99 research outputs found

    A note on "symmetric" vielbeins in bimetric, massive, perturbative and non perturbative gravities

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    We consider a manifold endowed with two different vielbeins EAμE^{A}{}_{\mu} and LAμL^{A}{}_{\mu} corresponding to two different metrics gμνg_{\mu\nu} and fμνf_{\mu\nu}. Such a situation arises generically in bimetric or massive gravity (including the recently discussed version of de Rham, Gabadadze and Tolley), as well as in perturbative quantum gravity where one vielbein parametrizes the background space-time and the other the dynamical degrees of freedom. We determine the conditions under which the relation gμνEAμLBν=gμνEBμLAνg^{\mu\nu} E^{A}{}_{\mu} L^{B}{}_{\nu} = g^{\mu\nu} E^{B}{}_{\mu} L^{A}{}_{\nu} can be imposed (or the "Deser-van Nieuwenhuizen" gauge chosen). We clarify and correct various statements which have been made about this issue.Comment: 20 pages. Section 7, prop. 6 and 7. added. Some results made more precis

    Gravitomagnetism in Metric Theories: Analysis of Earth Satellites Results, and its Coupling with Spin

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    Employing the PPN formalism the gravitomagnetic field in different metric theories is considered in the analysis of the LAGEOS results. It will be shown that there are several models that predict exactly the same effect that general relativity comprises. In other words, these Earth satellites results can be taken as experimental evidence that the orbital angular momentum of a body does indeed generate space--time geometry, notwithstanding they do not endow general relativity with an outstanding status among metric theories. Additionally the coupling spin--gravitomagnetic field is analyzed with the introduction of the Rabi transitions that this field produces on a quantum system with spin 1/2. Afterwards, a continuous measurement of the energy of this system is introduced, and the consequences upon the corresponding probabilities of the involved gravitomagnetic field will be obtained. Finally, it will be proved that these proposals allows us, not only to confront against future experiments the usual assumption of the coupling spin--gravotimagnetism, but also to measure some PPN parameters and to obtain functional dependences among them.Comment: 10 page

    Self-consistent Approach to Off-Shell Transport

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    The properties of two forms of the gradient expanded Kadanoff--Baym equations, i.e. the Kadanoff--Baym and Botermans-Malfliet forms, suitable to describe the transport dynamics of particles and resonances with broad spectral widths, are discussed in context of conservation laws, the definition of a kinetic entropy and the possibility of numerical realization. Recent results on exact conservations of charge and energy-momentum within Kadanoff-Baym form of quantum kinetics based on local coupling schemes are extended to two cases relevant in many applications. These concern the interaction via a finite range potential, and, relevant in nuclear and hadron physics, e.g. for the pion--nucleon interaction, the case of derivative coupling.Comment: 35 pages, submitted to issue of Phys. Atom. Nucl. dedicated to S.T. Belyaev on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Few references are adde

    Currents and Superpotentials in classical gauge invariant theories I. Local results with applications to Perfect Fluids and General Relativity

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    E. Noether's general analysis of conservation laws has to be completed in a Lagrangian theory with local gauge invariance. Bulk charges are replaced by fluxes of superpotentials. Gauge invariant bulk charges may subsist when distinguished one-dimensional subgroups are present. As a first illustration we propose a new {\it Affine action} that reduces to General Relativity upon gauge fixing the dilatation (Weyl 1918 like) part of the connection and elimination of auxiliary fields. It allows a comparison of most gravity superpotentials and we discuss their selection by the choice of boundary conditions. A second and independent application is a geometrical reinterpretation of the convection of vorticity in barotropic nonviscous fluids. We identify the one-dimensional subgroups responsible for the bulk charges and thus propose an impulsive forcing for creating or destroying selectively helicity. This is an example of a new and general Forcing Rule.Comment: 64 pages, LaTeX. Version 2 has two more references and one misprint corrected. Accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Energy and directional signatures for plane quantized gravity waves

