8 research outputs found
Hrvatska dijaspora kao potencijalno turističko tržište: primjer Kanade
Diaspora members feel a strong connection to their homeland. Their motivations for travel in the homeland range from visiting the homeland, relatives, and friends, searching for their “roots”, attending important national and religious holidays, conferences and educational programmes to using health services, visiting tourist attractions and having a holiday. This research study aims to identify and analyse the personal motives of the Croatian diaspora residing in Canada for visiting and revisiting the homeland, their socio-demographic profile, travel characteristics, tourism experience and future travel intentions. The empirical research was conducted among members of the Croatian Canadian community. It is based on an online survey conducted from January to March 2022. The findings show that Croatian Canadians are an attractive market segment for diaspora tourism. The primary motives for travelling to Croatia are associated with visiting family and friends, visiting the homeland, and going on a beachside holiday. For the emigrant population, nostalgia/homesickness is the other crucial motive for travelling to Croatia, while for their descendants, it is sightseeing/visiting tourist attractions. Respondents born in Canada are more satisfied with tourism development than those born in Croatia. More than 80% of Croatian diaspora residing in Canada are definitely planning to visit or revisit their homeland in the future. The article provides new insights into the motivation and behaviour of Croatian Canadians as potential tourists visiting Croatia, which is insufficiently researched in tourism literature. It enables a better understanding of the unique characteristics and nature of the travels of diaspora members of two generational groups, which facilitates decision-makers to adapt to their needs. The study provides guidance for improved management of diaspora tourism.Pripadnici dijaspore osjećaju snažnu povezanost s domovinom. Njihovi motivi za putovanje u domovinu kreću se od posjeta domovini, rodbini i prijateljima, traženja »korijena«, odlaska na važne državne i vjerske praznike, konferencije i obrazovne programe do korištenja zdravstvenih usluga, obilaska turističkih atrakcija i odmora. Svrha je istraživanja identificirati i analizirati osobne motive pripadnika hrvatske dijaspore koja boravi u Kanadi za posjet domovini, njihov sociodemografski profil, karakteristike putovanja, turističko iskustvo i buduće namjere putovanja. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je među pripadnicima hrvatske kanadske zajednice. Temelji se na online anketi provedenoj u razdoblju od siječnja do ožujka 2022. godine. Rezultati pokazuju da su hrvatski Kanađani atraktivan tržišni segment za dijasporski turizam. Primarni motivi putovanja u Hrvatsku povezani su s posjetom obitelji i prijateljima, posjetom domovini i odlaskom na odmor na more. Za iseljeničku populaciju nostalgija/čežnja za domom drugi je najvažniji motiv putovanja u Hrvatsku, dok je za njihove potomke to razgledavanje/posjećivanje turističkih atrakcija. Ispitanici rođeni u Kanadi zadovoljniji su razvojem turizma od onih rođenih u Hrvatskoj. Više od 80% pripadnika hrvatske dijaspore koja živi u Kanadi sigurno planira posjetiti ili ponovno posjetiti svoju domovinu u budućnosti. Rad daje novi uvid u motivaciju i ponašanje hrvatskih Kanađana kao potencijalnih turista koji posjećuju Hrvatsku, što je u literaturi o turizmu nedovoljno istraženo. Omogućuje se bolje razumijevanje jedinstvenih karakteristika i prirode putovanja pripadnika dijaspore dviju generacijskih skupina, što donositeljima odluka omogućuje prilagodbu njihovim potrebama. Studija daje smjernice za bolje upravljanje dijasporskim turizmom
Native Advertising: Evolving Marketing or Public Relations Promotional Tool
The term “Native Advertising” in the marketing sense has been characterised as an “advertising evolution”, and it is usually considered to belong to the group of new marketing tools. However, due to the subtle way in which it presents “editorial” content in the media, PR practitioners are increasingly describing native advertising as one of the most desirable PR tools. Guided by this situation, in this paper, the authors compare theoretical knowledge on advertising with Native Advertising as a new and innovative form of advertising, and connect it with application in the field of public relations. The obtained results of the comparison are contrasted with the opinions of six experts who have been working in the media, marketing agencies and PR agencies. By means of in-depth interviews, they present diverse takes on Native Advertising as a new advertising form, that is, a new PR tool. By comparing their opinions, the authors prove that Native Advertising is primarily a marketing tool that, due to its secondary (promotional) function, serves as support to PR activities, and not vice versa
