paper presents the rationale for adopting Social Network Analysis (SNA), as a methodology for inquiring into the complex system of causal factors that impacts on the scholastic achievements of at-risk students. SNA provides an analytical perspective that can be contextualized within a socio-cultural theoretical model, by considering development as a factor that is closely interconnected with the cultural, social and relational environment in which the student is immersed. The unit of concern in Social Network Analysis is the pattern of social relationships, constituted by connections, boundaries and gaps among educational communities. Through the use of SNA, it is possible to investigate the structure of social relationships that influence the learning paths of students at-risk of school failure, and the processes and underlying dynamics.In this contribution, the role of SNA is examined by reference to an ongoing research with students at risk of school failure in a professional school. We report an exploratory inquiry in which the SNA is applied to highlight the development of the social relationships in a class of students, during the course of a group activity in a vulnerable school context (developed inside the FAMI-IMPACT FVG 2018-2020 project). The SNA highlights the role that innovative activities can have in sustaining interdependence and reciprocity among students and support their motivation to learn.Il lavoro introduce la Social Network Analysis (SNA) come metodologia per indagare il complesso sistema di fattori causali che influisce sul rendimento scolastico negli studenti a rischio.La SNA fornisce una prospettiva di analisi inquadrabile allâinterno del modello teorico socio-culturale, intendendo lo sviluppo come un fattore strettamente interconnesso con lâambiente culturale, sociale e relazionale in cui lo studente Ăš immerso. LâunitĂ rilevante nellâanalisi delle reti sociali Ăš il modello delle relazioni, costituito da connessioni, confini ma anche da fratture tra le comunitĂ educative. Attraverso la SNA Ăš possibile studiare la struttura delle relazioni sociali che influenzano i percorsi di apprendimento degli studenti a rischio di fallimento scolastico, nonchĂ© i processi e le dinamiche sottostanti. In questo contributo viene esaminato il ruolo della SNA facendo riferimento a una ricerca in corso con studenti a rischio di fallimento scolastico in una scuola professionale. Viene descritta unâindagine esplorativa in cui viene applicata la SNA per evidenziare lo sviluppo delle relazioni sociali in una classe di studenti, nel corso di unâattivitĂ di gruppo in un contesto scolastico vulnerabile (sviluppata nellâambito del progetto FAMI-IMPACT FVG 2018-2020). La SNA mette in luce lâimpatto che le attivitĂ innovative possono avere nel sostenere lâinterdipendenza e la reciprocitĂ tra gli studenti e sostenere la loro motivazione allâapprendimento
Equity in learning paths and contrast to early school leaving: the complexity of the factors involved in the school experiences of foreign students
The European guidelines and orientation in recent years have been focus on
the promotion of equity in the learning paths and in the counteract early school
leaving. Although many actions to reduce early school leaving have been
implemented, today there remain many students who fail to achieve satisfactory
school outcomes and who leave the school system early, especially among
students with a migrant background. To understand the dynamics that can lead
students in conditions of fragility toward negative educational paths, it is necessary
to employ a complex and multidimensional analytical framework that considers
the multiple variables involved. The ecological and cultural theoretical model of
development highlights the complexity of the factors that can influence studentsâ
learning trajectories, assuming a systemic and multifactorial interpretative
approach. Starting from these premises, this study aims to explore the impact
of individual and contextual factors in the learning pathways of foreign-born
students, taking the studentsâ perspective. Two hundred and forty-four students
attending the second level of secondary school answered to a survey, which
explores their perception about: the meaning attributed to the school; the role
of teachers and the family in supporting their learning path; their involvement
in extra scholastic activities. The results highlight the inclusive role play by the
school, which represent a place for integration into the community for foreign
students; the central role of relationship with teachers and the emotional support
received by the family, in counteracting early school living; the participation of
students with a migratory background in their extra scholastic activities as element
of protection. The results suggest that to respond to foreign studentsâ complex
educational needs, school cannot act as an isolated entity, but rather should build
networks that involve families and external contexts
Distance learning from the students' point of view: connected but socially disconnected.
