9 research outputs found

    Induction of a mutant phenotype in human repair proficient cells after overexpression of a mutated human DNA repair gene.

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    Antisense and mutated cDNA of the human excision repair gene ERCC-1 were overexpressed in repair efficient HeLa cells by means of an Epstein-Barr-virus derived CDNA expression vector. Whereas antisense RNA did not influence the survival of the transfected cells, a mutated cDNA generating an ERCC-1 protein with two extra amino acids in a conserved region of its C-terminal part resulted in a significant sensitization of the HeLa transfectants to mitomycin C-induced damage. These results suggest that overexpression of the mutated ERCC-1 protein interferes with proper functioning of the excision repair pathway in repair proficient cells and is compatible with a model in which the mutated ERCC-1 protein competes with the wildtype polypeptide for a specific step in the repair process or for occupation of a site in a repair complex. Apparently, this effect is more pronounced for mitomycin C induced crosslink repair than for UV-induced DNA damage

    Efficient cDNA cloning by direct phenotypic correction of a mutant human cell line (HPRT-) using an Epstein-Barr virus derived cDNA expression vector.

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    Human cells are, in general, poor recipients of foreign DNA, which has severely hampered the cloning of genes by direct phenotypic correction of deficient human cell lines after DNA mediated gene transfer. In this communication a methodology is presented which largely circumvents this problems. The method relies on the use of a recently developed episomal Epstein-Barr-virus-derived cDNA expression vector (Belt et al. (1989) Gene 84, 407-417). The cloning of hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) cDNA, corresponding to a low abundant mRNA in wild type cells is used as a model system. Size fractionated poly (A)+ RNA from wild type cells, which resulted in an approximately 10 fold enrichment in HPRT mRNA, was used to construct a cDNA library of 25,000 independent clones in the pECV25 vector. An HPRT deficient human cell line was transfected and subsequently selected with hygromycin B for DNA uptake. In a small scale experiment only 7000 hygromycin BR transfectants were sufficient to isolate 2 independent HATR clones which were shown to replicate episomes harbouring HPRT cDNA. The first insert had a 5' untranslated region (UTR) and a 3' UTR perfectly in agreement with published data. The second cDNA clone harboured an unusually long 5' UTR and a shorter 3' UTR due to alternative polyadenylation of the HPRT transcript which has not been previously recognized

    A novel recombinant virus-like particle vaccine for prevention of porcine parvovirus-induced reproductive failure

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    A novel vaccine against porcine parvovirus (PPV), composed of recombinant virus-like particles (PPV-VLPs) produced with the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) at industrial scale, was tested for its immunogenicity and protective potency. A formulation of submicrogram amounts of PPV-VLPs in a water-in-mineral oil adjuvant evoked high serum antibody titres in both guinea pigs, used as reference model, and target species, pigs. A single immunisation with 0.7 ¿g of this antigen yielded complete foetal protection against PPV infection after challenge with a virulent strain of this virus. Furthermore, also in the presence of mild adjuvants the protective action of these PPV-VLPs is excellent. This recombinant subunit vaccine overcomes some of the drawbacks of classical PPV vaccine