245 research outputs found

    Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of glucosinolates in cruciferous plants during their life cycles

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    Glucosinolates produced by Brassica species were investigated in relation to biofumigation, a term used to describe the effects some allelochemicals, including glucosinolate derived products, may have on soil-borne pathogens or other herbivores. Four Brassica species of the U-triangle, namely B. nigra (L.) Koch, B. carinata Braun, B. juncea (L.) Czern. and B. rapa L. were compared with respect to their qualitative and quantitative glucosinolate profiles in roots, stems, leaves and reproductive organs. Plants were monitored at four different development stages and the total glucosinolate content as well as their dry matter production as an indication of their potential biomass under field conditions were determined. Glucosinolate levels of up to 120 ĂŹmol g -1 DM were found in B. nigra and B. juncea, while B. rapa did not show values over 25 ĂŹmol g-1 DM at any stage of the investigated plant life cycles. In the three species at the top of U-triangle, reproductive tissues showed the highest glucosinolate concentration when compared to the rest of the plant parts, while in B. rapa, the roots were the organs with the highest glucosinolate concentration. The glucosinolate profile of the different plant parts of the species studied changed during the growth cycle, showing that the trade-off between glucosinolate profile and biomass production should be optimized in order to maximize the biofumigation effect of a crop. However, further information on other allelochemicals and on the different types of glucosinolate derived products resulting from autolysis or myrosinase catalyzed hydrolysis of glucosinolates at different reaction conditions is needed for the appropriate description of the potential biofumigation effects of different crops

    Micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography—Synchronous monitoring of substrate and products in the myrosinase catalysed hydrolysis of glucosinolates

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    A micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC) method has been developed for monitoring the myrosinase catalysed hydrolysis of 2-hydroxy substituted glucosinolates and the simultaneous formation of the corresponding degradation products (oxazolidine-2-thiones (OZTs) and nitriles). Glucosibarin ((2R)-2-hydroxy-2-phenylethylglucosinolate) was chosen as the model glucosinolate owing to the difficulties in determining hydrolysis rates of this type of substrates in traditional UV-assays. The method was afterwards validated with glucobarbarin ((2S)-2-hydroxy-2-phenylethylglucosinolate) and progoitrin ((2R)-2-hydroxybut-3-enylglucosinolate). Aromatic glucosinolates without a 2-hydroxy group in their side chains, such as glucotropaeolin (benzylglucosinolate) and gluconasturtiin (phenethylglucosinolate) were also tested. Formation of the glucosinolate hydrolysis products was monitored simultaneously at 206 nm and 230 nm. This allowed estimation of the extinction coefficient of the OZT derived from glucosibarin, which was found to be 18,000M−1 cm−1 and 12,000M−1 cm−1 at 206 nm and 230 nm, respectively. The developed method has limit of detection of 0.04mM and 0.06mM and limit of quantification of 0.2mM and 0.3mM for the glucosibarin derived OZT and nitrile, respectively. Linearity of the glucosinolate concentration was examined at six concentration levels from 2.5mMto 100mMand at 206 nm a straight line (R2 = 0.9996) was obtained. The number of theoretical plates (N) at the optimal system conditions was 245,000 for the intact glucosibarin, 264,000 for the OZT and 252,000 for the nitrile

    Effect of ascorbic acid and glutathione on the production of nitriles by myrosinase

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    Biofumigation is based on the use of glucosinolate-containing plants for the control of soil-borne pest and diseases. Upon tissue damage, glucosinolates are hydrolyzed by endogenous enzymes (myrosinase) and a range of biologically active compounds are formed. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) are the quantitatively dominating products formed at neutral pH. Most of these compounds are volatile and only sparingly soluble in aqueous systems, and depending on the R-group structure and the presence of nucleophiles, further transformation of ITCs occurs. At lower pH and in the presence of certain molecules able to deliver two redox equivalents, the proportion of nitriles increases at the expense of ITC. The effect of ascorbic acid and glutathione on the production of nitriles at pH 5 was investigated by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC). The presence of 0.25 Âľmol ascorbic acid increased the production of nitriles although at higher concentrations the proportion of nitriles decreased. Increasing amounts of GSH favored the production of nitriles (40% of the total degradation products were nitriles in the presence of 2 Âľmol GSH). The oxidation of GSH gives the redox equivalents needed for the liberation of the sulfur from the unstable intermediate of the glucosinolate hydrolysis leading to the formation of the nitrile

    Influence of pH and type of myrosinase complex on the products obtained in the myrosinase catalysed hydrolysis of glucosinolates – a MECC study