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    Solutions are constructed to the quantum constraints for planar gravity (fields dependent on z and t only) in the Ashtekar complex connection formalism. A number of operators are constructed and applied to the solutions. These include the familiar ADM energy and area operators, as well as new operators sensitive to directionality (z+ct vs. z-ct dependence). The directionality operators are quantum analogs of the classical constraints proposed for unidirectional plane waves by Bondi, Pirani, and Robinson (BPR). It is argued that the quantum BPR constraints will predict unidirectionality reliably only for solutions which are semiclassical in a certain sense. The ADM energy and area operators are likely to have imaginary eigenvalues, unless one either shifts to a real connection, or allows the connection to occur other than in a holonomy. In classical theory, the area can evolve to zero. A quantum mechanical mechanism is proposed which would prevent this collapse.Comment: 54 pages; LaTe

    New Gauge Invariant Formulation of the Chern-Simons Gauge Theory

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    A new gauge invariant formulation of the relativistic scalar field interacting with Chern-Simons gauge fields is considered. This formulation is consistent with the gauge fixed formulation. Furthermore we find that canonical (Noether) Poincar\'e generators are not gauge invariant even on the constraints surface and do not satisfy the (classical) Poincar\'e algebra. It is the improved generators, constructed from the symmetric energy-momentum tensor, which are (manifestly) gauge invariant and obey the classical Poincar\'e algebra.Comment: Shortened, to appear as Papid Communication-PRD/Nov/9

    Relativistic conservation laws and integral constraints for large cosmological perturbations

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    For every mapping of a perturbed spacetime onto a background and with any vector field ξ\xi we construct a conserved covariant vector density I(ξ)I(\xi), which is the divergence of a covariant antisymmetric tensor density, a "superpotential". I(ξ) I(\xi) is linear in the energy-momentum tensor perturbations of matter, which may be large; I(ξ)I(\xi) does not contain the second order derivatives of the perturbed metric. The superpotential is identically zero when perturbations are absent. By integrating conserved vectors over a part \Si of a hypersurface SS of the background, which spans a two-surface \di\Si, we obtain integral relations between, on the one hand, initial data of the perturbed metric components and the energy-momentum perturbations on \Si and, on the other hand, the boundary values on \di\Si. We show that there are as many such integral relations as there are different mappings, ξ\xi's, \Si's and \di\Si's. For given boundary values on \di\Si, the integral relations may be interpreted as integral constraints (e.g., those of Traschen) on local initial data including the energy-momentum perturbations. Conservation laws expressed in terms of Killing fields \Bar\xi of the background become "physical" conservation laws. In cosmology, to each mapping of the time axis of a Robertson-Walker space on a de Sitter space with the same spatial topology there correspond ten conservation laws. The conformal mapping leads to a straightforward generalization of conservation laws in flat spacetimes. Other mappings are also considered. ...Comment: This paper, published 7 years ago, was found useful by some researchers but originally was not put on the gr-qc website. Now it has been retyped with very minor changes: few wordings have been modified and several misprints occurring in the printed version correcte

    Lagrangian for the Majorana-Ahluwalia Construct

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    The equations describing self/anti-self charge conjugate states, recently proposed by Ahluwalia, are re-written to covariant form. The corresponding Lagrangian for the neutral particle theory is proposed. From a group-theoretical viewpoint the construct is an example of the Nigam-Foldy-Bargmann-Wightman-Wigner-type quantum field theory based on the doubled representations of the extended Lorentz group. Relations with the Sachs-Schwebel and Ziino-Barut concepts of relativistic quantum theory are discussed.Comment: 10pp., REVTeX 3.0 fil

    Extra Dirac Equations

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    This paper has rather a pedagogical meaning. Surprising symmetries in the (j,0)(0,j)(j,0)\oplus (0,j) Lorentz group representation space are analyzed. The aim is to draw reader's attention to the possibility of describing the particle world on the ground of the Dirac "doubles". Several tune points of the variational principle for this kind of equations are briefly discussed.Comment: REVTeX 3.0, 14p