25 research outputs found

    The validity of conduct disorder symptom profiles in high-risk male youth.

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    Conduct disorder (CD) is a heterogeneous pattern of rule-breaking and aggressive symptoms. Until now it has been unclear whether valid, clinically useful symptom profiles can be defined for populations in youth at high-risk of CD. Interview-based psychiatric disorders, CD symptoms and officially recorded offences were assessed in boys from a detention facility and a forensic psychiatric hospital (N = 281; age 11.2-21.3 years). We used latent class analyses (LCA) to examine CD subtypes and their relationships with comorbid psychiatric disorders, suicidality, and criminal recidivism. LCA revealed five CD subtypes: no CD, mild aggressive CD, mild covert CD, moderate CD, and severe CD. The severe and, to a lesser degree, the moderate CD subtype were related to comorbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, substance use disorder, affective disorder, and suicidality. Time to violent criminal re-offending was predicted by severe CD (OR 5.98, CI 2.5-13.80) and moderate CD (OR 4.18, CI 1.89-9.21), but not by any other CD subtype in multivariate Cox regressions (controlling for age, low socioeconomic status and foreign nationality). These results confirm the existence of different CD symptom profiles in a high-risk group. Additional variable-oriented analyses with CD symptom count and aggressive/rule-breaking CD-dimensions further supported a dimensional view and a dose-response relationship of CD and criminal recidivism. Classifying high-risk young people according to the number of aggressive and rule-breaking CD symptoms is of major clinical importance and may provide information about risk of violent recidivism

    Problem coping skills, psychosocial adversities and mental health problems in children and adolescents as predictors of criminal outcomes in young adulthood

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    Abstract : The purpose of this study was to test child and adolescent psychosocial and psychopathological risk factors as predictors of adult criminal outcomes in a Swiss community sample. In particular, the role of active and avoidant problem coping in youths was analysed. Prevalence rates of young adult crime convictions based on register data were calculated. Univariate and multivariate logistic regressions were used to analyse the prediction of adult criminal convictions 15years after assessment in a large Swiss community sample of children and adolescents (n=1,086). Risk factors assessed in childhood and adolescence included socio-economic status (SES), migration background, perceived parental behaviour, familial and other social stressors, coping styles, externalizing and internalizing problems and drug abuse including problematic alcohol consumption. The rate of any young adult conviction was 10.1%. Besides externalizing problems and problematic alcohol consumption, the presence of any criminal conviction in young adulthood was predicted by low SES and avoidant coping even after controlling for the effects of externalizing problems and problematic alcohol use. The other predictors were significant only when externalizing behaviours and problematic alcohol use were not controlled. In addition to child and adolescent externalizing behaviour problems and substance use, low SES and inadequate problem-solving skills, in terms of avoidant coping, are major risk factors of young adult criminal outcomes and need to be considered in forensic research and criminal prevention programs

    Glow up: does a professional photoshoot intervention affect self-esteem and emotions among adolescent psychiatric patients?—A longitudinal intervention study

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    BackgroundToday, online communication is shaped by a billion-dollar social media (SM) and social networking site (SNS) industry. Visual content consumed by children and adolescents has been shown to influence behavioral patterns, state emotions, and self-esteem (SE). In this study, we introduced a novel intervention creating visual content through a professional photoshoot and investigated its impact on state emotions and SE in child and adolescent psychiatric (CAP) patients.MethodsStandardized and validated self-rating questionnaires were used to assess SE, state emotions, coping mechanisms, psychopathological symptoms, and internet use behavior at baseline. SE and state emotions were monitored at different time points around a professional photoshoot within 45 CAP patients (30 female patients; mean age, 15.1 years) using a longitudinal design.ResultsWithin-subject repeated-measures ANOVA and bootstrapped paired-sample t-tests showed a significant fluctuation in state emotions and SE throughout the intervention. Spearman correlations and univariate logistic regressions revealed that internalizing symptomatology and maladaptive coping significantly worsened the outcome of the intervention on state emotions and SE in girls. Internet-related variables heightened the positive effect of the intervention in boys and lowered SE in girls during the intervention.ConclusionThe photo intervention had various gender-specific effects. Boys did benefit from the intervention in terms of longitudinal outcome on positive state emotions (PE) and SE, even positively influenced by SNS and SM. Thus, it might be concluded that online social comparison was processed more beneficial in boys. In contrast, when working with visual content in girls, psychopathology and coping must be considered. Internet consumption in general, especially SM and SNS, was related to low SE in girls. Nevertheless, when therapeutically accompanied, the “glow up moment” during the shoot (high on PE and SE; low on negative state emotions) could be used as an index moment for therapeutic reflection