Political metaphor study has gained popularity in the last couple of decades with the emergence of Lakoff’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory and even more with the Moral Politics Theory. This study examines the metaphors used in the Croatian presidential elections by the two top candidates: Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović and Zoran Milanović in the campaign rally speeches in Zagreb. The objective is to determine the presence and distribution of George Lakoff’s Strict Father and Nurturant Parent paradigms of moral reasoning in the context of Croatian Politics and whether there is a link between family morality and metaphor choice. The research findings reveal positive evidence for Lakoff’s MPT (Moral Politics Theory). Furthermore, it reveals that politicians reason in terms of the nation is a family metaphor when discussing domestic policy but reason in terms of nation is a person when discussing foreign policy and war topics. Furthermore, the findings reveal that there is a link between the family models and ideology and metaphor choice.Proučavanje političkih metafora popularizirano je posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća pojavom Lakoffove teorije konceptualne metafore, a još više pojavom teorije moralne politike. Ovaj rad bavi se metaforama kojima su se na zadnjim hrvatskim predsjedničkim izborima služilo dvoje vodećih kandidata, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović i Zoran Milanović, u svojim predizbornim govorima u Zagrebu. Cilj je rada odrediti prisutnost i rasprostranjenost Lakoffove Strict Father (engl. strogi otac) i Nurturant Parent (engl. brižni roditelj) paradigme moralnoga rasuđivanja u kontekstu hrvatske politike te odgovoriti na pitanje postoji li poveznica između obiteljskih moralnih vrijednosti i odabira metafore. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da postoje dokazi o Lakoffovoj teoriji o moralnoj politici (MPT). Osim toga rezultati ukazuju na to da političari razmišljaju u okviru metafore nacija je obitelj pri razmatranju unutarnje politike i nacija je osoba pri razmatranju vanjske politike i ratnih tema. Nadalje, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji poveznica između obiteljskih modela i ideologije te odabira metafore
Tekstne vrste i tipografsko oblikovanje
Vizualno oblikovanje uz slike, ilustracije i crteže uključuje i tipografiju, koja se vrlo često smatra ”slabim kodom“ jer nema ustaljenih, čvrstih sveza tipografskih elemenata s odgovarajućim značenjima. Tipografija se može promatrati kao zaseban sustav znakova, bez obzira što su značenja koja se temelje na tipografskom oblikovanju u velikoj mjeri uvjetovana kontekstom i načinom na koji su međusobno povezani tekst, slike i ostale vrste znakova koje se rabe u pojedinim tekstovima. Cilj je rada na korpusu medijskih tekstnih vrsta iz hrvatskog i engleskog jezika analizirati i prikazati suodnos pojedinih tekstnih vrsta i njihova tipografskog oblikovanja. Ovim se radom želi doprinijeti rasvjetljavanju nedovoljno istraženog područja suodnosa
tekstnih vrsta i tipografskoga oblikovanja koje otvara prostor za čitav niz interdisciplinarnih istraživanja, primjerice prevođenje tipografski generiranih značenja, tumačenje tipografski generiranih značenja iz perspektive primatelja itd
Critical Evaluation of Disinformation in the Media within the Formal Education System during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Od same pojave pandemije koronavirusa u medijima su se, a osobito na društvenim
mrežama, osim pouzdanih i istinitih informacija pojavljivale i brojne dezinformacije o virusu,
cijepljenju i njegovim posljedicama. Izloženost medijima u tom kriznom razdoblju ukazala je
na važnost posjedovanja medijskih kompetencija s ciljem odabira kvalitetnih, pouzdanih i vjerodostojnih
informacija. Naime, kritičko vrednovanje medijskih sadržaja postalo je ključno za
pravilno razlikovanje istinitih i pouzdanih od nepouzdanih i nevjerodostojnih informacija. Za
