7 research outputs found

    Les facteurs influençant le rendement oléicole : cas de la région de Jijel du Nord-Est algérien

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    La région de Jijel, dans le Nord-Est algérien, possède un important potentiel naturel oléicole favorisant une activité économique importante autour de ce produit, notamment dans le milieu rural. Néanmoins, la production des exploitations de la région demeure faible et instable dans le temps, malgré les efforts de plantations entrepris depuis 2001. La recherche des causes de cette faiblesse nous a conduits à repérer les principaux facteurs spécifiques ayant un impact significatif sur les rendements. À cet effet, quatre facteurs ont été identifiés comme ayant des effets significatifs sur les rendements des exploitations oléicoles locales : deux s’avèrent liés à la variété et les deux autres à l’environnement. Les facteurs intrinsèques sont l’origine de la variété (locales et hors région) et l’âge des plants. Les deux autres facteurs extrinsèques (liés à l’environnement) sont l’altitude et la pente des terrains ; les exploitations se situant à des altitudes supérieures à 600 mètres, avec des pentes modérées enregistraient des rendements plus importants. Cette étude nous a permis de connaître les exigences agro-écologiques et les principaux facteurs spécifiques à prendre en considération pour une bonne affectation de la ressource oléicole au niveau local


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    L'objectif de cette étude est la régionalisation stochastique des paramètres hydro chimiques dans le cadre d’un système d’information géographique (SIG) sur la base de la géostatistique en utilisant la variographie pour étudier la structure spatiale des variables étudiées et le krigeage comme outil d’interpolation. La région d’Ain Oussera a été choisie comme exemple d’application. On a remarqué un variogramme expérimental de type exponentiel avec une portée limite de 8Km. Après régionalisation, on a remarqué que les valeurs les plus élevées se répartissent uniformément dans notre région de la direction du Sud Ouest vers le Nord Est

    La bonification du crédit favorise-t-elle vraiment le financement des exploitations agricoles ? Cas de la wilaya de Laghouat en Algérie

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    Les exploitations agricoles algériennes sont confrontées à d’importantes difficultés de financement qui limitent considérablement leur capacité de production. Leur difficulté d’accès au crédit bancaire est due en grande partie à l’indisponibilité d’informations fiables sur leur situation financière et à leur faible taux de remboursement. Pour inverser la tendance et faciliter l’accès des exploitants agricoles au crédit bancaire, les pouvoirs publics ont revisité l’usage de la bonification des taux d’intérêts en mettant en place pour eux en 2011 un crédit d’investissement totalement bonifié appelé Ettahadi. Cependant, l’intervention publique dans le système de crédit, à travers la bonification, n’a eu qu’un très faible effet sur la demande de financement et un effet mitigé sur l’accès effectif au crédit. Les résultats d’une enquête menée auprès d’un échantillon représentatif d’agriculteurs de la wilaya de Laghouat ainsi que l’analyse des données de la Banque de l’agriculture et du développement rural montrent que la gestion du risque de crédit et les objectifs de rentabilité ont poussé cette banque publique à adopter une forme organisationnelle qui limite la distribution de crédit

    Sustainability Evaluation of Pastoral Livestock Systems

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    In order to manage important transformations affecting a steppe area, it is necessary to analyze the existing pastoral system by evaluating the sustainability of its subsystems of production. For this reason, in this study, a tool for the evaluation of the sustainability of livestock production in the steppe area was used in order to identify the most sustainable systems. The study was conducted using a survey of 87 livestock farmers (production units) in the region ranked first in terms of sheep production. Principal component analysis (PCA) enabled us to identify two production systems: (i) the pastoral production system, characterized by the mobility of livestock and its high dependence on concentrated feed; (ii) the agropastoral system, combining fodder and livestock production, which is sedentary and semi-extensive. Using a grid for evaluating the sustainability of livestock systems in steppe regions, the impact of each system on the environment (environmental, economic, and social) was examined, and the results showed that the feed system was unbalanced, with high pressure on steppe rangelands. Nevertheless, multiple ways of improving these systems emerged from the analysis, such as encouraging the production of fodder and its association with livestock, on new spatial, temporal, regional, and national levels

    Pimpinella anisum essential oil: A natural approach to amplifying fertility and reproductive well-being in the Saida Region

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    Infertility poses a significant challenge within the sheep population, hindering herd regeneration. Both rams and ewes are susceptible to infertility, prompting our objective of enhancing reproductive performance through the utilization of essential oils as a means to mitigate this issue. Essential oils have long been acknowledged for their medicinal properties and have been extensively employed in traditional medicine. Some essential oils have been reported to exert effects on male reproductive functions in both animals and humans.Pimpinella anisum, scientifically known as green anise, is a medicinal and aromatic annual plant renowned as one of the oldest medicinal herbs and widely used as a spice. In Algeria, essential oils extracted from Pimpinella anisum are consumed on a wide scale; however, their potential in enhancing ram fertility has remained unexplored.To improve the fertility of the Rembi breed sheep population, rams were randomly selected for this study. These rams underwent various experiments to evaluate their response to different concentrations (0, 0.5, and 1 mm/ram) of essential oil obtained from anise seeds using the hydro-distillation extraction method. Furthermore, the study encompassed an assessment of their key zootechnical characteristics over a one-year period

    The Forage Plantation Program between Desertification Mitigation and Livestock Feeding: An Economic Analysis

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    To combat desertification and land degradation in arid and semi-arid zones, the government has adopted an approach of rehabilitation of pasturelands through forage plantations. This program was launched at the beginning of the 1990s and, to date, there has been no global or national study on the sustainability of the program, particularly its economic profitability. Our work’s principal objective was to perform an economic analysis of the forage plantation program across the different periods since the creation of the program until the year 2020, focusing on the economic evaluation parameters of the projects, such as mean annual net income, net present value, annuity of the net present value, profitability index and payback period, based on the data collected from the official institutions. The results showed that the forage plantation program significantly contributes to sustainable development in steppe areas

    Leaf Morphological and Epidermal Traits Variability along Environmental Gradients in Ten Natural Populations of Pistacia lentiscus

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    International audienceThe species belonging to the genus Pistacia possess ecological, economic, and medicinal value. They show a very high ecological plasticity. This research is a contribution to the study of the intraspecific diversity and variability of 10 populations of Pistacia lentiscus in different bioclimates. Nine locations in Algeria and one site in France have been selected in order to understand the strategies developed by this species under extreme conditions, including altitude and aridity, and to identify the adaptive processes that can be observed based on the morphological and ultrastructural features of the leaf. As a result of this research, we have collected a large quantity of important information on morphological and microphytodermal leaf variability for the ten studied populations. The statistical analyses showed a very important difference in the studied characteristics between these populations. It has been demonstrated that environmental factors also have a significant impact on the heterogeneity of most measured leaf features. Moreover, the observations with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) enabled us to highlight new characteristics of the studied species, such as the glandular trichomes on the leaflets and embedded stomata in the epidermis. These criteria could supplement the existing morphological characteristics used in the systematic classification of the Pistacia genus. Overall, the studied species have shown xeromorphy features, which give them the opportunity to be used in desertification mitigation programs, due to their ability to withstand conditions of extreme aridity