99 research outputs found

    Osteocyte-Driven Bone Remodeling

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    Osteocytes, the most abundant cells in bone, have been long postulated to detect and respond to mechanical and hormonal stimuli and to coordinate the function of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The discovery that the inhibitor of bone formation sclerostin is primarily expressed in osteocytes in bone and downregulated by anabolic stimuli provided a mechanism by which osteocytes influence the activity of osteoblasts. Advances of the last few years provided experimental evidence demonstrating that osteocytes also participate in the recruitment of osteoclasts and the initiation of bone remodeling. Apoptotic osteocytes trigger yet-to-be-identified signals that attract osteoclast precursors to specific areas of bone, which in turn differentiate to mature, bone-resorbing osteoclasts. Osteocytes are also the source of molecules that regulate the generation and activity of osteoclasts, such as OPG and RANKL; and genetic manipulations of the mouse genome leading to loss or gain of function or to altered expression of either molecule in osteocytes markedly affect bone resorption. This review highlights these investigations and discusses how the novel concept of osteocyte-driven bone resorption and formation impacts our understanding of the mechanisms by which current therapies control bone remodeling

    Osteocitos y la regulación de la formación ósea

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    For many years, osteocytes have been the forgotten bone cells and considered as inactive spectators buried in the bone matrix. We now know that osteocytes detect and respond to mechanical and hormonal stimuli to coordinate bone resorption and bone formation. Osteocytes are currently considered a major source of molecules that regulate the activity of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, such as RANKL and sclerostin; and genetic and pharmacological manipulations of either molecule markedly affect bone homeostasis. This article summarizes recent findings demonstrating the mechanisms by which osteocytes regulate the number and activity of osteoblasts and thus affect bone formation

    Osteocytes and Skeletal Pathophysiology

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    For many years, osteocytes have been the forgotten bone cells and considered as inactive spectators buried in the bone matrix. We now know that osteocytes detect and respond to mechanical and hormonal stimuli to coordinate bone resorption and bone formation. Osteocytes are currently considered a major source of molecules that regulate the activity of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, such as RANKL and sclerostin; and genetic and pharmacological manipulations of either molecule markedly affect bone homeostasis. Besides playing a role in physiological bone homeostasis, accumulating evidence supports the notion that dysregulation of osteocyte function and alteration of osteocyte life-span underlies the pathophysiology of skeletal disorders characterized by loss bone mass and increased bone fragility, as well as the damaging effects of cancer in bone. In this review, we highlight some of these investigations and discuss novel observations that demonstrate that osteocytes, far from being passive cells entombed in the bone, are critical for bone function and maintenance

    From inside your bones: Osteocytic signaling pathways as therapeutic targets for bone fragility

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    Osteocytes are differentiated osteoblasts that become surrounded by matrix during the process of bone formation. The acquisition of the osteocyte phenotype is achieved by profound modifications in gene expression that confer adaptation to the changing cellular functions and constitute the molecular signature of osteocytes. The levels of expression of genes characteristic of osteoblasts is altered; and the expression of genes/proteins that impart dendritic cellular morphology, regulate matrix mineralization, and control the function of bone surface cells, is orderly modulated during osteocytogenesis. The discovery of human mutations of osteocytic genes had contributed to a large extent to reveal the role of osteocytes in bone homeostasis. Osteocytes are targets of mechanical force imposed to the skeleton and also play a critical role in integrating mechanosensory pathways with the action of hormones, thereby leading to the orchestrated response of bone to environmental cues. Current, novel therapeutic approaches harness this accumulating knowledge by targeting osteocytic signaling pathways and messengers to improve skeletal health

    Differential involvement of Wnt signaling in Bmp regulation of cancellous versus periosteal bone growth

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    Bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmp) are well-known to induce bone formation following chondrogenesis, but the direct role of Bmp signaling in the osteoblast lineage is not completely understood. We have recently shown that deletion of the receptor Bmpr1a in the osteoblast lineage with Dmp1-Cre reduces osteoblast activity in general but stimulates proliferation of preosteoblasts specifically in the cancellous bone region, resulting in diminished periosteal bone growth juxtaposed with excessive cancellous bone formation. Because expression of sclerostin (SOST), a secreted Wnt antagonist, is notably reduced in the Bmpr1a-deficient osteocytes, we have genetically tested the hypothesis that increased Wnt signaling might mediate the increase in cancellous bone formation in response to Bmpr1a deletion. Forced expression of human SOST from a Dmp1 promoter fragment partially rescues preosteoblast hyperproliferation and cancellous bone overgrowth in the Bmpr1a mutant mice, demonstrating functional interaction between Bmp and Wnt signaling in the cancellous bone compartment. To test whether increased Wnt signaling can compensate for the defect in periosteal growth caused by Bmpr1a deletion, we have generated compound mutants harboring a hyperactive mutation (A214V) in the Wnt receptor Lrp5. However, the mutant Lrp5 does not restore periosteal bone growth in the Bmpr1a-deficient mice. Thus, Bmp signaling restricts cancellous bone accrual partly through induction of SOST that limits preosteoblast proliferation, but promotes periosteal bone growth apparently independently of Wnt activation

