6,569 research outputs found

    Characteristics of transitional multicomponent gaseous and drop-laden mixing layers from direct numerical simulation: Composition effects

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    Transitional states are obtained by exercising a model of multicomponent-liquid (MC-liquid) drop evaporation in a three-dimensional mixing layer at larger Reynolds numbers, Re, than in a previous study. The gas phase is followed in an Eulerian frame and the multitude of drops is described in a Lagrangian frame. Complete dynamic and thermodynamic coupling between phases is included. The liquid composition, initially specified as a single-Gamma (SG) probability distribution function (PDF) depending on the molar mass, is allowed to evolve into a linear combination of two SGPDFs, called the double-Gamma PDF (DGPDF). The compositions of liquid and vapor emanating from the drops are calculated through four moments of their PDFs, which are drop-specific and location-specific, respectively. The mixing layer is initially excited to promote the double pairing of its four initial spanwise vortices, resulting into an ultimate vortex in which small scales proliferate. Simulations are performed for four liquids of different compositions, and the effects of the initial mass loading and initial free-stream gas temperature are explored. For reference, simulations are also performed for gaseous multicomponent mixing layers for which the effect of Re is investigated in the direct-numerical-simulation–accessible regime. The results encompass examination of the global layer characteristics, flow visualizations, and homogeneous-plane statistics at transition. Comparisons are performed with previous pretransitional MC-liquid simulations and with transitional single-component (SC) liquid-drop-laden mixing layer studies. Contrasting to pretransitional MC flows, the vorticity and drop organization depend on the initial gas temperature, this being due to drop/turbulence coupling. The vapor-composition mean molar mass and standard deviation distributions strongly correlate with the initial liquid-composition PDF. Unlike in pretransitional situations, regions of large composition standard deviation no longer necessarily coincide with those of large mean molar mass. The rotational and composition characteristics are all liquid-specific and the variation among liquids is amplified with increasing free-stream gas temperature. The classical energy cascade is found to be of similar strength, but the smallest scales contain orders of magnitude less energy than SC flows, which is confirmed by the larger viscous dissipation for MC flows. The kinetic energy and dissipation are liquid-specific and the variation among liquids is amplified with increasing free-stream gas temperature. The gas composition, of which the first four moments are calculated, is shown to be close to, but distinct from, a SGPDF. Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics of gas-phase quantities show that the different observation framework may affect the perception of the flow

    Study of magnetic helicity injection via plasma imaging using a high-speed digital camera

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    The evolution of a plasma generated by a novel planar coaxial gun is photographed using a state-of-the-art digital camera, which captures eight time-resolved images per discharge. This experiment is designed to study the fundamental physics of magnetic helicity injection, which is an important issue in fusion plasma confinement, as well as solar and astrophysical phenomena such as coronal mass ejections and accretion disk dynamics. The images presented in this paper are not only beautiful but provide a powerful way to understand the global dynamics of the plasma

    Direct numerical simulation of a transitional temporal mixing layer laden with multicomponent-fuel evaporating drops using continuous thermodynamics

