872 research outputs found

    A rotating black lens solution in five dimensions

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    It has recently been shown that a stationary, asymptotically flat vacuum black hole in five space-time dimensions with two commuting axial symmetries must have an event horizon with either a spherical, ring or lens-space topology. In this paper, we study the third possibility, a so-called black lens with L(n,1) horizon topology. Using the inverse scattering method, we construct a black lens solution with the simplest possible rod structure, and possessing a single asymptotic angular momentum. Its properties are then analysed; in particular, it is shown that there must either be a conical singularity or a naked curvature singularity present in the space-time.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, LaTe

    Thermodynamic black di-rings

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    Previously the five dimensional S1S^1-rotating black rings have been superposed in a concentric way by some solitonic methods, and regular systems of two S1S^1-rotating black rings were constructed by the authors and then Evslin and Krishnan (we called these solutions "black di-rings"). In this place we show some characteristics of the solutions of five dimensional black di-rings, especially in thermodynamic equilibrium. After the summary of the di-ring expressions and their physical quantities, first we comment on the equivalence of the two different solution sets of the black di-rings. Then the existence of thermodynamic black di-rings is shown, in which both isothermality and isorotation between the inner black ring and the outer black ring are realized. We also give detailed analysis of peculiar properties of the thermodynamic black di-ring including discussion about a certain kind of thermodynamic stability (instability) of the system.Comment: 26 pages,10 figures; references added, typos corredte

    Simplest cosmological model with the scalar field II. Influence of cosmological constant

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    Continuing the investigation of the simplest cosmological model with the massive real scalar non-interacting inflaton field minimally coupled to gravity we study an influence of the cosmological constant on the behaviour of trajectories in closed minisuperspace Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model. The transition from chaotic to regular behaviour for large values of cosmological constant is discussed. Combining numerical calculations with qualitative analysis both in configuration and phase space we present a convenient classification of trajectories.Comment: 12 pages with 2 gif figures and 2 eps figures, mprocl.sty, To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Naturalness in Cosmological Initial Conditions

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    We propose a novel approach to the problem of constraining cosmological initial conditions. Within the framework of effective field theory, we classify initial conditions in terms of boundary terms added to the effective action describing the cosmological evolution below Planckian energies. These boundary terms can be thought of as spacelike branes which may support extra instantaneous degrees of freedom and extra operators. Interactions and renormalization of these boundary terms allow us to apply to the boundary terms the field-theoretical requirement of naturalness, i.e. stability under radiative corrections. We apply this requirement to slow-roll inflation with non-adiabatic initial conditions, and to cyclic cosmology. This allows us to define in a precise sense when some of these models are fine-tuned. We also describe how to parametrize in a model-independent way non-Gaussian initial conditions; we show that in some cases they are both potentially observable and pass our naturalness requirement.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Symplectic Gravity Models in Four, Three and Two Dimensions

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    A class of the D=4D=4 gravity models describing a coupled system of nn Abelian vector fields and the symmetric n×nn \times n matrix generalizations of the dilaton and Kalb-Ramond fields is considered. It is shown that the Pecci-Quinn axion matrix can be entered and the resulting equations of motion possess the Sp(2n,R)Sp(2n, R) symmetry in four dimensions. The stationary case is studied. It is established that the theory allows a σ\sigma-model representation with a target space which is invariant under the Sp[2(n+1),R]Sp[2(n+1), R] group of isometry transformations. The chiral matrix of the coset Sp[2(n+1),R]/U(n+1)Sp[2(n+1), R]/U(n+1) is constructed. A K\"ahler formalism based on the use of the Ernst (n+1)×(n+1)(n+1) \times (n+1) complex symmetric matrix is developed. The stationary axisymmetric case is considered. The Belinsky-Zakharov chiral matrix depending on the original field variables is obtained. The Kramer-Neugebauer transformation, which algebraically maps the original variables into the target space ones, is presented.Comment: 21 pages, RevTex, no figurie