adekvatno stjecanje medijskih kompetencija važno je kvalitetno medijsko obrazovanje, koje se
u Hrvatskoj, kada je u pitanju formalni obrazovni sustav, primarno provodi kroz nastavu Hrvatskoga
jezika, ali i kroz različite međupredmetne teme (Ciboci, 2018.a). Vodeću ulogu u tom
procesu imaju učitelji Hrvatskoga jezika i školski knjižničari (Ciboci, 2018.a; Kanižaj i Car,
2015.; Ciboci i Osmančević, 2015.). Da bismo mogli obrazovati mlađe generacije i potaknuti
ih na kritičko promišljanje o medijima i medijskim sadržajima, oni koji ih tome podučavaju
moraju biti medijski pismeni. Postavlja se pitanje koliko su sami provoditelji medijskog obrazovanja
uspješni u prepoznavanju dezinformacija u medijima te koliko su često u posljednjih
godinu dana stavljali naglasak u školama upravo na te teme, budući da su djeca jednako kao odrasli izloženi brojnim dezinformacijama o koronavirusu, koje itekako mogu utjecati na
njihove stavove i razmišljanja o cjelokupnoj pandemiji. U ovom je radu, metodom ankete,
analizirano koliko školski knjižničari prepoznaju dezinformacije u medijima, kao i koliko je
aktivnosti u posljednjih godinu dana u školama provedeno s ciljem educiranja učenika upravo
o tom važnom problemu.Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, in addition to reliable and trustworthy information,
plenty of disinformation about the virus, vaccination and its consequences have
appeared in the media, especially on social networks. Exposure to the media during this crisis
period pointed to the importance of having media competencies in order to select quality,
reliable and trustworthy information. Namely, the critical evaluation of media content has
become key to properly distinguishing trustworthy and reliable from untrustworthy and unreliable
information. For adequate acquisition of media competencies, quality media education
is important, which in Croatia, when it comes to the formal education system, is primarily
conducted through Croatian language teaching, as well as also through various cross-curricular
topics (Ciboci, 2018a.). Croatian language teachers and school librarians play a leading role
in this process (Ciboci, 2018a.; Kanižaj and Car, 2015a.; Ciboci and Osmančević, 2015a.).
In order to be able to educate the younger generations and encourage them to think critically
about the media and media content, those who teach them must be media literate. The question
arises as to how successful media education providers themselves are in recognizing disinformation
in the media and how often, over the last year, have schools focused on these topics,
since children as well as adults are exposed to plenty of disinformation about the coronavirus,
which can greatly affect their attitudes and opinions on the overall pandemic. In this paper,
analyzed using the survey method is to what extent school librarians recognize disinformation
in the media, as well as how many activities in schools in the last year have been carried out
with the aim of educating students about this important issue
Studie zu Präsentationsfähigkeiten von kroatischen Studierenden des Studiengangs Kommunikationsmanagement
Prezentacijske su vještine dio gotovo svakoga akademskog i profesionalnoga okruženja jer je s kolegama, suradnicima i poslovnim partnerima potrebno komunicirati u različitim prilikama. Od visokoobrazovanih se osoba posebno očekuje da posjeduju odgovarajuća znanja i vještine iz područja prezentiranja. U određenim se branšama i zanimanjima, kao što su primjerice odnosi s javnošću, i prezentacijske vještine ubrajaju u temeljne vještine potrebne za uspješno obavljanje posla. U radu se ispituju: (i) razina praktičnih iskustava i teorijskih znanja o prezentacijskim vještinama te (ii) stavovi o potrebama za praktičnim iskustvima i teorijskim znanjima o prezentacijskim vještinama studenata komunikacijskoga menadžmenta, a posebna je pozornost posvećena ulozi nastave stranih jezika u usvajanju i poučavanju prezentacijskih vještina. Istraživanje je provedeno u travnju 2016. godine na uzorku od 75 studentica i studenata preddiplomskoga i diplomskoga studija komunikacijskoga menadžmenta. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako ispitanici nemaju dovoljno znanja i praktičnih iskustava u području prezentiranja, dok s druge strane iskazuju veliku potrebu za teorijskim znanjima i uvježbavanjem prezentacijskih vještina i na materinskom jeziku i u okviru nastave stranih jezika. Na kraju rada donose se preporuke za praksu i prijedlozi za daljnja istraživanja ove teme.Presentation skills are part of almost all academic and professional settings because it is necessary to communicate with colleagues, associates and business partners on various occasions. University graduates especially are expected to possess adequate knowledge on presenting, as well as presentation skills. In some professions and lines of business, such as public relations for example, presentation skills belong to essential skills necessary to successfully perform one’s tasks and obligations. The paper examines: (i) the level of practical experience in and theoretical knowledge of presentations skills and (ii) attitudes on the needs for practical experience in and theoretical knowledge of presentations skills of communication management students, while particular attention is devoted to the role of foreign language classes in acquiring and teaching presentation skills. The research was conducted in April 2016 on a sample of 75 undergraduate and graduate communication management students. The results have shown that students do not possess sufficient knowledge on and practical experience in presenting, while, on the other hand, students express a strong need for theoretical knowledge and for practicing presentation skills, both in their mother tongue and as part of foreign language classes. Practical recommendations and possible further lines of research on this subject matter are presented at the end of the paper.Präsentationsfähigkeiten sind ein Teil von fast jedem akademischen und beruflichen Umfeld, weil ein Bedarf nach Kommunikation bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten mit Kollegen, Mitarbeitern und Geschäftspartnern besteht. Besonders von hochgebildeten Menschen wird erwartet, dass sie über entsprechende Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten im Bereich Präsentation verfügen. In bestimmten Branchen und Berufen, wie beispielsweise in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, zählen Präsentationsfähigkeiten zu den grundlegenden Fähigkeiten, die erforderlich sind, um den Beruf erfolgreich ausüben zu können. Der Beitrag untersucht: (i) das Niveau der praktischen Erfahrungen und der theoretischen Kenntnisse im Bereich Präsentation sowie (ii) die Einstellungen der kroatischen Studierenden des Studiengangs Kommunikationsmanagement zum Bedarf nach praktischen Erfahrungen und theoretischen Kenntnissen im Bereich Präsentation, wobei das Augenmerk auf die Rolle des Fremdsprachenunterrichts beim Unterrichten und Erwerben der Präsentationsfähigkeiten gelegt wird. Die Untersuchung wurde im April 2016 an einer Stichprobe von 75 Studierenden des Vordiplom- und Diplomstudiums von Kommunikationsmanagement durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass die Befragten nicht über ausreichende Kenntnisse und genug Erfahrung im Bereich Präsentation verfügen, während die Befragten einen großen Bedarf geäußert haben, theoretische Kenntnisse und praktische Erfahrungen im Bereich Präsentation sowohl in der Muttersprache als auch im Fremdsprachenunterricht zu erwerben. Am Ende des Beitrags werden Empfehlungen für die Praxis und weitere Forschungsdesiderate dargestellt
This practice book is primarily intended for undergraduate students of the Centre for
Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb. However, it will also be useful for graduate and
postgraduate students of the Centre for Croatian Studies, as well as other students of social
sciences and humanities, particularly those presenting and preparing written assignments in
English, those planning to study in an institution where English is the medium of instruction and
those planning to study end and participate in international conferences. In other words, it will be
helpful for all those interested in improving their English for academic purposes
This practice book is primarily intended for undergraduate students of the Centre for
Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb. However, it will also be useful for graduate and
postgraduate students of the Centre for Croatian Studies, as well as other students of social
sciences and humanities, particularly those presenting and preparing written assignments in
English, those planning to study in an institution where English is the medium of instruction and
those planning to study end and participate in international conferences. In other words, it will be
helpful for all those interested in improving their English for academic purposes