7 research outputs found

    Students’ Translation Competence on Translating Figure of Speech from English to Indonesian

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    Knowing how to identify figures of speech, using translation strategies correctly, and having good translation competence are the qualifications to produce good translation products. This study pointed out student translators' translation competence and translation strategies in figures of speech translation by applying the theories of translation strategies by Molina and Albir, figures of speech by Adam, and translation competence by Neubert. This study was designed as descriptive qualitative research. The data were taken from the documentation of students' translation products of the poem "moonlight" and an online questionnaire answered by the participants, six student translators, with certain criteria. The result showed that, out of seven, there were six different figures of speech found. There were seven translation strategies applied by student translators out of 18 translation strategies. Not all of the strategies can be applied to any figures of speech due to the different nature of each of them. The last but not least, student translators have good subject competence and are mostly average in cultural competence but the two competencies do not go in line with transfer competence

    Statin Efficacy and Safety for Lipid Modification in Apparently Healthy Male Military Aircrew

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    Introduction: Military aircrew men represent an elite group of relatively young, fit, and healthy people. The effectiveness of statin treatment in reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) according to the current National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) guidelines, its safety, and compliance in this group of people has not yet been determined. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 84 military aircrew men (mean age 43 Ϯ 7 yr) with LDL-C above the current NCEP guidelines. The patients were divided into two groups according to their coronary risk factors: Group 1, LDL-C goal Ͻ 160 mg ⅐ dL Ϫ1 ; Group 2, LDL-C goal Ͻ 130 mg ⅐ dL Ϫ1 . All patients received statins in addition to therapeutic lifestyle changes and were followed for a mean of 3 Ϯ 1 yr according to a simple flow chart. Lipoprotein levels, liver function tests, creatinine phosphokinase, and subjective adverse reactions were checked periodically. Results: LDL-C significantly declined by 32% (p Ͻ 0.0001) within the first month of treatment and 99% of subjects achieved their LDL-C goal within 114 Ϯ 35 d from statin therapy initiation. The Framingham estimated 10-yr coronary risk showed a reduction at an average of 12 mo after statin therapy initiation from a baseline value of 6.54% to 3.95% (p ϭ 0.003). No subjects were grounded or disqualified from duty, there were no cardiovascular events during follow-up, and compliance to therapy was high [82/84 (98%)]. Discussion: Statin treatment in this highly select, relatively young group of aircrew men significantly and safely lowered LDL-C cholesterol levels

    integrated care for complex chronic patients

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    Background: In 2006, 35% - 40% of the population in the EU aged > 65 years reported a longstanding health problem and one in four currently receives medical long-term treatment. In Catalonia, data from the 2011-2015 health plan reported that about 30% of the general population has at least one chronic disorder. It is widely accepted that this increasingly important group of the population may suffer frequent unexpected hospital admissions or emergency room visits because of clinical or social circumstances triggering adverse outcomes. Accordingly, the Complex Chronic Patient (CCP) is defined as a patient with at least one+ chronic diseases, comorbidities, frail (due to social, economic and/or clinical factors), usually elderly, and who consumes a very high level of health resources. Although CCPs comprise about 5% of the general population, their health care needs consume an estimated 40% plus of all hospital admissions. Methods: CONNECARE (H2020-PHC-2015-689802) aims to develop and evaluate a new organizational model to enable integrated care of CCPs, supported by technological solutions following an adaptive case management approach. From the CCP's perspective, different healthcare professionals are central to patients' care: the general practitioners, specialist doctors, other hospital staff, and social workers. Moreover, the carers, unpaid relatives or friends, who typically deliver the majority of care that CCPs require, are indispensable. The CONNECARE integrated care organizational model will facilitate collaboration and communication among healthcare professionals, patients and their carers through integrated technological solutions in which the patients play a central role. CONNECARE will also support and empower patients for self-management, by providing them recommendations and suggestions according to continuous monitoring of their activities. CONNECARE will be deployed in three regions: Catalonia (Spain), Israel, and Groningen (the Netherlands). Results: The CONNECARE integrated care solution is built upon the experience of on-going large-scale deployment programs in each of the participating sites and the inclusion of the main stakeholders in the process (healthcare professionals, patients, carers, insurance companies, and policy makers). Therefore, a co-design methodology has been established to capture the feed-back of all actors in the integrated care process. Three clinical studies have been defined for field-testing the CONNECARE solution that will then be performed and evaluated (October 2016 to March 2019) in the three regions: community-based management of CCP, and integrated management of patients undergoing surgical procedures with a specific use case for pre-habilitation of high risk candidates for complex abdominal surgical procedures –which will only be performed and evaluated in Barcelona. The purposes of the clinical studies are: (i) assessing health value generation of the CONNECARE solution; (ii) enabling its refinement and fine tuning during the last six-month period; and (iii) generating guidelines for transferability of CONNECARE achievements to other sites. Conclusions: The ambition of CONNECARE is to co-design, develop, deploy, and evaluate a novel integrated care services model supported by a smart and adaptive case management system for better care coordination and self-management of CCPs. Pragmatic clinical trials will be held in the three sites to assess the health value generation of the CONNECARE solution. Guidelines for the transferability of CONNECARE achievements to other sites will be developed. This will save European healthcare organizations huge sums whilst improving patient outcomes