    Quantum Cosmology and Conformal Invariance

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    According to Belinsky, Khalatnikov and Lifshitz, gravity near a space-like singularity reduces to a set of decoupled one-dimensional mechanical models at each point in space. We point out that these models fall into a class of conformal mechanical models first introduced by de Alfaro, Fubini and Furlan (DFF). The deformation used by DFF to render the spectrum discrete corresponds to a negative cosmological constant. The wave function of the universe is the zero-energy eigenmode of the Hamiltonian, also known as the spherical vector of the representation of the conformal group SO(1,2). A new class of conformal quantum mechanical models is constructed, based on the quantization of nilpotent coadjoint orbits, where the conformal group is enhanced to an ADE non-compact group for which the spherical vector is known.Comment: 4 pages, latex2e, uses revtex


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    We study the coupled Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations for a complex scalar field with and without a quartic self-interaction in a curvatureless Friedman-Lema\^{\i}\-tre Universe. The equations can be written as a set of four coupled first order non-linear differential equations, for which we establish the phase portrait for the time evolution of the scalar field. To that purpose we find the singular points of the differential equations lying in the finite region and at infinity of the phase space and study the corresponding asymptotic behavior of the solutions. This knowledge is of relevance, since it provides the initial conditions which are needed to solve numerically the differential equations. For some singular points lying at infinity we recover the expected emergence of an inflationary stage.Comment: uuencoded, compressed tarfile containing a 15 pages Latex file and 2 postscipt figures. Accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Boundary Value Problem for Black Rings

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    We study the boundary value problem for asymptotically flat stationary black ring solutions to the five-dimensional vacuum Einstein equations. Assuming the existence of two additional commuting axial Killing vector fields and the horizon topology of S1×S2S^1\times S^2, we show that the only asymptotically flat black ring solution with a regular horizon is the Pomeransky-Sen'kov black ring solution.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    The generality of inflation in some closed FRW models with a scalar field

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    The generality of inflation in closed FRW Universe is studied for the models with a scalar field on a brane and with a complex scalar field. The results obtained are compared with the previously known results for the model with a scalar field and a perfect fluid. The influence of the measure chosen in the initial condition space on the ratio of inflationary solution is described.Comment: 15 pages with 5 eps figures; small corrections in text; final version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Describing general cosmological singularities in Iwasawa variables

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    Belinskii, Khalatnikov, and Lifshitz (BKL) conjectured that the description of the asymptotic behavior of a generic solution of Einstein equations near a spacelike singularity could be drastically simplified by considering that the time derivatives of the metric asymptotically dominate (except at a sequence of instants, in the `chaotic case') over the spatial derivatives. We present a precise formulation of the BKL conjecture (in the chaotic case) that consists of basically three elements: (i) we parametrize the spatial metric gijg_{ij} by means of \it{Iwasawa variables} βa,Nai\beta^a, {\cal N}^a{}_i); (ii) we define, at each spatial point, a (chaotic) \it{asymptotic evolution system} made of ordinary differential equations for the Iwasawa variables; and (iii) we characterize the exact Einstein solutions β,N\beta, {\cal{N}} whose asymptotic behavior is described by a solution β[0],N[0]\beta_{[0]}, {\cal N}_{[0]} of the previous evolution system by means of a `\it{generalized Fuchsian system}' for the differenced variables βˉ=ββ[0]\bar \beta = \beta - \beta_{[0]}, Nˉ=NN[0]\bar {\cal N} = {\cal N} - {\cal N}_{[0]}, and by requiring that βˉ\bar \beta and Nˉ\bar {\cal N} tend to zero on the singularity. We also show that, in spite of the apparently chaotic infinite succession of `Kasner epochs' near the singularity, there exists a well-defined \it{asymptotic geometrical structure} on the singularity : it is described by a \it{partially framed flag}. Our treatment encompasses Einstein-matter systems (comprising scalar and p-forms), and also shows how the use of Iwasawa variables can simplify the usual (`asymptotically velocity term dominated') description of non-chaotic systems.Comment: 50 pages, 4 figure