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    A model of a temporal three-dimensional mixing layer laden with fuel drops of a liquid containing a large number of species is derived. The fuel model is based on continuous thermodynamics, whereby the composition is statistically described through a distribution function parametrized on the species molar weight. The drop temperature is initially lower than that of the carrier gas, leading to drop heat up and evaporation. The model describing the changes in the multicomponent (MC) fuel drop composition and in the gas phase composition due to evaporation encompasses only two more conservation equations when compared with the equivalent single-component (SC) fuel formulation. Single drop results of a MC fuel having a sharply peaked distribution are shown to compare favorably with a validated SC-fuel drop simulation. Then, single drop comparisons are performed between results from MC fuel and a representative SC fuel used as a surrogate of the MC fuel. Further, two mixing layer simulations are conducted with a MC fuel and they are compared to representative SC-fuel simulations conducted elsewhere. Examination of the results shows that although the global layer characteristics are generally similar in the SC and MC situations, the MC layers display a higher momentum-thickness-based Reynolds number at transition. Vorticity analysis shows that the SC layers exhibit larger vortical activity than their MC counterpart. An examination of the drop organization at transition shows more structure and an increased drop-number density for MC simulations in regions of moderate and high strain. These results are primarily attributed to the slower evaporation of MC-fuel drops than of their SC counterpart. This slower evaporation is due to the lower volatility of the higher molar weight species, and also to condensation of already-evaporated species on drops that are transported in regions of different gas composition. The more volatile species released in the gas phase earlier during the drop lifetime reside in the lower stream while intermediary molar weight species, which egress after the drops are entrained in the mixing layer, reside in the mixing layer and form there a very heterogeneous mixture; the heavier species that evaporate later during the drop lifetime tend to reside in regions of high drop number density. This leads to a segregation of species in the gas phase based on the relative evaporation time from the drops. The ensemble-average drop temperature becomes eventually larger/smaller than the initial drop temperature in MC/SC simulations. Neither this species segregation nor the drop temperature variation with respect to the initial temperature or as a function of the mass loading can be captured by the SC-fuel simulations

    A Laboratory Plasma Experiment for Studying Magnetic Dynamics of Accretion Discs and Jets

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    This work describes a laboratory plasma experiment and initial results which should give insight into the magnetic dynamics of accretion discs and jets. A high-speed multiple-frame CCD camera reveals images of the formation and helical instability of a collimated plasma, similar to MHD models of disc jets, and also plasma detachment associated with spheromak formation, which may have relevance to disc winds and flares. The plasmas are produced by a planar magnetized coaxial gun. The resulting magnetic topology is dependent on the details of magnetic helicity injection, namely the force-free state eigenvalue alpha_gun imposed by the coaxial gun.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Consideration of the relationship between Kepler and cyclotron dynamics leading to prediction of a non-MHD gravity-driven Hamiltonian dynamo

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    Conservation of canonical angular momentum shows that charged particles are typically constrained to stay within a poloidal Larmor radius of a poloidal magnetic flux surface. However, more detailed consideration shows that particles with a critical charge to mass ratio can have zero canonical angular momentum and so be both immune from centrifugal force and not constrained to stay in the vicinity of a specific flux surface. Suitably charged dust grains can have zero canonical angular momentum and in the presence of a gravitational field will spiral inwards across poloidal magnetic surfaces toward the central object and accumulate. This accumulation results in a gravitationally-driven dynamo, i.e., a mechanism for converting gravitational potential energy into a battery-like electric power source.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Experimental Identification of the Kink Instability as a Poloidal Flux Amplification Mechanism for Coaxial Gun Spheromak Formation

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    The magnetohydrodynamic kink instability is observed and identified experimentally as a poloidal flux amplification mechanism for coaxial gun spheromak formation. Plasmas in this experiment fall into three distinct regimes which depend on the peak gun current to magnetic flux ratio, with (I) low values resulting in a straight plasma column with helical magnetic field, (II) intermediate values leading to kinking of the column axis, and (III) high values leading immediately to a detached plasma. Onset of column kinking agrees quantitatively with the Kruskal-Shafranov limit, and the kink acts as a dynamo which converts toroidal to poloidal flux. Regime II clearly leads to both poloidal flux amplification and the development of a spheromak configuration.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Modelling of subgrid-scale phenomena in supercritical transitional mixing layers: an a priori study