    Extrajudicial Killing: Pelanggaran Hak atas Hidup dan Kaitannya dengan Asas Praduga Tak Bersalah

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    Extrajudicial killings is an execution by state actor without judicial proceeding. Police officers as state actor in their duty enforcing the law have the authority to use firearms. However, there are police officers commit extrajudicial killings in their duties. Extrajudicial killing is a violation of the right of life that cannot be reduced under any circumstances and violation of the Presumption of Innocence. The results of this study showed that extrajudicial killing is extraordinary crime that has been regulated in national and international regulations. The responsibilty of extrajudicial killing is the state's obligation to protect the human rights of its citizens.Extrajudicial killing merupakan pembunuhan yang dilakukan aparat negara di luar keputusan pengadilan. Aparat kepolisian sebagai aparatur negara dalam menegakkan hukum memiliki kewenangan menembak dengan senjata api. Namun, seringkali dalam menjalankan tugasnya aparat kepolisian justru melakukan extrajudicial killing. Tindakan extrajudicial killing merupakan pelanggaran atas hak atas hidup yang tidak dapat dikurangi dalam keadaan apapun dan pelanggaran atas Asas Praduga Tak Bersalah. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tindakan extrajudicial killing merupakan pelanggaran HAM berat yang telah diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan dokumen internasional. Pertanggungjawaban tindakan extrajudicial killing merupakan kewajiban negara dalam melindungi hak-hak asasi warga negaranya

    Integrated Care for Complex Chronic Patients

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    Background: In 2006, 35% - 40% of the population in the EU aged > 65 years reported a longstanding health problem and one in four currently receives medical long-term treatment. In Catalonia, data from the 2011-2015 health plan reported that about 30% of the general population has at least one chronic disorder. It is widely accepted that this increasingly important group of the population may suffer frequent unexpected hospital admissions or emergency room visits because of clinical or social circumstances triggering adverse outcomes. Accordingly, the Complex Chronic Patient (CCP) is defined as a patient with at least one+ chronic diseases, comorbidities, frail (due to social, economic and/or clinical factors), usually elderly, and who consumes a very high level of health resources. Although CCPs comprise about 5% of the general population, their health care needs consume an estimated 40% plus of all hospital admissions. Methods: CONNECARE (H2020-PHC-2015-689802) aims to develop and evaluate a new organizational model to enable integrated care of CCPs, supported by technological solutions following an adaptive case management approach. From the CCP's perspective, different healthcare professionals are central to patients' care: the general practitioners, specialist doctors, other hospital staff, and social workers. Moreover, the carers, unpaid relatives or friends, who typically deliver the majority of care that CCPs require, are indispensable. The CONNECARE integrated care organizational model will facilitate collaboration and communication among healthcare professionals, patients and their carers through integrated technological solutions in which the patients play a central role. CONNECARE will also support and empower patients for self-management, by providing them recommendations and suggestions according to continuous monitoring of their activities. CONNECARE will be deployed in three regions: Catalonia (Spain), Israel, and Groningen (the Netherlands). Results: The CONNECARE integrated care solution is built upon the experience of on-going large-scale deployment programs in each of the participating sites and the inclusion of the main stakeholders in the process (healthcare professionals, patients, carers, insurance companies, and policy makers). Therefore, a co-design methodology has been established to capture the feed-back of all actors in the integrated care process. Three clinical studies have been defined for field-testing the CONNECARE solution that will then be performed and evaluated (October 2016 to March 2019) in the three regions: community-based management of CCP, and integrated management of patients undergoing surgical procedures with a specific use case for pre-habilitation of high risk candidates for complex abdominal surgical procedures –which will only be performed and evaluated in Barcelona. The purposes of the clinical studies are: (i) assessing health value generation of the CONNECARE solution; (ii) enabling its refinement and fine tuning during the last six-month period; and (iii) generating guidelines for transferability of CONNECARE achievements to other sites. Conclusions: The ambition of CONNECARE is to co-design, develop, deploy, and evaluate a novel integrated care services model supported by a smart and adaptive case management system for better care coordination and self-management of CCPs. Pragmatic clinical trials will be held in the three sites to assess the health value generation of the CONNECARE solution. Guidelines for the transferability of CONNECARE achievements to other sites will be developed. This will save European healthcare organizations huge sums whilst improving patient outcomes