338 research outputs found

    Controlling quasiparticle excitations in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We describe an approach to quantum control of the quasiparticle excitations in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate based on adiabatic and diabatic changes in the trap anisotropy. We describe our approach in the context of Landau-Zener transition at the avoided crossings in the quasiparticle excitation spectrum. We show that there can be population oscillation between different modes at the specific aspect ratios of the trapping potential at which the mode energies are almost degenerate. These effects may have implications in the expansion of an excited condensate as well as the dynamics of a moving condensate in an atomic wave guide with a varying width

    Functional renormalization for Bose-Einstein Condensation

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    We investigate Bose-Einstein condensation for interacting bosons at zero and nonzero temperature. Functional renormalization provides us with a consistent method to compute the effect of fluctuations beyond the Bogoliubov approximation. For three dimensional dilute gases, we find an upper bound on the scattering length a which is of the order of the microphysical scale - typically the range of the Van der Waals interaction. In contrast to fermions near the unitary bound, no strong interactions occur for bosons with approximately pointlike interactions, thus explaining the high quantitative reliability of perturbation theory for most quantities. For zero temperature we compute the quantum phase diagram for bosonic quasiparticles with a general dispersion relation, corresponding to an inverse microphysical propagator with terms linear and quadratic in the frequency. We compute the temperature dependence of the condensate and particle density n, and find for the critical temperature T_c a deviation from the free theory, Delta T_c/T_c = 2.1 a n^{1/3}. For the sound velocity at zero temperature we find very good agreement with the Bogoliubov result, such that it may be used to determine the particle density accurately.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures. Reference adde

    A new approach to SLE phase transition

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    It is well know that SLEκ curves exhibit a phase transition at κ=4. For κ≤4 they are simple curves with probability one, for κ>4 they are not. The standard proof is based on the analysis of the Bessel SDE of dimension d=1+4/κ. We propose a different approach which is based on the analysis of the Bessel SDE with d=1−4/κ. This not only gives a new perspective, but also allows to describe the formation of the SLE `bubbles' for κ>4

    Ground state properties and excitation spectra of non-Galilean invariant interacting Bose systems

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    We study the ground state properties and the excitation spectrum of bosons which, in addition to a short-range repulsive two body potential, interact through the exchange of some dispersionless bosonic modes. The latter induces a time dependent (retarded) boson-boson interaction which is attractive in the static limit. Moreover the coupling with dispersionless modes introduces a reference frame for the moving boson system and hence breaks the Galilean invariance of this system. The ground state of such a system is depleted {\it linearly} in the boson density due to the zero point fluctuations driven by the retarded part of the interaction. Both quasiparticle (microscopic) and compressional (macroscopic) sound velocities of the system are studied. The microscopic sound velocity is calculated up the second order in the effective two body interaction in a perturbative treatment, similar to that of Beliaev for the dilute weakly interacting Bose gas. The hydrodynamic equations are used to obtain the macroscopic sound velocity. We show that these velocities are identical within our perturbative approach. We present analytical results for them in terms of two dimensional parameters -- an effective interaction strength and an adiabaticity parameter -- which characterize the system. We find that due the presence of several competing effects, which determine the speed of the sound of the system, three qualitatively different regimes can be in principle realized in the parameter space and discuss them on physical grounds.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Functional renormalization for quantum phase transitions with non-relativistic bosons

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    Functional renormalization yields a simple unified description of bosons at zero temperature, in arbitrary space dimension dd and for MM complex fields. We concentrate on nonrelativistic bosons and an action with a linear time derivative. The ordered phase can be associated with a nonzero density of (quasi) particles nn. The behavior of observables and correlation functions in the ordered phase depends crucially on the momentum kphk_{ph}, which is characteristic for a given experiment. For the dilute regime kph≳n1/dk_{ph}\gtrsim n^{1/d} the quantum phase transition is simple, with the same ``mean field'' critical exponents for all dd and MM. On the other hand, the dense regime kph≪n1/dk_{ph}\ll n^{1/d} reveals a rather rich spectrum of features, depending on dd and MM. In this regime one observes for d≤3d\leq 3 a crossover to a relativistic action with second time derivatives. This admits order for d>1d>1, whereas d=1d=1 shows a behavior similar to the low temperature phase of the classical two-dimensional O(2M)O(2M)-models.Comment: 31 pages, new reference

    Commensurate and incommensurate ground states of Cs_2CuCl_4 in a magnetic field

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    We present calculations of the magnetic ground state of Cs_2CuCl_4 in an applied magnetic field, with the aim of understanding the commensurately ordered state that has been discovered in recent experiments. This layered material is a realization of a Heisenberg antiferromagnet on an anisotropic triangular lattice. Its behavior in a magnetic field depends on field orientation, because of weak Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions.We study the system by mapping the spin-1/2 Heisenberg Hamiltonian onto a Bose gas with hard core repulsion. This Bose gas is dilute, and calculations are controlled, close to the saturation field. We find a zero-temperature transition between incommensurate and commensurate phases as longitudinal field strength is varied, but only incommensurate order in a transverse field. Results for both field orientations are consistent with experiment.Comment: 5 Pages, 3 Figure

    Ground-state energy and depletions for a dilute binary Bose gas

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    When calculating the ground-state energy of a weakly interacting Bose gas with the help of the customary contact pseudopotential, one meets an artifical ultraviolet divergence which is caused by the incorrect treatment of the true interparticle interactions at small distances. We argue that this problem can be avoided by retaining the actual, momentum-dependent interaction matrix elements, and use this insight for computing both the ground-state energy and the depletions of a binary Bose gas mixture. Even when considering the experimentally relevant case of equal masses of both species, the resulting expressions are quite involved, and no straightforward generalizations of the known single-species formulas. On the other hand, we demonstrate in detail how these latter formulas are recovered from our two-species results in the limit of vanishing interspecies interaction.Comment: 11 pages, Phys. Rev. A in pres

    BCS-BEC crossover in a system of microcavity polaritons

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    We investigate the thermodynamics and signatures of a polariton condensate over a range of densities, using a model of microcavity polaritons with internal structure. We determine a phase diagram for this system including fluctuation corrections to the mean-field theory. At low densities the condensation temperature, T_c, behaves like that for point bosons. At higher densities, when T_c approaches the Rabi splitting, T_c deviates from the form for point bosons, and instead approaches the result of a BCS-like mean-field theory. This crossover occurs at densities much less than the Mott density. We show that current experiments are in a density range where the phase boundary is described by the BCS-like mean-field boundary. We investigate the influence of inhomogeneous broadening and detuning of excitons on the phase diagram.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Infrared behavior in systems with a broken continuous symmetry: classical O(N) model vs interacting bosons

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    In systems with a spontaneously broken continuous symmetry, the perturbative loop expansion is plagued with infrared divergences due to the coupling between transverse and longitudinal fluctuations. As a result the longitudinal susceptibility diverges and the self-energy becomes singular at low energy. We study the crossover from the high-energy Gaussian regime, where perturbation theory remains valid, to the low-energy Goldstone regime characterized by a diverging longitudinal susceptibility. We consider both the classical linear O(NN) model and interacting bosons at zero temperature, using a variety of techniques: perturbation theory, hydrodynamic approach (i.e., for bosons, Popov's theory), large-NN limit and non-perturbative renormalization group. We emphasize the essential role of the Ginzburg momentum scale pGp_G below which the perturbative approach breaks down. Even though the action of (non-relativistic) bosons includes a first-order time derivative term, we find remarkable similarities in the weak-coupling limit between the classical O(NN) model and interacting bosons at zero temperature.Comment: v2) 19 pages, 8 figure
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