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    Environmental conditions, e.g. pH and the presence of Fe2+ are well known factors that influence the product profile of the myrosinase catalysed hydrolysis of glucosinolates. Depending on the plant genera, the species and tissue of origin myrosinase isoenzymes (thioglucohydrolase EC have different characteristics in terms of MW, subunit composition and pI. However, the influence of these parameters on the outcome of glucosinolate hydrolysis has not been traditionally studied, which hinders the full exploitation of the catalytic potential of these enzymes. In the present experiments the effect of myrosinase type on the products obtained in the hydrolysis of glucosibarin was studied by MECC using two B. carinata myrosinase preparations differing on their affinity to the Con A material, Con A 1 (first eluting fractions) and Con A 2 (last eluting fractions). At pH 3 Con A 1 isoenzymes were more active than Con A 2 isoenzymes. At pH 5 and 6.5 Con A 1 isoenzymes produced oxazolidine-2-thione to a higher extent than Con A 2 isoenzymes. The production of nitriles by Con A 1 isoenzymes was not influenced by pH and at pH 5 and 6.5 the amount of nitrile produced by Con A 1 isoenzymes was lower than that produced by Con A 2 isoenzymes. Formation of nitriles requires the presence of two redox equivalents which leads to the release of the sulphur atom from the aglucone. Isothiocyanates and nitriles differ in their bioactivity towards different targets; therefore the possibility for directing the glucosinolate hydrolysis towards the desired compound in a particular situation is of great relevance

    Glucosinolate types and concentrations in seedlings of different Brassica species used for food

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    Brassicaceous food crops contain in their tissues different quantities of the glucoside allelochemicals known as glucosinolates (Bellostas et al., 2004; Sørensen, 1990). These compounds are alkyl-N-hydroximine sulphate esters with a β-D-thioglucopyranoside group attached to the hydroximine carbon in Z-configuration relative to the sulphate group (Ettlinger and KjÌr, 1968; KjÌr, 1960). Glucosinolates are biosynthetically derived from amino acids (Hill et al., 2003) and they occur in all plants of the order Capparales and in some other plants (Bjerg and Sørensen, 1987; KjÌr, 1960; Rodman, 1978). These compounds co-occur with myrosinase isoenzymes (Thioglucosidase; EC, which catalyze the hydrolysis of the β-D-thioglucopyranoside bond releasing an aglucone that forms a variety of biologically active products with structures defined by the type of glucosinolate and the reaction conditions (Bjergegaard et al., 1994; Buskov et al., 2000a; Buskov et al., 2000b; Buskov et al., 2000c; Palmieri et al., 1998). These breakdown products are chemically very reactive and they have for a long time been related to the pungent odour and flavour typical for Brassicaceous plants. These compounds show a various range of biological activities that goes from antinutritional (Bjerg et al., 1989; Hansen et al., 1997), to fungicidal, nematicidal and bactericidal (Brown and Morra, 1997; Buskov et al., 2002; Kirkegaard and Sarwar, 1998). In the last years, interest in their anticarcinogenic properties has increased and research has mainly focused on the effect of the isothiocyanates present in sprouts of certain Brassica food crops, especially broccoli (Zhang et al., 1992; Zhang, 2004). These isothiocyanates have been related to the increase in the activity of the Phase 2 enzymes, which is related to detoxification of xenobiotica and protection against cancer (Bonnesen et al., 1999). They have also been related to an increased antioxidative metabolism by induction of the scavenging of oxygen radicals, which may contribute to a decreased risk of coronary diseases (Wu et al., 2004). Given the biological effects of Brassica crops used for food, it was considered of interest to investigate the glucosinolate profile during early development of the Brassica plant in order to be able to determine the stages at which the desired biologically active compounds are present. It would also allow determining the presence of other potentially active compounds as well as to allow better understanding the metabolic changes occurring during germination and early growth. Five B. oleracea used for food (white cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and savoy cabbage) and two B. napus (a low and a high-glucosinolate rapeseeds) were used in the present experiments. The content of glucosinolates in seeds, seedlings and the individual parts of grown plants was followed from germination to one-month growth. Samples were taken at one, two, three, four, seven, 14, 21 and 28 days and plants were separated into cotyledons, leaves, epicotyle and roots. Glucosinolates were isolated and their concentration determined by HPLC following standard procedures developed at our laboratory

    Glucosinolate hydrolysis products for weed control

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    Glucosinolates are allelochemicals present in all Brassica plants. Upon hydrolysis by endogenous enzymes they produce a series of biologically active compounds, such as isothiocyanates and their deriva-tives among others. These compounds have marked fungicidal, nematocidal and herbicidal effects and therefore their use as biodegradable natural products for crop protection has attracted much attention in the last years. A number of these compounds, either individually or in combination, were tested against Sinapis alba and Lollium perenne in Petri dishes bio-assays. C50 values as low as 0.7 and 0.2 mM were obtained. This may open the possibility for using glucosinolate hydrolysis products as herbicides

