69 research outputs found

    Fostering the Implementation of Nature Conservation Measures in Agricultural Landscapes: The NatApp

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    Large-scale, high-input, and intensified agriculture poses threats to sustainable agroecosystems and their inherent biodiversity. The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) covers a great number of nature conservation programs (Agri-Environment and Climate Measures, AECM) aiming to encourage sustainable agriculture. Currently, farmers are not encouraged to broadly implement these measures due to the lack of structured information, overly complicated and unclear application procedures, and a high risk of sanctions. In addition, the current structures are associated with time-consuming monitoring and control procedures for the paying agencies. Digital technologies can offer valuable assistance to circumvent relevant barriers and limitations and support a broader uptake of AECM. NatApp is a digital tool that supports and guides farmers through the complete process of choosing, applying, implementing, and documenting AECM on their fields in accordance with legal requirements in Germany. We introduce the concept of NatApp and analyze how it can simplify and encourage the uptake and implementation of AECM. This study identifies its unique features for the provision of information and documentation opportunities compared with other digital farming tools focused on sustainable agriculture and outline how it can support farmers to actively contribute to more sustainable agriculture.“Cross-federal state implementation study on the use of the nature conservation app (NatApp) in agricultural and administrative practice-NatApp 2.0”Peer Reviewe

    Potenziale des Sojabohnenanbaus in Nord-Ostdeutschland: Einfluss von Beregnung und Sojasorte auf Ertrag, N2-Fixierung und Vorfruchtwirkung

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    Sojabohnen sind in weiten Teilen Europas eine Körnerleguminose mit großem ökonomischen Potential. Sojabohnen erzielen unter warmen und ausreichend feuchten Bedingungen relativ hohe ErtrĂ€ge und sind so eine interessante Alternative zu anderen Körnerleguminosen. Unter weniger optimalen Bedingungen, wie sie mit geringen NiederschlĂ€gen und sandigen Böden in weiten Teilen Nord-Ostdeutschlands vorliegen, wurden bisher nur unzureichende Untersuchungen zum Potenzial der Sojabohnen durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Ziele dieser Studie sind daher, (i) standortangepasste Sojasorten zu identifizieren, (ii) den Einfluss von Beregnung auf Ertrag und N2-Fixierung von Sojabohnen zu quantifizieren, (iii) einen Ertragsvergleich zwischen Soja und Blauer SĂŒĂŸlupine durchzufĂŒhren und (iv) den Vorfruchtwert von Soja im Vergleich zur Blauen Lupine und Buchweizen zu untersuchen

    Wie tief und intensiv wurzeln Sojabohnen unter kontinental geprÀgten Bedingungen Zentraleuropas?

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    Mit Hilfe der Profilwandmethode wird die WurzellÀngendichte von Sojabohnen an zwei verschiedenen Standorten in Ostdeutschland untersucht

    Statistical Analysis versus the M5P Machine Learning Algorithm to Analyze the Yield of Winter Wheat in a Long-Term Fertilizer Experiment

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    To compare how different analytical methods explain crop yields from a long-term field experiment (LTFE), we analyzed the grain yield of winter wheat (WW) under different fertilizer applications in MĂŒncheberg, Germany. An analysis of variance (ANOVA), linear mixed-effects model (LMM), and MP5 regression tree model were used to evaluate the grain yield response. All the methods identified fertilizer application and environmental factors as the main variables that explained 80% of the variance in grain yields. Mineral nitrogen fertilizer (NF) application was the major factor that influenced the grain yield in all methods. Farmyard manure slightly influenced the grain yield with no NF application in the ANOVA and M5P regression tree. While sources of environmental factors were unmeasured in the ANOVA test, they were quantified in detail in the LMM and M5P model. The LMM and M5P model identified the cumulative number of freezing days in December as the main climate-based determinant of the grain yield variation. Additionally, the temperature in October, the cumulative number of freezing days in February, the yield of the preceding crop, and the total nitrogen in the soil were determinants of the grain yield in both models. Apart from the common determinants that appeared in both models, the LMM additionally showed precipitation in June and the cumulative number of days in July with temperatures above 30 °C, while the M5P model showed soil organic carbon as an influencing factor of the grain yield. The ANOVA results provide only the main factors affecting the WW yield. The LMM had a better predictive performance compared to the M5P, with smaller root mean square and mean absolute errors. However, they were richer regressors than the ANOVA. The M5P model presented an intuitive visualization of important variables and their critical thresholds, and revealed other variables that were not captured by the LMM model. Hence, the use of different methods can strengthen the statement of the analysis, and thus, the co-use of the LMM and M5P model should be considered, especially in large databases involving multiple variables.Peer Reviewe

    Plant growth response of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) to biochar amendment of loamy sand soil under irrigated and drought conditions

