9 research outputs found

    B-Mode and pulsed Doppler sonography of kidney in healthy sheep according to age

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    Abstract: There is no standardization in the literature of kidney length in sheep at different ages, as there are few studies about the access with the Doppler triplex ultrasound for the renal vascularization in this species. Eighty healthy sheep of three age groups of Ile de France and White Dorper breed were used: 20 lambs, 30 yearlings and 30 adults (8 rams and 22 ewes). Renal healthiness of the animals was confirmed by serum biochemical tests of urea and creatinine, and by observation of renal architecture with conventional ultrasound, besides measurement of vital parameters. A portable ultrasound (My LabTM30 Vet Gold Esaote®, Esaote Healthcare) device was used, with a convex transducer with 3.5MHz frequency. After identification of the kidneys in two-dimensional mode, the measurement of length in the sagittal section was performed in all sheep (n=80). Then color Doppler was activated for visualization of renal and interlobar arteries of the right kidney, and the resistivity index (RI) of the yearlings (n=30) and ewes (n=22) was measured. Biochemical tests remained within normal limits and renal architecture was preserved. The values of the right and left renal length were different between the groups, increasing with age (4.34cm and 4.31cm in lambs; 6.08cm and 6.23cm in yearlings; 7.57cm and 7.37cm in adults, respectively). Median values of RI of the renal artery were statistically different (p<0.05) between the groups of yearlings (0.57) and ewes (0.52). The median RI of the interlobar artery was similar in yearlings (0.58) and ewes (0.54)

    Sonography and sonoelastography in the detection of malignancy in superficial lymph nodes of dogs

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    Abstract Background The clinical applicability of sonography and sonoelastography (SOE) in the detection of lymph node malignancy in dogs has not been established. Objectives To compare sonographic and sonoelastographic findings between malignant and benign superficial lymph nodes and to evaluate the diagnostic performance of those methods. Animals One‐hundred sixteen lymph nodes of 54 dogs. Methods A prospective observational study was used to investigate sonographic features and elasticity scores of malignant and benign superficial lymph nodes. Lymph nodes were categorized as malignant or benign according to cytology or histopathology. Quantitative variables were compared using Student's unpaired t test. Prevalence of categorical variables was compared using nonparametric Mann‐Whitney U test. Diagnostic performance was calculated by receiver‐operating characteristic analysis. Results Forty‐nine malignant and 67 benign lymph nodes were included. Malignant nodes had larger long axis (LA; P = .0002), short axis (SA; P < .0001) and short‐to‐long axis ratio (P < .0001) in comparison with benign nodes. Malignant nodes had a higher prevalence of mixed vascular distribution on Doppler color flow mapping (P < .005) and on power Doppler (P < .0001) and higher resistivity index (RI; P < .0001), pulsatility index (P < .0001), and elasticity score (P < .0001) in comparison with benign nodes. Short axis, elasticity score, and RI offered the best accuracies, 80.2%, 78.1%, and 77.7% (P < .05), respectively, for malignancy detection. Conclusions and Clinical Importance Results support the use of Doppler sonography and SOE as auxiliary methods to brightness mode sonography to detect nodal malignancy

    Portal Vein Dopplerflowmetry in healthy sheep according to age

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    ABSTRACT: Pulsed Doppler ultrasound was used to evaluate portal blood flow, portal velocity and portal congestion index in 24 healthy sheep divided into groups (lambs, yearlings and ewes), according to age. Measurements were performed at the 11th right intercostal space using ideal insonation angle and uniform insonation method. Mean values obtained in each group were compared with one-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey post-hoc test. Portal velocity and portal blood flow were statistically similar between the groups (P>0.05). Mean portal velocity were 17.75; 17.13 and 16.75; while mean portal blood flow were 26.65; 31.04 and 24.32 for lambs, yearlings and ewes, respectively. Portal congestion index was statistically distinct between the groups and values for lambs, yearlings and ewes were 0.009; 0.058 and 0.09, respectively (P<0.01). Statistical differences were observed in portal vein diameter, portal vein area and portal congestion index between the groups, presumably due to influence of weight and not to age