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    A database of transitional direct numerical simulation (DNS) realizations of a supercritical mixing layer is analysed for understanding small-scale behaviour and examining subgrid-scale (SGS) models duplicating that behaviour. Initially, the mixing layer contains a single chemical species in each of the two streams, and a perturbation promotes roll-up and a double pairing of the four spanwise vortices initially present. The database encompasses three combinations of chemical species, several perturbation wavelengths and amplitudes, and several initial Reynolds numbers specifically chosen for the sole purpose of achieving transition. The DNS equations are the Navier-Stokes, total energy and species equations coupled to a real-gas equation of state; the fluxes of species and heat include the Soret and Dufour effects. The large-eddy simulation (LES) equations are derived from the DNS ones through filtering. Compared to the DNS equations, two types of additional terms are identified in the LES equations: SGS fluxes and other terms for which either assumptions or models are necessary. The magnitude of all terms in the LES conservation equations is analysed on the DNS database, with special attention to terms that could possibly be neglected. It is shown that in contrast to atmospheric-pressure gaseous flows, there are two new terms that must be modelled: one in each of the momentum and the energy equations. These new terms can be thought to result from the filtering of the nonlinear equation of state, and are associated with regions of high density-gradient magnitude both found in DNS and observed experimentally in fully turbulent high-pressure flows. A model is derived for the momentum-equation additional term that performs well at small filter size but deteriorates as the filter size increases, highlighting the necessity of ensuring appropriate grid resolution in LES. Modelling approaches for the energy-equation additional term are proposed, all of which may be too computationally intensive in LES. Several SGS flux models are tested on an a priori basis. The Smagorinsky (SM) model has a poor correlation with the data, while the gradient (GR) and scale-similarity (SS) models have high correlations. Calibrated model coefficients for the GR and SS models yield good agreement with the SGS fluxes, although statistically, the coefficients are not valid over all realizations. The GR model is also tested for the variances entering the calculation of the new terms in the momentum and energy equations; high correlations are obtained, although the calibrated coefficients are not statistically significant over the entire database at fixed filter size. As a manifestation of the small-scale supercritical mixing peculiarities, both scalar-dissipation visualizations and the scalar-dissipation probability density functions (PDF) are examined. The PDF is shown to exhibit minor peaks, with particular significance for those at larger scalar dissipation values than the mean, thus significantly departing from the Gaussian behaviour

    Spheromak formation and sustainment studies at the sustained spheromak physics experiment using high-speed imaging and magnetic diagnostics

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    A high-speed imaging system with shutter speeds as fast as 2 ns and double frame capability has been used to directly image the formation and evolution of the sustained spheromak physics experiment (SSPX) [E. B. Hooper et al., Nucl. Fusion 39, 863 (1999)]. Reproducible plasma features have been identified with this diagnostic and divided into three groups, according to the stage in the discharge at which they occur: (i) breakdown and ejection, (ii) sustainment, and (iii) decay. During the first stage, plasma descends into the flux conserver shortly after breakdown and a transient plasma column is formed. The column then rapidly bends and simultaneously becomes too dim to photograph a few microseconds after formation. It is conjectured here that this rapid bending precedes the transfer of toroidal to poloidal flux. During sustainment, a stable plasma column different from the transient one is observed. It has been possible to measure the column diameter and compare it to CORSICA [A. Tarditi et al., Contrib. Plasma Phys. 36, 132 (1996)], a magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium reconstruction code which showed good agreement with the measurements. Elongation and velocity measurements were made of cathode patterns also seen during this stage, possibly caused by pressure gradients or EĂ—B drifts. The patterns elongate in a toroidal-only direction which depends on the magnetic-field polarity. During the decay stage the column diameter expands as the current ramps down, until it eventually dissolves into filaments. With the use of magnetic probes inserted in the gun region, an X point which moved axially depending on current level and toroidal mode number was observed in all the stages of the SSPX plasma discharge

    Investigation of spray dispersion and particulate formation in diesel fuel flames

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    An experimental study of electrostatical atomized and dispersed diesel fuel jets was conducted at various back pressures to 40 atm. A new electrostatic injection technique was utilized to generate continuous, stable fuel sprays at charge densities of 1.5 to 2.0 C/m3 of fluid at one atm, and about 1.0 C/m3 at 40 atm. Flowrates were varied from 0.5 to 2.5 ml/s and electric potentials to -18 kV. Visual observations showed that significant enhanced dispersion of charged fuel jets occurred at high back pressures compared to aerodynamic breakup and dispersion. The average drop size was about the same as the spray triode orifice diameter, and was between the Kelly theory and the Rayleigh limit. The ignition tests, done only at one atm, indicated stable combustion of the electrostatically dispersed fuel jets
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