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    The broad bean (Vicia faba L.) originated in the Near East, and is cultivated around the world, however, its cultivation is affected by drought stress in several central growing regions of the globe. The present study was designed to determine the effect of biochar on bean plant growth, acquisition of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) and on soil nutrient contents under drought and irrigated conditions. Pyrolysis char from maize (MBC) at 2 and 4% concentrations was used for pot experiments. The shoot and/or root biomass of bean grown in soil amended with 2 and 4% MBC under irrigated condition was increased. Furthermore, increased nodule numbers of bean grown at 4% MBC amendment was observed under both irrigated and drought conditions. P and K uptake of plants under drought conditions increased by 14% and 23% under 2% MBC amendment, and by 23% and 34% under 4% MBC amendment as compared to plants grown without biochar application, respectively. This study demonstrated beneficial effects of biochar produced from maize on growth and nutrient uptake of broad bean, by improving the nodule formation and soil nutritional contents in a sandy loam soil.Peer Reviewe

    Ridge Cultivation for the Adaption of Fodder Maize (Zea mays L.) to Suboptimal Conditions of Low Mountain Ranges in Organic Farming in Central Europe

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    Fodder maize cultivation under low mountain conditions in Central Europe presents obstacles for organic dairy farmers; low temperatures and high precipitation values in spring delay the juvenile development of maize, which leads to lower and fluctuating yields. Increasing the soil temperature during the critical growth phase of maize in spring is beneficial for maize cultivation. For this reason, 0.15 m high ridge-row cultivation (RCM) of maize was compared to a typical flat surface cultivation method (FCM) with 0.75 m row spacing in three environments (En) in 2017, 2018 and 2020 on-farm at low mountain sites in Germany. In the experiment, with randomised block design and one-factorial arrangement, soil temperature (ST) at 0.05 m soil depth at midday, field emergence (FE) 4, 8, 16 and 20 days after sowing (DAS), dry matter yields (DM) in every En and plant development and N, P, K content in En 2020 were investigated. RCM led to a significantly higher ST 4 DAS in every En, 12 and 20 days in 2018 and 8 and 16 DAS in 2020. RCM did not accelerate maize FE but positively impacted plant development and starch content. RCM generated a higher dry matter (DM) yield of whole maize plants and corn cobs, and a higher protein yield than FCM. RCM slightly increased the plant-available P and Mg content from 0 to 0.3 m and influenced significantly the mineral N content from 0 to 0.3 m at the beginning of grain development. RCM, a simple cultivation technique, demonstrated benefits for maize cultivation, particularly for climatically marginal locations in Germany

    The Distribution and Migration of 137Cs in Oak (Quercus serrata) and Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) Forest Organic Fractions

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    To analyse the 137Cs distribution and migration under various fractions of organic matter layers, this study investigated easily recognizable, originally shaped organic L-fractions, and not easily recognizable, early fermented and fragmented organic F-fractions, of both oak (Quercus serrata) and cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) sampled from Osawa watershed sites at Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The organic materials were put on top of soil columns from Field Museum (FM) Tamakyuryo in Hachioji City, Tokyo. The 137Cs vertical distribution in forest soil profiles was analyzed using the relaxation mass depth, ho (kg m−2). Soil columns with both L and F- organic layer fractions of both oak and cedar, labelled as Oak-L, Oak-F, Cedar-L and Cedar-F with four replications (n = 16), were set up by the laboratory column-based method and kept under five months’ incubation period. Soil columns after incubation were sampled at depths of 0–1 cm, 1–2 cm, 2–5 cm and 5–10 cm. Results of 137Cs inventory in the organic fractions showed that 86% (oak and cedar) of the total organic layer fractions 137Cs inventory accumulated within the F-layer, indicating that the transformation of litter is a huge source for potentially mobile 137Cs, especially the oak F-layer (67% 137Cs inventory) and further continuous transfer into the forest soil mineral layers. A higher ho in L treated soils (Oak-L and Cedar-L) compared to the F treatments implied that the low 137Cs amounts penetrated faster and deeper due to their water-soluble nature. Furthermore, Cedar-F showed a higher ho of 24.3 kg m−2 than Oak-F of ho, 14.0 kg m−2, and a significant positive relationship between 137Cs retention and total carbon (TC) (p < 0.05) suggested the influence of soil organic matter on 137Cs penetration and retention. The C/N (carbon nitrogen ratio) results revealed that organic matter fractions of high C/N including 137Cs, as observed in Cedar-F, in which decomposition does not advance, penetrates soil depths while the organic matter fraction of low C/N, observed in Oak-F, showed that decomposition advanced to release 137Cs which was held by adsorption unto the RIP (radiocesium interception potential) of soil surface. In addition, infiltration by water as a transportation process was suggested to largely influence the downward migration and retention of 137Cs at lower depths of Cedar-F.Japan Society for the Promotion of SciencePeer Reviewe