    Alterações ultrassonográficas renais e vesicais de ovinos confinados e suplementados com cloreto de amônio

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    Resumo: A incidência da urolitíase obstrutiva em ovinos é elevada, principalmente em machos confinados, tanto para produção de carne, quanto reprodutores de alto valor genético. A acidificação urinária é um dos métodos para prevenção desta enfermidade e pode ser realizada de forma eficaz com a suplementação de cloreto de amônio (CA) na dieta. Utilizaram-se 100 ovinos, machos não castrados, mestiços (Ile de France X White Dorper), confinados, com idade aproximada de três meses. Constituíram-se três grupos experimentais: Grupo 21CA (n=40) que recebeu 400mg/kg/PV de cloreto de amônio/animal/dia, por 21 dias consecutivos; Grupo 42CA (n=40) que foi suplementado com 400mg/kg/PV de cloreto de amônio/animal/dia, por 42 dias consecutivos; Grupo controle (n=20), que não recebeu CA. A alimentação consistiu de ração total, composta por 15% de feno triturado e 85% de concentrado, água e sal mineral ad libitum. Após 14 dias de adaptação à alimentação e ao ambiente, os Momentos (M) de avaliação clínica, colheita de sangue e exame ultrassonográfico foram realizados com intervalo de sete dias, sendo M0 (imediatamente antes do início do tratamento com cloreto de amônio), M1 (sete dias após), M2 (14 dias após), M3 (21 dias após o início do tratamento e suspensão do cloreto de amônio em Grupo 21CA), M4 (28 dias após), M5 (35 dias após) e M6 (42 dias após), totalizando 56 dias de confinamento. As dosagens de ureia e creatinina não evidenciaram alteração na função renal, embora a ureia estivesse acima dos valores de referência para espécie ovina. Observaram-se imagens ultrassonográficas compatíveis com cálculos vesicais e dilatação de pelve renal. No Grupo 21CA, 15% (6/40) dos animais apresentaram cálculos vesicais; no Grupo 42CA, 5% (2/40); e no Grupo controle, 20% (4/20) dos cordeiros. Visibilizaram-se também imagens sugestivas de sedimentos e cristais em 31% (31/100) dos animais examinados. A ultrassonografia permitiu a visibilização de alterações renais e vesicais, porém não relacionados ao quadro clínico de urolitíase obstrutiva, revelando-se como um exame complementar de grande relevância para o diagnóstico precoce de alterações no sistema urinário de ovinos

    Citologia aspirativa no diagnóstico da linfadenite em ovinos

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    O presente estudo investigou o uso da cito-(73,0%), Arcanobacterium pyogenes (6,0%), Streptococlogia aspirativa com agulha fina no diagnóstico da lin-cus spp. β hemolítico (5,0%) e Escherichia coli (4,0%) fadenite em ovinos e a ocorrência de microrganismos foram os microrganismos mais frequentes nos animais nos linfonodos com lesões, com ênfase no isolamento de com linfadenite. Streptococcus spp. (21,0%) e Staphylo-Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Foram utilizados coccus spp. (7,0%) foram as bactérias isoladas com 100 linfonodos de ovinos com aumento de volume su-maior frequência nos linfonodos sem lesões colhidos em gestivos de linfadenite e 100 linfonodos de ovinos sem abatedouro. A punção aspirativa com agulha fina perlesões, colhidos em abatedouro. C. pseudotuberculosis mitiu identificar microrganismos "corineformes" em 79 (79,0%) animais com linfadenite e, destes, 73 (73,0%) foram identificados como C. pseudotuberculosis. Nenhuma linhagem de C. pseudotuberculosis foi isolada dos linfonodos dos animais sem lesões. Concluiu-se que C. pseudotuberculosis foi o microrganismo mais freqüente nos ovinos com linfadenite, e que a citologia aspirativa pode ser utilizada como método de triagem no diagnóstico da linfadenite caseosa ovin