Increased adoption of distance learning (DL) during the Covid-19 pandemic, which was introduced into school contexts across the world without prior planning, induced a sudden and far reaching change in teaching methods. DL has simultaneously made it possible to highlight problems present in the schoolâs system and opened a space for deep reflection on the effectiveness of teaching strategies. Interaction in online learning environments is considered a central factor to ensure the participation and inclusion of all students, even those most fragile. However, this goal has not always been achieved through DL during the pandemic. Indeed, the literature highlights critical concerns in relation to online learning around the low quality of participation; this, in addition to technical problems such as availability of suitable devices and good internet connection, as well as a lack in digital competences. Beginning from these premises, this inquiry aims to explore students' point of view with respect to their learning experience during DL, in order to understand â from their perspective â the obstacles and opportunities they encounter, their needs and the possible factors that could improve their learning experience. 172 students attending the second level of secondary school in a north-eastern region in Italy, took part in an online survey. The students completed the survey following a period of lockdown, during which their school adopted distance learning. The following factors involved in the learning process during DL were investigated: the kind of support students think they need during DL; usefulness of DL as a daily learning tool; the positive and negative aspects identified in relation to DL. The study findings reveal students' held an ambivalent perception towards distance learning: half recognized the potential for DL to be integrated within the school curriculum, while the remaining half would rather avoid using it, except in cases of emergency. Students were aware of the difficulties involved in managing home learning; however, they were less aware of the factors that could help them to overcome such obstacles. Finally, they highlighted both positive elements of DL (such aiding the organization of learning materials), as well as negative aspects related to the lack of relational involvement. These findings reveal the importance of ensuring that the instructional design of an online environment considers not only the didactic aspects, but also the social and relational ones
Learning paths of students with migratory background: early school leaving and future selves
Students with a migratory background represent a constantly growing segment of the Italian school
population. Therefore, it is more pressing than every to highlight aspects of their particular vulnerability. The
difficulties encountered by these students may be attributed to a set of factors that often place them in situations of risk of school failure. One aspect correlated with academic achievement and dropout is the concept of possible future self. Possible selves constitute the representation that people create of themselves in the future, thus embodying the personal expectations and goals they wish to achieve. Possible selves are socially constructed and can be modified depending on the contexts, by the experiences and opportunities encountered. Starting from these premises, this study aims to investigate factors that may affect the learning path of students with a migrant background, through using an exploratory survey with first and second secondary school degree students
Analyzing participation in school contexts: triggering change through the use of indicators Analizzare la partecipazione nei contesti scolastici: innescare il cambiamento attraverso lâutilizzo di indicatori
This article presents results from the first phase of an action research process conducted together with a group of secondary school teachers, with the aim of experimenting with actions that reduce educational risk and improve inclusion and participation in schools. The âFramework for Participationâ tool (BlackâHawkins, 2010) was introduced as a system of international indicators, to examine educational contexts in order to highlight different interpretations that can be associated with concepts of participation, inclusion, exclusion, disability, and special educational needs. The use of a system of indicators has made it possible on the one hand to stimulate systematic and rigorous reflection, and on the other to suggest sources of evidence that can facilitate the development of a model of âbest practicesâ and plan innovation paths
Teachers as transformative agents and professional chameleons
Teachers play a key role in supporting equitable and quality education, as also advocated by the 2030 Agenda, leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes. To achieve this, they must develop themselves as transformative agents and change-makers, especially in a post-pandemic era. To this end, through a research project with municipal school teachers, activities were proposed to initiate a reflexive re-examination of the basic premises that characterize their professional action based on the ideas of SchoÌn (particularly the concepts of reflection in and on action) and Mezirow (with respect to the concept of the âdisorienting dilemmaâ). The findings highlight the need to develop a 'transformative resilience' that enables teachers to transform themselves into 'professional chameleons', i.e. evolving professionals capable of managing multiple levels with a reflective and research-based educational mindse