    Biochar Additions Alter the Abundance of P-Cycling-Related Bacteria in the Rhizosphere Soil of Portulaca oleracea L. under Salt Stress

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    Numerous reports confirm a positive impact of biochar amendments on soil enzyme activities, nutrient cycles, and, finally, plant growth and development. However, reports explaining the process behind such diverse observations are scarce. The aim of the present study was (1) to evaluate the effect of biochar on the growth of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) and nutrients; (2) to determine the response of rhizosphere enzyme activities linked to soil phosphorus cycling after bio-char amendment under non–saline and saline soil conditions. Furthermore, we investigate whether adding biochar to soil alters the abundance of P-cycling-related bacteria. Two rates of biochar (2% and 4%) were applied in pot experiments. Biochar addition of 2% significantly increased plant growth under non-saline and saline soil conditions by 21% and 40%, respectively. Moreover, applying biochar increased soil microbial activity as observed by fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolase activity, as well as phosphomonoesterase activities, and the numbers of colony-forming units (CFU) of P-mobilizing bacteria. Soil amended with 2% biochar concentration increased total soil nitrogen (Nt), phosphorus (P), and total carbon (Ct) concentrations by 18%, 15%, and 90% under non-saline soil conditions and by 29%, 16%, and 90% in saline soil compared the control, respectively. The soil FDA hydrolytic activity and phosphatase strongly correlate with soil Ct, Nt, and P contents. The rhizosphere soil collected after biochar amendment showed a higher abundance of tricalcium phosphate-solubilizing bacteria than the control soil without biochar. Overall, this study demonstrated that 2% maize-derived biochar positively affects halophyte plant growth and thus could be considered for potential use in the reclamation of degraded saline soil.Georg Forster Research FellowshipAlexander von Humboldt Foundatio

    Interactive Effects of Biochar, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous on the Symbiotic Performance, Growth, and Nutrient Uptake of Soybean (Glycine max L.)

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    Numerous studies reported the positive effect of soil amendment with biochar on plant development. However, little is known about biochar and its interrelation with nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) additions and their impact on plant growth. We carried out greenhouse experiments to understand the interactive effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply, as well as biochar amendment, on the symbiotic performance of soybean (Glycine max L.) with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, and plant growth and nutrient uptake. The biochar was produced from maize by heating at 600 °C for 30 min and used for pot experiments at an application rate of 2%. Plants were fertilized with two different concentrations of P (KH2PO4) and N (NH4NO3). Biochar application significantly increased the dry weight of soybean root and shoot biomass, by 34% and 42%, under low nitrogen and low phosphorus supply, respectively. Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculation enhanced the dry weight of shoot biomass significantly, by 41% and 67%, in soil without biochar and with biochar addition, respectively. The nodule number was 19% higher in plants grown under low N combined with low or high P, than in high N combinations, while biochar application increased nodule number in roots. Moreover, biochar application increased N uptake of plants in all soil treatments with N or P supply, compared with B. japonicum-inoculated and uninoculated plants. A statistical difference in P uptake of plants between biochar and nutrient levels was observed with low N and high P supply in the soil. Our results show that the interactions between nitrogen, phosphorus, and biochar affect soybean growth by improving the symbiotic performance of B. japonicum and the growth and nutrition of soybean. We observed strong positive correlations between plant shoot biomass, root biomass, and N and P uptake. These data indicated that the combined use of biochar and low N, P application can be an effective approach in improving soybean growth with minimum nutrient input.Peer Reviewe

    Modelling cropland expansion and its drivers in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya

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    Population growth and increasing demand for agricultural production continue to drive global cropland expansions. These expansions lead to the overexploitation of fragile ecosystems, propagating land degradation, and the loss of natural diversity. This study aimed to identify the factors driving land use/land cover changes (LULCCs) and subsequent cropland expansion in Trans Nzoia County in Kenya. Landsat images were used to characterize the temporal LULCCs in 30 years and to derive cropland expansions using change detection. Logistic regression (LR), boosted regression trees (BRTs), and evidence belief functions (EBFs) were used to model the potential drivers of cropland expansion. The candidate variables included proximity and biophysical, climatic, and socioeconomic factors. The results showed that croplands replaced other natural land covers, expanding by 38% between 1990 and 2020. The expansion in croplands has been at the expense of forestland, wetland, and grassland losses, which declined in coverage by 33%, 71%, and 50%, respectively. All the models predicted elevation, proximity to rivers, and soil pH as the critical drivers of cropland expansion. Cropland expansions dominated areas bordering the Mt. Elgon forest and Cherangany hills ecosystems. The results further revealed that the logistic regression model achieved the highest accuracy, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.96. In contrast, EBF and the BRT models depicted AUC values of 0.86 and 0.77, respectively. The findings exemplify the relationships between different potential drivers of cropland expansion and contribute to developing appropriate strategies that balance food production and environmental conservation
