6,174 research outputs found

    Comment: Struggles with Survey Weighting and Regression Modeling

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    Comment: Struggles with Survey Weighting and Regression Modeling [arXiv:0710.5005]Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/088342307000000177 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Montane lakes (lagoons) of the New England Tablelands Bioregion

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    The vegetation of montane lagoons of the New England Tablelands Bioregion, New South Wales is examined using flexible UPGMA analysis of frequency scores on all vascular plant taxa, charophytes and one liverworts. Seven communities are described: 1. Hydrocotyle tripartita – Isotoma fluviatilis – Ranunculus inundatus – Lilaeopsis polyantha herbfield; 2. Eleocharis sphacelata – Potamogeton tricarinatus sedgeland; 3. Eleocharis sphacelata – Utricularia australis – Isolepis fluitans, herbfield; 4. Utricularia australis – Nitella sonderi herbfield; 5. Eleocharis sphacelata – Utricularia australis – Ricciocarpus natans sedgeland; 6. Carex gaudichaudiana – Holcus lanatus – Stellaria angustifolia sedgeland; 7. Cyperus sphaeroides – Eleocharis gracilis – Schoenus apogon – Carex gaudichaudiana sedgeland. 58 lagoons were located and identified, only 28% of which are considered to be intact and in good condition. Two threatened species (Aldovandra vesiculosa and Arthaxon hispidus) and three RoTAP-listed taxa were encountered during the survey

    Commentary: 1997 Commencement Speech: The Honorable Robert M. Bell: Chief Judge, Court of Appeals of Maryland

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    Speech: Journey to Justice: Fiftieth Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

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    Negativity and contextuality are equivalent notions of nonclassicality

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    Two notions of nonclassicality that have been investigated intensively are: (i) negativity, that is, the need to posit negative values when representing quantum states by quasiprobability distributions such as the Wigner representation, and (ii) contextuality, that is, the impossibility of a noncontextual hidden variable model of quantum theory (also known as the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem). Although both of these notions were meant to characterize the conditions under which a classical explanation cannot be provided, we demonstrate that they prove inadequate to the task and we argue for a particular way of generalizing and revising them. With the refined version of each in hand, it becomes apparent that they are in fact one and the same. We also demonstrate the impossibility of noncontextuality or nonnegativity in quantum theory with a novel proof that is symmetric in its treatment of measurements and preparations.Comment: 5 pages, published version (modulo some supplementary material


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    Translocation of reindeer from South Georgia to the Falkland Islands

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    This report describes the first translocation of reindeer Rangifer tarandus from South Georgia to the Falkland Islands, in the South Atlantic Ocean. Reindeer were introduced from Norway to the subantarctic island of South Georgia on three occasions in the early 1900s by Norwegian whalers, and today they exist as two discrete herds, numbering approximately 2600 individuals in total. Because of concerns over the impact on native vegetation, the long-term eradication of reindeer from South Georgia has recently been proposed. A translocation of reindeer to the Falkland Islands was undertaken in 2001 by the Falkland Island Government with two objectives: (1) to preserve the genetic resources of at least one of the South Georgia herds; and (2) to facilitate the diversification of the agricultural sector of the Falkland Islands by establishing a commercial reindeer herd. Techniques developed and used in North America for the successful relocation of large numbers of calves were adopted for the translocation. A total of 59 calves (26 females and 33 males) were successfully translocated from South Georgia to the Falklands Islands in 2001, and subsequently produced their first offspring in 2003. Good husbandry practices and an understanding of biology and behaviour are essential for the successful translocation of reindeer.Flytting av rein fra Sør-Georgia til FalklandsøyeneAbstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Artikkelen beskriver den første overføring av rein Rangifer tarandus fra Sør-Georgia til Falklandsøyene i søratlanteren. Tamrein fra Norge ble flyttet til den subarktiske øya Sør-Georgia ved tre anledninger i perioden 1911 til 1925 i forbindelse med den norske hvalfangsten der. I dag består bestanden av rundt regnet 2600 dyr fordelt på to geografisk atskilte flokker. Av hensyn til den naturlige vegetasjonen på øya er det forslag om å på sikt utrydde reinbestanden på øya. Regjeringen på Falklandsøyene foretok en første overføring av rein fra Sør-Georgia i 2001 ut fra en målsetting om å 1) bevare genetiske ressurser fra minst en av de to reinflokkene, og 2) øke mulighetene innenfor landbrukssektoren på Falklandsøyene ved å etablere en kommersiell reinflokk der. Overføringen ble utført med metoder som hadde vist seg formålstjenlige ved flytting og nylokalisering av kalver i Nord-Amerika. Totalt ble 59 kalver overført i 2001 derav 26 hunndyr. De overførte reinene produserte kalver i 2003. God driftspraksis og biologisk og atferdsmessig forståelse var viktig for en vellykket overføring
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