Smart Schools: Inclusion and Participation of Vulnerable Students During at Distance Learning
Students in many countries during COVID-19 pandemic, moved
through a deep change in their school experience, moving from face-to-face teaching
in schools to distance learning. The distance learning has represented an opportunity
to develop strategies and resources to guarantee continuity in the learning
experience. However, the recent literature has highlighted also several factors that
negatively affected learning outcome of students, underlined in particular more
negative effects on students in conditions of fragility. This work has the objective
to analyse problems emerged during DL and reflect on possible solutions, by
considering the analysis of data obtained from recent national and international
literature. The article proposes a critical reflection to rethink digital learning environments
in the post-pandemic era in order to support learning path of all students
and promote inclusion and participation also of those in condition of vulnerability
The process of signification of emotions in a social-constructivist perspective: implications for educational practice
The socio-constructivist approach is the mainstream theoretical framework orientating the institutional mandate of most education and training organizations. Many aspects of analysis, design, intervention, and evaluation currently refer to the ecological model, the construction of meanings and intersubjectivity. According to a socio-constructivist perspective, emotions represent an aspect strictly connected to the social life of individuals and are the result of a complex process that involves biological, psychological, behavioural, and socio-cultural factors. Understanding emotional processes should therefore focus on the relationship between emotion and culture, considering how cultural factors and social experience can influence the way emotions are expressed, encoded, and interpreted. However, in educational contexts, the social dimension of emotions is often framed within a precise framework of meanings and interpreted using rigidly applied emotion categorization schemes. Starting from these premises, the present work aims to investigate through an exploratory survey, the process of emotional signification from a socio-cultural perspective. The results show reveal that the semantic field of emotions is highly heterogeneous, and that there is a considerable subjective and cultural component in their process of signification. Finally, it highlights the critical need to deconstruct the concept of emotional categorization in educational practices
Come studiano i futuri docenti con le tecnologie digitali? Fattori di distrazione, strategie di autoregolazione e preferenze nei materiali in una ricerca longitudinale
Lo sviluppo professionale del docente \ue8 una delle leve del cambiamento
del mondo dell\u2019Istruzione che gi\ue0 da quasi un ventennio guarda alle
tecnologie della conoscenza come mediatori del processo dell\u2019innovazione a
scuola. Formazione iniziale, formazione neo-assunti e formazione continua
sono i tre momenti della professione docente che sempre pi\uf9 si caratterizzano
come percorsi formativi mediati dalle tecnologie (Pettenati et al., 2015),
siano essi in modalit\ue0 blended learning (Ligorio, 2016) o enhanced learning
(Trentin, 2011). Ma come massimizzare l\u2019efficacia formativa dell\u2019uso delle
tecnologie limitando gli effetti indesiderati? Molti sono stati i quesiti che ci
siamo poste, legati al rapporto tra studio-autoregolazione e tecnologie. In
primo luogo abbiamo cercato di stabilire in quale misura gli insegnanti
ritengono e sono consapevoli di essere soggetti a stimolazioni, legate alle
tecnologie, che li possono distrarre dal loro compito primario, cio\ue8 lo studio.
Inoltre abbiamo cercato di identificare i comportamenti strategici che
vengono utilizzati durante lo studio per renderlo ottimale. In altre parole
abbiamo esaminato la connessione tra l\u2019uso delle tecnologie, l\u2019apprendimento
in et\ue0 adulta, la condizione lavorativa, e la capacit\ue0 di gestione delle
emozioni. In proposito \ue8 stata condotta un\u2019indagine esplorativa longitudinale
su tre edizioni di percorsi formativi abilitanti per l\u2019insegnamento (PAS 2014,
PAS 2015, TFA 2015), tenuti presso l\u2019ateneo di Trieste nel biennio 2014-
2015, che ha coinvolto un totale di 250 soggetti (Cigognini et al., 2015).
I risultati ottenuti mostrano come i docenti ritengano di avere il controllo
NeaScience Anno. 3 \u2013 Vol. 10 - ISSN 2282-6009 36
dei fattori di distraibilit\ue0 esterni, e pensano di saper utilizzare strategie di
autoregolazione metacognitive. Risulta invece meno frequente l\u2019uso di
strategie legate alla gestione degli aspetti emotivi, all\u2019umore e il suo effetto
sulla concentrazione. Tali indicazioni possono orientare i momenti formativi
successivi dello sviluppo professionale docente
- âŠ