    Glucocorticoid Excess in Bone and Muscle

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    Glucocorticoids (GC), produced and released by the adrenal glands, regulate numerous physiological processes in a wide range of tissues. Because of their profound immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory actions, GC are extensively used for the treatment of immune and inflammatory conditions, the management of organ transplantation, and as a component of chemotherapy regimens for cancers. However, both pathologic endogenous elevation and long-term use of exogenous GC are associated with severe adverse effects. In particular, excess GC has devastating effects on the musculoskeletal system. GC increase bone resorption and decrease formation leading to bone loss, microarchitectural deterioration and fracture. GC also induce loss of muscle mass and strength leading to an increased incidence of falls. The combined effects on bone and muscle account for the increased fracture risk with GC. This review summarizes the advance in knowledge in the last two decades about the mechanisms of action of GC in bone and muscle and the attempts to interfere with the damaging actions of GC in these tissues with the goal of developing more effective therapeutic strategies

    β-arrestin/connexin 43 complex anchors ERKs outside the nucleus: a pre-requisite for bisphosphonate anti-apoptotic effect mediated by CX43/ERK in osteocytes

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    Bisphosphonates (BPs) anti-fracture ef cacy may be due in part to inhibition of osteocyte apoptosis. This effect requires opening of con- nexin (Cx) 43 hemichannels and phosphoryla- tion of the extracellular signal regulated kinases (ERKs). However, unlike ERK activation by other stimuli, the Cx43/ERK pathway activated by BPs does not result in nuclear ERK accumulation. In- stead, the anti-apoptotic effect of BPs depends on phosphorylation of cytoplasmic ERK targets and is abolished by forced nuclear retention of ERKs. We now report that ERKs and the scaf- folding protein β-arrestin co-immuno-precipitate with Cx43 in MLO-Y4 osteocytic cells and that the BP alendronate increases this association. Moreover, ERK2 fused to red uorescent pro- tein (ERK2-RFP) co-localizes with Cx43 fused to green uorescent protein outside the nucleus in cells untreated or treated with alendronate. Alendronate does not induce ERK nuclear ac- cumulation in cells transfected with wild type β-arrestin (wtARR) or vector control, whereas it does in cells expressing a dominant nega- tive β-arrestin mutant (dnARR) consisting of the β-arrestin-clathrin binding domain that com- petes with endogenous β-arrestin for binding to clathrin. Alendronate activates ERKs in dnARR- transfected cells as effectively as in cells trans- fected with wtARR, demonstrating that dnARR only interferes with subcellular localization but not with activation of ERKs by BPs. Further, whereas alendronate inhibits apoptosis in cells expressing wtARR or vector control, it is inef- fective in cells expressing dnARR. Thus, BPs induce the formation of a complex comprising Cx43, β-arrestin, and clathrin, which directs ERKs outside the nucleus and is indispensable for osteocyte survival induced by BPs

    Role of osteocytes in multiple myeloma bone disease

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Despite the increased knowledge of osteocyte biology, the contribution of this most abundant bone cell to the development and progression of multiple myeloma in bone is practically unexplored. RECENT FINDINGS: Multiple myeloma bone disease is characterized by exacerbated bone resorption and the presence of osteolytic lesions that do not heal because of a concomitant reduction in bone formation. Osteocytes produce molecules that regulate both bone formation and resorption. Recent findings suggest that the life span of osteocytes is compromised in multiple myeloma patients with bone lesions. In addition, multiple myeloma cells affect the transcriptional profile of osteocytes by upregulating the production of pro-osteoclastogenic cytokines, stimulating osteoclast formation and activity. Further, patients with active multiple myeloma have elevated circulating levels of sclerostin, a potent inhibitor of bone formation which is specifically expressed by osteocytes in bone. SUMMARY: Understanding the contribution of osteocytes to the mechanisms underlying the skeletal consequences of multiple myeloma bone disease has the potential to provide important new therapeutic strategies that specifically target multiple myeloma-osteocyte interactions

    Role and mechanism of action of Sclerostin in bone

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    After discovering that lack of Sost/sclerostin expression is the cause of the high bone mass human syndromes Van Buchem disease and sclerosteosis, extensive animal experimentation and clinical studies demonstrated that sclerostin plays a critical role in bone homeostasis and that its deficiency or pharmacological neutralization increases bone formation. Dysregulation of sclerostin expression also underlies the pathophysiology of skeletal disorders characterized by loss of bone mass as well as the damaging effects of some cancers in bone. Thus, sclerostin has quickly become a promising molecular target for the treatment of osteoporosis and other skeletal diseases, and beneficial skeletal outcomes are observed in animal studies and clinical trials using neutralizing antibodies against sclerostin. However, the anabolic effect of blocking sclerostin decreases with time, bone mass accrual is also accompanied by anti-catabolic effects, and there is bone loss over time after therapy discontinuation. Further, the cellular source of sclerostin in the bone/bone marrow microenvironment under physiological and pathological conditions, the pathways that regulate sclerostin expression and the mechanisms by which sclerostin modulates the activity of osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts remain unclear. In this review, we highlight the current knowledge on the regulation of Sost/sclerotin expression and its mechanism(s) of action, discuss novel observations regarding its role in signaling pathways activated by hormones and mechanical stimuli in bone, and propose future research needed to understand the full potential of therapeutic interventions that modulate Sost/sclerostin expression
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