59 research outputs found

    Numerical Flow Analysis of the GAMM Turbine at nominal and off-design Operating Conditions

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    The flow in a Francis turbine runner (GAMM Turbine) is analysed numerically. Different operating points are calculated using two industrial software packages based respectively on a finite element method (N3S) and a finite volume method (TASCflowÂź) and compared to experimental results. The numerical results allow to observe physical phenomena in the runner that are important in the process of hydraulic turbomachinery design. Values of Cu and Cm velocity components, blade pressure distribution and recirculation in the flow are compared to experimental results at nominal and off-design flow conditions. The experimental and numerical results show a similar efficiency evolution in function of flow rate and head, however the absolute level of energetic losses are overestimated by the two numerical codes

    Spectral decompositions and \LL^2-operator norms of toy hypocoercive semi-groups

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    56 pagesInternational audienceFor any a>0a>0, consider the hypocoercive generators y∂x+a∂y2−y∂yy\partial_x+a\partial_y^2-y\partial_y and y∂x−ax∂y+∂y2−y∂yy\partial_x-ax\partial_y+\partial_y^2-y\partial_y, respectively for (x,y)\in\RR/(2\pi\ZZ)\times\RR and (x,y)\in\RR\times\RR. The goal of the paper is to obtain exactly the \LL^2(\mu_a)-operator norms of the corresponding Markov semi-group at any time, where ÎŒa\mu_a is the associated invariant measure. The computations are based on the spectral decomposition of the generator and especially on the scalar products of the eigenvectors. The motivation comes from an attempt to find an alternative approach to classical ones developed to obtain hypocoercive bounds for kinetic models

    Modélisation nD à base d'algÚbres géométriques

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    3Ăšme prix du meilleur article jeunes chercheursDans cet article nous nous intĂ©ressons au plongement d'une structure topologique. Pour modĂ©liser un objet, l'approche usuelle en modĂ©lisation Ă  base topologique est de sĂ©parer la structure de l'objet, sa topologie, de sa forme, son plongement gĂ©omĂ©trique. Par consĂ©quent, le plus souvent la forme des objets est traitĂ©e soit de façon trĂšs minimale ; des points d'une certaine dimension sont associĂ©s aux sommets de la structure topologique, soit de façon trĂšs spĂ©ciïŹque ; la forme des objets est dĂ©ïŹnie pour une dimension donnĂ©e (gĂ©nĂ©ralement un espace Ă  3 dimensions) et pour un paradigme gĂ©omĂ©trique donnĂ© (continu euclidien, discret). Nous proposons ici une façon de plonger les G-cartes de façon gĂ©nĂ©rique ; indĂ©pendante de la dimension et du paradigme gĂ©omĂ©trique. Le rĂ©sultat est une structure de donnĂ©es qui permet de modĂ©liser et manipuler des objets gĂ©omĂ©triques facettisĂ©s de toutes dimensions