    Criminal history and future offending of juveniles convicted of the possession of child pornography

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    Most child pornography is distributed online. It is estimated that 3% to 15% of child pornography consumers are juveniles. The present study analyzed a consecutive sample of 54 male juveniles convicted of the possession of child pornography. Demographic characteristics, criminal history, and subsequent offending were assessed from criminal files and official reports. Juvenile possessors of child pornography were compared to three different groups of juveniles: Juvenile possessors of other illegal pornography (n = 42), juveniles who committed a sexual contact offense against a child (n = 64), and juveniles who committed a sexual contact offense against a peer or adult (n = 104). Juvenile possessors of child pornography were found to have downloaded the illegal material more frequently and over a longer time period than juvenile possessors of other illegal pornography. Furthermore, juvenile possessors of child pornography differed from juveniles who had committed a sexual contact offense in terms of demographics and showed fewer previous and subsequent offending than juveniles who sexually offended against a peer or adult. We conclude that juvenile possessors of child pornography need a specific target intervention focusing on dysfunctional Internet use and sexually deviant arousal

    Selbst‑/Fremdaggression und emotionale Auffälligkeiten bei männlichen Jugendlichen im Haftvollzug

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    Hintergrund: Beobachtungsinstrumente stellen eine wichtige Ergänzung zur Einschätzung des Interventionsbedarfs im Rahmen einer adäquaten Gefängnisversorgung dar. Die vorliegende Studie hatte zum Ziel, die Reliabilität und Validität eines neu entwickelten Beobachtungsinstruments für jugendliche Gefängnisinsassen (BEO-GF-J) zu prüfen. Methode: Der BEO-GF-J wurde in einer Stichprobe von 126 jugendlichen Gefängnisinsassen (Mittelwert = 16,83 Jahre, Standardabweichung = 1,11 Jahre) eingesetzt. Die 18 Items des BEO-GF-J wurden einer Faktorenanalyse unterzogen. Der Zusammenhang zu den mittels standardisierter Interviews erfassten internalisierenden und externalisierenden psychischen Störungen, zu späteren kriminellen Rückfällen (offizielle Daten) und zu Interventionen während der Haft wurde analysiert. Resultate: Am häufigsten wurde depressives und ängstlich besorgtes Verhalten (38–39 %) bei den Jugendlichen beobachtet. Drohendes bzw. impulsives Verhalten (15–33 %) und Suizidalität (4–9 %) wurden seltener beurteilt. Die Faktorenanalyse ergab Hinweise auf zwei bedeutungsvolle Faktoren des BEO-GF-J, welche Aggression (BEO-A) und emotionale Probleme (BEO-E) repräsentieren. Die Interrater-Reliabilität und die interne Konsistenz der Items und Skalen waren zufriedenstellend. Der Gesamtwert und die Skala BEO-E wiesen auf das Vorliegen von internalisierenden Störungen und Suizidalität hin. Der BEO-GF-J zeigte keine Zusammenhänge zu späteren kriminellen Verhaltensweisen, jedoch zu durchgeführten Interventionen während der Haft. Schlussfolgerungen: Der BEO-GF-J stellt ein vielversprechendes Screeninginstrument dar, um diejenigen Jugendlichen zu identifizieren, welche weitere Abklärungen und psychiatrische Interventionen benötigen

    Personality and psychopathology in african unaccompanied refugee minors: repression, resilience and vulnerability

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    Examining personality and psychopathological symptoms among unaccompanied refugee minors (URMs), we measured intra-individual dimensions (repression and correlates thereof) usually associated with resilience. Forty-one URMs completed the Weinberger Adjustment Inventory (WAI), assessing personality, and the Youth Self-Report (YSR), describing current symptoms. URMs endorsed high levels of Repressive Defensiveness, Denial of Distress, and Restraint; unexpectedly, URMs reported high Distress and reduced Happiness (WAI, p's < 0.05). Although YSR symptoms were below clinical cut points, there were notable correlations between Distress and Attention Problems, Self-destructive, and Aggressive Behavior (all on the YSR), correcting for multiple comparisons (p's < 0.004). URMs exposed to non-normative stressors reported non-symptomatic outcomes, and high levels of personality dimensions correlating with resilience. However, URMs also endorsed high Distress and low Happiness, calling their resilience into question. Positive correlations between WAI Distress and YSR symptom subscales suggest that URMs harbor vulnerabilities of clinical and forensic significance

