321 research outputs found

    Science that Makes a Difference

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    Presented as part of the Open for Climate Justice: Lightning Talks event

    Evaluating the Relationship Between Meander-Bend Curvature, Sediment Supply, and Migration Rates

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    River meander migration plays a key role in the unsteady “conveyor belt” of sediment redistribution from source to sink areas. The ubiquity of river meandering is evident from remotely sensed imagery, which has allowed for long-term, high-resolution studies of river channel change and form-process relationships. Empirical, experimental, and theoretical research approaches have described two distinct relationships between channel curvature and river channel migration rates. In this study, we employ a novel application of time-series algorithms to calculate migration rates and channel curvature at sub-meander bend length scales using 6 decades of aerial imagery spanning 205 km of the Minnesota River and Root River, Minnesota, USA. Results from the Minnesota River provide the first empirical evidence demonstrating how migration-curvature relations break down for rivers with low sediment supply, which is supported by the Root River data set. This not only highlights the importance of sediment supply as a driver of river migration, but also supports a simple means to detect river reaches lacking sediment supply. Furthermore, results from both rivers demonstrate that sub-meander bend measurement scales are most appropriate for studying channel migration rates and further indicate that a quasi-linear relationship—rather than the more commonly inferred peaked relationship—exists between channel curvature and migration rates. The highest migration rates are associated with the highest measured channel curvatures in our data set, after accounting for a spatial lag of channel widths. These findings are consistent with flume experiments and empirical data across diverse geologic and climatic environments

    Revisiting scaling laws in river basins: New considerations across hillslope and fluvial regimes

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    Increasing availability of high‐resolution (1 m) topography data and enhanced computational processing power present new opportunities to study landscape organization at a detail not possible before. Here we propose the use of “directed distance from the divide” as the scale parameter (instead of Horton’s stream order or upstream contributing area) for performing detailed probabilistic analysis of landscapes over a broad range of scales. This scale parameter offers several advantages for applications in hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology in that it can be directly related to length‐scale dependent processes, it can be applied seamlessly across the hillslope and fluvial regimes, and it is a continuous parameter allowing accurate statistical characterization (higher‐order statistical moments) across scales. Application of this scaling formalism to three basins in California demonstrates the emergence of three distinct geomorphic regimes of divergent, highly convergent, and moderately convergent fluvial pathways, with notable differences in their scaling relationships and in the variability, or spatial heterogeneity, of topographic attributes in each regime. We show that topographic attributes, such as slopes and curvatures, conditional on directed distance from the divide exhibit less variability than those same attributes conditional on upstream contributing area, thus affording a sharper identification of regime transitions and increased accuracy in the scaling analysis

    Closing the Gap Between Watershed Modeling, Sediment Budgeting, and Stream Restoration

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    The connection between stream restoration and sediment budgeting runs both ways: stream restoration is proposed as a means to reduce sediment yields, but an accurate understanding of sediment supply is necessary to design an effective project. Recent advances in monitoring technology, geochemical techniques, high-resolution topography data, and numerical modeling provide new opportunities to estimate sediment erosion, transport, and deposition rates; upscale them in a geomorphically relevant fashion; and synthesize sediment dynamics at watershed scales. For practical application at large scale, watershed models used to predict yield often do not resolve lower-order channels, leaving an essential “blind spot” regarding sediment processes. We illustrate the challenges and emerging approaches for estimating sediment budgets using examples from two very different physiographic settings: the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont and the agricultural plains of southern Minnesota. We highlight common challenges and themes in defining an effective watershed sediment model. In both cases, reliable estimates of sediment yield depend essentially on the accurate identification of sediment sources and sinks and, hence, require careful delineation of landscape units and identification of dominant sediment sources and sinks. The primary elements needed to bridge the gap between sediment budgeting, watershed modeling, and stream restoration are (1) specificity regarding location, mechanism, and rates of erosion, (2) accurate accounting of sediment storage, (3) appropriate methods for upscaling local observations, (4) efficient means for incorporating multiple lines of evidence to constrain budget estimates, and (5) stream restoration methods that incorporate sediment supply in assessment and design procedures

    Sediment source fingerprinting as an aid to large-scale landscape conservation and restoration: A review for the Mississippi River Basin