    Glucosinolate hydrolysis compounds for weed control

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    Glucosinolates are allelochemicals present in all Brassica plants. Upon hydrolysis by endogenous enzymes they produce a series of biologically active compounds, such as isothiocyanates and their deriva-tives among others. These compounds have marked fungicidal, nematocidal and herbicidal effects and therefore their use as biodegradable natural products for crop protection has attracted much attention in the last years. A number of these compounds, either individually or in combination, were tested against Sinapis alba and Lollium perenne in Petri dishes bio-assays. C50 values as low as 0.7 and 0.2 mM were obtained. This may open the possibility for using glucosinolate hydrolysis products as herbicides

    In vitro screening of the effect of three glucosinolate derived nitriles on soil-borne fungi

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    Glucosinolates are allelochemicals present in all plants of the order Capparales that are hydrolysed by endogenous enzymes (myrosinases) forming a variety of compounds with biological activity. ‘Biofumigation’ is the term used to describe the effect of these compounds on soil-borne pathogens and it has normally been attributed to isothiocyanates. At acidic pH and in the presence of redox co-factors such as glutathione, glucosinolate hydrolysis yields also nitriles, which are more hydrophilic and stable than isothiocyanates. Three nitriles (allyl-, benzyl- and phenethyl cyanide) were tested against soil borne fungi of economic importance: Aphanomyces euteiches var. pisi, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and Verticillium dahliae. The nitriles were initially tested at 1 mM and four additional concentrations were further tested in order to determine LD50. At 1 mM, allyl cyanide showed in all cases less than 10% inhibition and it did not inhibit fungi growth at higher concentrations. LD50 of benzyl cyanide was 2.5 mM for Verticillium and Aphanomyces, whereas it was as low as 0.5 mM for Gaeumannomyces. LD50 of phenyl ethyl cyanide was 2.5 mM for Verticillium, 1.4 mM Gaeumannomyces and 1.25 mM Aphanomyces. Although nitriles are generally less toxic than ITCs, their role in biofumigation should not be disregarded

    Nutritional value of cruciferous oilseed crops in relation to profile of accumulated biomolecules with especial regard to glucosinolates transformation products

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    Cruciferous oilseed crops accumulate relatively high concentrations of nutritional high quality oil and proteins in their seeds. In addition to these major seed components, their co-occurrence with high concentrations of dietary fibre (DF) and various bioactive components as glucosinolates/glucosinolate products is decisive for the nutritional value of the seed meal or products obtained from it. Depending on structural types and concentration of glucosinolates and glucosinolate derived products, these compounds can be either health beneficial or act as antinutrients. The effects of these components depend, however, strongly on the type of animal and development of the animals fed with the diets based on these compounds. Results from studies based on differently treated and processed seeds and from use of individual isolated seed components included in standard diets are evaluated and treated in relation to literature data as a basis for recommendations of acceptable concentrations of glucosinolates/glucosinolate products in animal diets. A discussion on the relation between these recommendations of acceptable concentrations in feed to different animals and those reported as necessary for plant pathogen control (biofumigation) and health beneficial effects (chemoprotection) is also included

    Processing-bioprocessing of oilseed rape in bioenergy production and value added utilization of remaining seed components

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    Cruciferous oilseed crops accumulate relatively high concentrations of oil, proteins and dietary fibres (DF) in their seeds, in addition to bioactive components as glucosinolates and myrosinase isoenzymes (thioglucohydrolase; EC When mixed in the presence of moisture, myrosinase isoenzymes and associated components transform glucosinolates into various types of products, which reduces the value of the extracted oil and the remaining seed components, as well as producing unwanted environmental effects due to smell and toxicity. This gives a need for special care concerning myrosinase inactivation as the initial step during processing of oilseed rape, including technologies applied for biodiesel/bioenergy production. The myrosinase inactivation is thus a critical processing step, which needs to be performed at conditions with limited negative effects on other seed components, including proteins and glucosinolates. New bioprocessing technologies are now developed at levels that allow technology transfer from laboratory scale through pilot plant to industrial scale. The extraction of glucosinolates from the seed components remaining after oil separation-pressing and/or extraction is technically possible and has proven successful with the use of bioprocessing technologies. This is also the case concerning isolation of active myrosinases. The possibilities therefore exist for extraction and formulation of glucosinolates as “natural product derived” food and plant protection agents. With the great amounts of partly de-oiled rapeseed meal resulting from bioenergy/biodiesel production, the new bioprocessing technologies call thus for attention in relation to environmental friendly production of food (vegetable oil, protein and DF products), feed and other non food products
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