    Psychische Störungen und kriminelle Rückfälle bei männlichen jugendlichen Gefängnisinsassen

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    Zusammenfassung. Fragestellung: Die Prävalenz psychischer Störungen unter inhaftierten Jugendlichen ist hoch. Offen ist die Frage, ob damit eine erhöhte kriminelle Rückfälligkeit einhergeht. Methodik: Zwischen dem 01.08.2010 und 31.10.2012 wurden im kantonalen Jugendgefängnis Zürich alle inhaftierten männlichen Jugendlichen bei Eintritt psychiatrisch untersucht (N = 122). Die psychischen Störungen wurden anhand eines standardisierten Interviews erfasst. Nach der Haftentlassung wurden die Probanden im Kantonalen Rechtsinformationssystem betreffend Rückfälligkeit während eines Jahres nachkontrolliert. Ergebnisse: 90.2 % der Insassen litten unter mindestens einer psychiatrischen Störung. Über 70 % der Jugendlichen waren zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Inhaftierung von mehreren psychiatrischen Erkrankungen betroffen. Es konnten vier voneinander unabhängige Störungskategorien unterschieden werden: affektive Störungen, Angststörungen, Verhaltensstörungen und Abhängigkeitserkrankungen. Betreffend Rückfälligkeit fand sich, dass Jugendliche mit Verhaltensstörungen und/oder einer Abhängigkeitserkrankung häufiger mit einer Gewaltstraftat rückfällig wurden als aus dem Gefängnis entlassene Jugendliche ohne psychische Erkrankungen. Zudem zeigte sich, dass je jünger die inhaftierten Jugendlichen waren, desto kürzer war die Zeit nach ihrer Entlassung, bis sie eine Gewaltstraftat verübten. Schlussfolgerungen: Aufgrund der hohen Prävalenz von psychischen Störungen unter inhaftierten Jugendlichen ist es notwendig, dass diese Minderjährigen auch jugendpsychiatrisch-psychologisch untersucht und adäquat behandelt werden. Neben der psychiatrischen Versorgung der minderjährigen Gefängnisinsassen kann so auch den Anforderungen eines effektiven Opferschutzes und dem Sicherheitsbedürfnis unserer Gesellschaft entsprochen werden. Schlüsselwörter:Jugendliche Straftäter, minderjährige Gefängnisinsassen, Psychische Störungen, Rückfälle, psychiatrisch/psychologische Gefängnisversorgung = Abstract. Objective: Psychiatric disorders in juvenile prisoners exhibit a very high prevalence. However, it remains unclear whether this goes along with increased criminal recidivism rates. Methods: Between August 1, 2010 and October 31, 2012 all male juvenile inmates of the youth penitentiary of the Canton of Zurich were psychiatrically evaluated at admittance (N = 122). Psychiatric disorders were determined on the basis of a standardized diagnostic interview. Information on recidivism within one year after release from prison was drawn from the cantonal legal information system. Results: In total, 90.2 % of the prisoners suffered from at least one mental illness. Four independent psychiatric disorder categories were identified: affective disorders, anxiety disorders, behavioural disorders and substance abuse disorders. Recidivism for violent crime was found more frequently in juveniles with behavioural disorders (especially when suffering from conduct disorder and/or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder) and/or substance abuse compared to juvenile ex-convicts without psychiatric disorders. In addition, our study revealed that the time interval between discharge and the commitment of a new violent crime was shorter for juveniles of a younger age. Conclusions: Due to the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders among juvenile prisoners and its direct relevance to recidivism, it is imperative that every minor held in custody is adequately evaluated and treated with psychiatric and psychological means. Only then, we may meet their individual psychiatric/psychological needs as well as our society’s needs for security and the requirements of effective victim protection. Schlüsselwörter:Juvenile offenders, detained juveniles, psychopathology, risk assessment, psychiatric car