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    Reliable quantitative information on sediment sources to rivers is critical to mitigate contamination and target conservation and restoration actions. However, for large-scale river basins, determination of the relative importance of sediment sources is complicated by spatiotemporal variability in erosional processes and sediment sources, heterogeneity in sediment transport and deposition, and a paucity of sediment monitoring data. Sediment source fingerprinting is an increasingly adopted field-based technique that identifies the nature and relative source contribution of sediment transported in waterways. Notably, sediment source fingerprinting provides information that is independent of other field, modeling, or remotely sensed techniques. However, the diversity in sampling, analytical, and interpretive methods for sediment fingerprinting has been recognized as a problem in terms of developing standardized procedures for its application at the scale of large river basins. Accordingly, this review focuses on sediment source fingerprinting studies conducted within the Mississippi River Basin (MRB), summarizes unique information provided by sediment source fingerprinting that is distinct from traditional monitoring techniques, evaluates consistency and reliability of methodological approaches among MRB studies, and provides prospects for the use of sediment source fingerprinting as an aid to large-scale landscape conservation and restoration under current management frameworks. Most MRB studies reported credible fingerprinting results and found near-channel sources to be the dominant sediment sources in most cases, and yet a lack of standardization in procedural steps makes results difficult to compare. Findings from MRB studies demonstrated that sediment source fingerprinting is a highly valuable and reliable sediment source assessment approach to assist land and water resource management under current management frameworks, but efforts are needed to make this technique applicable in large-scale landscape conservation and restoration efforts. We summarize research needs and discuss sediment fingerprinting use for basin-scale management efforts with the aim of encouraging that this technique is robust and reliable as it moves forward

    Calibration Parameter Selection and Watershed Hydrology Model Evaluation in Time and Frequency Domains

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    Watershed scale models simulating hydrological and water quality processes have advanced rapidly in sophistication, process representation, flexibility in model structure, and input data. With calibration being an inevitable step prior to any model application, there is need for a simple procedure to assess whether or not a parameter should be adjusted for calibration. We provide a rationale for a hierarchical selection of parameters to adjust during calibration and recommend that modelers progress from parameters that are most uncertain to parameters that are least uncertain, namely starting with pure calibration parameters, followed by derived parameters, and finally measured parameters. We show that different information contained in time and frequency domains can provide useful insight regarding the selection of parameters to adjust in calibration. For example, wavelet coherence analysis shows time periods and scales where a particular parameter is sensitive. The second component of the paper discusses model performance evaluation measures. Given the importance of these models to support decision-making for a wide range of environmental issues, the hydrology community is compelled to improve the metrics used to evaluate model performance. More targeted and comprehensive metrics will facilitate better and more efficient calibration and will help demonstrate that the model is useful for the intended purpose. Here, we introduce a suite of new tools for model evaluation, packaged as an open-source Hydrologic Model Evaluation (HydroME) Toolbox. We apply these tools in the calibration and evaluation of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models of two watersheds, the Le Sueur River Basin (2880 km2) and Root River Basin (4300 km2) in southern Minnesota, USA

    Sediment Dynamics in the Bear River-Mud Lake-Bear Lake System

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    The overarching goal of this project was to compile and analyze a variety of existing datasets, and generate several new datasets, to advance our understanding of how the Bear River Mud Lake-Bear Lake system functions, how it has, or is expected to change, identify which components are degraded or vulnerable to degradation, and determine if/where critical data and/or knowledge gaps exist. We conducted a series of analyses to evaluate changes in hydrology and suspended sediment, collected sediment cores from nine locations in Mud Lake to evaluate how sedimentation rates, sediment sources and water quality have changed over time, and utilized historical air photos and satellite imagery to document changes in Bear Lake’s shoreline. Hydrologic analyses indicate that low, median and high flows have not changed systematically at the Inlet Canal in terms of their long-term averages, since the 1940s. However, all three flow metrics have increased in terms of variability and have experienced longer duration wet and dry periods over the past three decades. We note a paucity of long-term hydrologic datasets for the Bear River-Dingle Marsh-Bear Lake system and additional monitoring would greatly help ensure that we are able to monitor trends throughout the system more carefully. We compiled suspended sediment data from all available sources and concluded, similar to previous studies, that Mud Lake appears to serve as a sediment sink for sediment, but the sediment trapping efficiency appears to vary considerably within and among years. Similar to the flow data, we note an unfortunate paucity of suspended sediment data and strongly recommend more rigorous and continuous monitoring of sediment in all parts of the Bear River-Mud Lake-Bear Lake system. Existing data and monitoring programs are insufficient to identify trends over time. The nine sediment cores extracted from Mud Lake provide a longer-term perspective on sediment dynamics. Results demonstrate that Mud Lake has historically and continues to serve as a net sediment sink. Two of the six dated cores document continuous deposition over the past 120 years, while the other four cores show truncated profiles in the 1950s. Visual inspection of the cores, as well as analysis of organic, calcium carbonate and mineral fractions occurring in the cores demonstrate highly variable history of sediment sources and water quality conditions in Mud Lake. Analysis of diatom algae species provides more detailed information regarding water quality conditions, indicating that Mud Lake has changed from a planktonic glacial lake, to a cold water, low nutrient environment and has existed as a mesotrophic environment with moderate water quality over the past century. Given the detailed information that diatoms can provide regarding historical water quality, we suggest that a similar diatom study examining the past 150 years in Bear Lake’s history could be worthwhile. Elemental analysis of Mud Lake sediments indicate two significant shifts in sediment sources, one coincident with diversion of Bear River into Mud Lake approximately 100 years ago, and a recent shift, within the past 10 years as silver, mercury and rare earth elements have increased considerably. Analysis of Bear Lake’s shoreline from historical imagery shows considerable amount of deposition has occurred in most areas around the lake in the past several decades. The shoreline at low water levels has moved lakeward by 30 to 50 meters (100 to 160 feet) in several locations and as much as 500 m (1600 feet) in the northwest corner of the lake, near St. Charles Creek. Notably, the only location where we document shoreline erosion (i.e., the shoreline moving landward for a given water elevation) is along the eastern edge of the lake, near Porcupine Hollow, Peterson Hollow and Bear Lake State Park. Further, we document that approximately 10% of the beach area in the northwest corner of the lake near St. Charles Creek has transitioned to vegetation cover between 2003 and 2016

