16 research outputs found

    Reversibility of the homolytic acylation. Substitution of acyl groups in protonated heteroaromatic bases by nucleophilic free radicals

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    Nucleophilic alkyl and acyl radicals effect homolytic substitution of acyl groups in protonated heteroaromatic compounds ; the results indicate the reversibility of the addition of the acyl radicals to heteroaromatic bases

    Ancient mitochondrial DNA from Malaysian hair samples: Some indications of Southeast Asian population movements

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    International audienceThe late Pleistocene and early Holocene population history of Southeast Asia is not well-known. Our study provides new data on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages of the aboriginal inhabitants of the Malay Peninsula, and through an extensive comparison to the known mtDNA diversity in Southeast and East Asia, provides some new insights into the origins and historical geography of certain mtDNA lineages in the region. We extracted DNA from hair samples (dating back 100 years) preserved in the Duckworth Collection and belonging to two Peninsular Malaysian individuals identified as "Negrito." Ancient DNA was analyzed by sequencing hypervariable region I (HVS-I) of the mtDNA control region and the mtDNA region V length polymorphism. The results show that the maternal lineages of these individuals belong to a recently defined haplogroup B sub-branch called B4c2. A comparison of mitochondrial haplotypes and haplogroups with those of 10,349 East Asian individuals indicates their very restricted geographical distribution (southwestern China, Southeast Asia Peninsula, and Indonesia). Recalculation of the B4c2 age across all of East Asia ( approximately 13,000 years) and in different subregions/populations suggests its rapid diffusion in Southeast Asia between the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and the Neolithic expansion of the Holocene

    Cholesterol oxidation products in Pancetta Stesa as a function of ripening, presence of antioxidants and exposure to artificial and UV light

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    In this work the influence was studied of time and antioxidants such as sodium nitrate and ascorbyl palmitate on fat oxidation state in 'pancetta stesa' (a kind of unsmoked bacon). In particular, the qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out of cholesterol oxidation products (COPs), the importance of which is linked to their toxicity. These parameters were also studied when the same samples were exposed to a light simulating that of supermarket display cabinets and UV light which, owing to its bactericide action, could be used at the time of packaging of portioned products. The results of the experiments show that COPs are correlated with all the parameters considered: ripening, formulation and treatment also with unexpected effects. Peroxide value increases with ripening time, whereas p-anisidine value shows no correlation with the above parameters

    An egg-adapted (attenuated) line of Eimeria necatrix

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    Caratteristiche delle carcasse e dei tagli di differenti tipologie di suino pesante attualmente presenti sul mercato

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    Lo scopo della ricerca \ue8 stato quello di fornire un quadro generale sulle caratteristiche della carcassa e dei principali tagli del suino pesante attualmente disponibile sul mercato e destinato alla produzione di salumi tipici. Per la ricerca, svolta in 4 stabilimenti, sono state utilizzate 182 carcasse appartenenti a 6 differenti tipologie di suini. Novantaquattro carcasse provenivano da tre gruppi di suini cosiddetti "tradizionali" con differenti percentuali di razze Large White e Duroc, le rimanenti 88 provenivano da soggetti ibridi commerciali di cui 33 Dunel, 22 Pic e 33 Suffolk. Su ciascuna carcassa sono stati rilevati gli spessori del lardo e del longissimus thoracis previsti dalla classificazione commerciale, \ue8 stato misurato lo spessore del grasso di copertura in diversi punti del prosciutto e della pancetta ed \ue8 stata determinata la resa dei principali tagli. Inoltre sono stati rilevati la quantit\ue0 di grasso intermuscolare del prosciutto e della coppa e il contenuto di grasso intramuscolare nella coppa, in due punti della lombata ed in quattro punti del prosciutto.L\u2019esame dei dati mostra che i sei tipi di suini, pur non differendo significativamente per lo spessore del lardo dorsale e per la percentuale di carne magra, presentano differenze significative per gli spessori del grasso di copertura della coscia, per lo spessore degli strati di grasso e di magro della pancetta, per le rese in prosciutti e coppe, per le dimensioni della \u201cnoce\u201d di grasso intermuscolare, per la quantit\ue0 di grasso intramuscolare dei muscoli b. femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, l. thoracis e della coppa. Lo spessore della copertura adiposa non ha un andamento costante in tutta la carcassa: a parit\ue0 di spessore del lardo dorsale \ue8 possibile avere cosce con grasso di copertura scarso e, in alcuni tipi, i suini con minore copertura adiposa sul dorso hanno mostrato pancette pi\uf9 grasse e viceversa. Questi risultati indicano che i parametri impiegati per la classificazione delle carcasse in base alla sola percentuale di carne magra, forniscono informazioni limitate sui tagli destinati alla trasformazione. Nel complesso i dati rilevati mostrano un notevole miglioramento della qualit\ue0 della carcassa del suino pesante italiano

    A mutation in the FZL gene of Arabidopsis causing alteration in chloroplast morphology results in a lesion mimic phenotype

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    Lesion mimic mutants (LMMs) are a class of mutants in which hypersensitive cell death and defence responses are constitutively activated in the absence of pathogen attack. Various signalling molecules, such as salicylic acid (SA), reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO), Ca2+, ethylene, and jasmonate, are involved in the regulation of multiple pathways controlling hypersensitive response (HR) activation, and LMMs are considered useful tools to understand the role played by the key elements of the HR cell death signalling cascade. Here the characterization of an Arabidopsis LMM lacking the function of the FZL gene is reported. This gene encodes a membrane-remodelling GTPase playing an essential role in the determination of thylakoid and chloroplast morphology. The mutant displayed alteration in chloroplast number, size, and shape, and the typical characteristics of an LMM, namely development of chlorotic lesions on rosette leaves and constitutive expression of genetic and biochemical markers associated with defence responses. The chloroplasts are a major source of ROS, and the characterization of this mutant suggests that their accumulation, triggered by damage to the chloroplast membranes, is a signal sufficient to start the HR signalling cascade, thus confrming the central role of the chloroplast in HR activation