34,752 research outputs found

    Computer program to determine the irrotational nozzle admittance

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    Irrotational nozzle admittance is the boundary condition that must be satisfied by combustor flow oscillations at nozzle entrance. Defined as the ratio of axial velocity perturbation to the pressure perturbation at nozzle entrance, nozzle admittance can also be used to determine whether wave motion in nozzle under consideration adds or removes energy from combustor oscillations

    Space shuttle plume/simulation application

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    An analysis of pressure and strain-gage data from space shuttle wind tunnel test IA119 and IA138 was performed to define the influence on aerodynamic characteristics resulting from the main propulsion system and solid rocket booster plumes. Aerodynamic characteristics of each of the elements, the components and total vehicle of the space shuttle vehicle during ascent flight was considered. Pressure data were obtained over the aft portions of the space shuttle wind tunnel model in addition to wing and elevon gage data

    Entangled photons, nonlocality and Bell inequalities in the undergraduate laboratory

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    We use polarization-entangled photon pairs to demonstrate quantum nonlocality in an experiment suitable for advanced undergraduates. The photons are produced by spontaneous parametric downconversion using a violet diode laser and two nonlinear crystals. The polarization state of the photons is tunable. Using an entangled state analogous to that described in the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen ``paradox,'' we demonstrate strong polarization correlations of the entanged photons. Bell's idea of a hidden variable theory is presented by way of an example and compared to the quantum prediction. A test of the Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt version of the Bell inequality finds S=2.307±0.035S = 2.307 \pm 0.035, in clear contradiciton of hidden variable theories. The experiments described can be performed in an afternoon.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Electromagnetic and spin polarisabilities in lattice QCD

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    We discuss the extraction of the electromagnetic and spin polarisabilities of nucleons from lattice QCD. We show that the external field method can be used to measure all the electromagnetic and spin polarisabilities including those of charged particles. We then turn to the extrapolations required to connect such calculations to experiment in the context of finite volume chiral perturbation theory. We derive results relevant for lattice simulations of QCD, partially-quenched QCD and quenched QCD. Our results for the polarisabilities show a strong dependence on the lattice volume and quark masses, typically differing from the infinite volume limit by ~10% for current lattice volumes and quark masses.Comment: Minor change

    Behavior of nozzles and acoustic liners in three dimensional acoustic fields

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    Theoretical values of the admittances of various nozzles were computed and compared with the corresponding experimental values. The existing data reduction scheme was corrected and all available experimental data has been rechecked and corrected whenever necessary; the updated experimental admittance values are presented. An analysis associated with the frequency sensitivity of experimental admittance values was initiated and the analog-to-digital Data Reduction Program which has become operational is discussed. Fourteen nozzle tests were conducted during this report period
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