    High Resolution Monitoring of River Bluff Erosion Reveals Failure Mechanisms and Geomorphically Effective Flows

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    Using a combination of Structure from Motion and time lapse photogrammetry, we document rapid river bluff erosion occurring in the Greater Blue Earth River (GBER) basin, a muddy tributary to the sediment-impaired Minnesota River in south central Minnesota. Our datasets elucidated dominant bluff failure mechanisms and rates of bluff retreat in a transient system responding to ongoing streamflow increases and glacial legacy impacts. Specifically, we document the importance of fluvial scour, freeze–thaw, as well as other drivers of bluff erosion. We find that even small flows, a mere 30% of the two-year recurrence interval flow, are capable of causing bluff erosion. During our study period (2014–2017), the most erosion was associated with two large flood events with 13- and 25-year return periods. However, based on the frequency of floods and magnitude of bluff face erosion associated with floods over the last 78 years, the 1.2-year return interval flood has likely accomplished the most cumulative erosion, and is thus more geomorphically effective than larger magnitude floods. Flows in the GBER basin are nonstationary, increasing across the full range of return intervals. We find that management implications differ considerably depending on whether the bluff erosion-runoff power law exponent, γ, is greater than, equal to, or less than 1. Previous research has recommended installation of water retention sites in tributaries to the Minnesota River in order to reduce flows and sediment loading from river bluffs. Our findings support the notion that water retention would be an effective practice to reduce sediment loading and highlight the importance of managing for both runoff frequency and magnitude

    Simulated Dynamics of Mixed Versus Uniform Grain Size Sediment Pulses in a Gravel-Bedded River

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    Mountain rivers often receive sediment in the form of episodic, discrete pulses from a variety of natural and anthropogenic processes. Once emplaced in the river, the movement of this sediment depends on flow, grain size distribution, and channel and network geometry. Here, we simulate downstream bed elevation changes that result from discrete inputs of sediment (10,000 m3), differing in volume and grain size distribution, under medium and high flow conditions. We specifically focus on comparing bed responses between mixed and uniform grain size sediment pulses. This work builds on a Lagrangian, bed-material sediment transport model and applies it to a 27 km reach of the mainstem Nisqually River, Washington, USA. We compare observed bed elevation change and accumulation rates in a downstream lake to simulation results. Then we investigate the magnitude, timing, and persistence of downstream changes due to the introduction of synthetic sediment pulses by comparing the results against a baseline condition (without pulse). Our findings suggest that bed response is primarily influenced by the sediment-pulse grain size and distribution. Intermediate mixed-size pulses (~50% of the median bed gravel size) are likely to have the largest downstream impact because finer sizes translate quickly and coarser sizes (median bed gravel size and larger) disperse slowly. Furthermore, a mixed-size pulse, with a smaller median grain size than the bed, increases bed mobility more than a uniform-size pulse. This work has important implications for river management, as it allows us to better understand fluvial geomorphic responses to variations in sediment supply

    Reducing High Flows and Sediment Loading Through Increased Water Storage in an Agricultural Watershed of the Upper Midwest, USA

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    Climate change, land clearing, and artificial drainage have increased the Minnesota River Basin’s (MRB) stream flows, enhancing erosion of channel banks and bluffs. Accelerated erosion has increased sediment loads and sedimentation rates downstream. High flows could be reduced through increased water storage (e.g., wetlands or detention basins), but quantifying the effectiveness of such a strategy remains a challenge. We used the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to simulate changes in river discharge from various water retention site (WRS) implementation scenarios in the Le Sueur watershed, a tributary basin to the MRB. We also show how high flow attenuation can address turbidity issues by quantifying the impact on near-channel sediment loading in the watershed’s incised reaches. WRS placement in the watershed, hydraulic conductivity (K), and design depth were varied across 135 simulations. The dominant control on site performance is K, with greater flow reductions allowed by higher seepage rates and less frequent overflowing. Deeper design depths enhance flow reductions from sites with low K values. Differences between WRS placement scenarios are slight, suggesting that site placement is not a first-order control on overall performance in this watershed. Flow reductions exhibit power-law scaling with exceedance probability, enabling us to create generalized relationships between WRS extent and flow reductions that accurately reproduce our SWAT results and allow for more rapid evaluation of future scenarios. Overall, we show that increasing water storage within the Le Sueur watershed can be an effective management option for high flow and sediment load reduction
