21 research outputs found

    Models of Cultural and Civilizational Identification among Residents of Russian and Ukrainian Border Regions

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    Abstract The paper analyses the models of cultural and civilizational identification among the residents of Russian and Ukrainian border regions formed under the crisis in Russia-Ukraine relations. The cultural and civilizational identity is understood here as an open or latent identification of an individual or a group of individuals with a socio-cultural matrix, or the historically developed complex of cultural patterns (frames) which entails typification of the value systems, social practices and individual life trajectories. The historically developed socio-cultural community of the border-regions residents illustrates the influence of ideological and political factors on the emerged diversity of cultural and civilizational identities. The model of cultural and civilizational identification prevalent among the residents of the Russian border regions is autonomous, with the axiological and institutional components of the national culture having enough power and attraction to become the basis for integration and socialization. The "alien" culture is frequently regarded as a threat for the cultural and civilizational originality. The model of cultural and civilizational identification, which is currently dominant in the Ukrainian border regions, is eclectic, with the significant objects searched for beyond the national culture, and the culture has no internal integrity. In this sense, the border regions of Ukraine differ from the cultural core, where the autonomous model of cultural and civilizational identification has a confrontational nature and is based on the absence of a common civilizational identity with Russia


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    В настоящее время кластерная политика становится одним из эффективных инструментов повышения конкурентоспособности стран и регионов. Однако существующая методология кластеризации обладает ря-дом ограничений. Так, не в полной мере определены процедуры формирования экономических кластеров по инициативе государства, отсутствует однозначный подход к определению кластеров и их типологизации. Рассмотрены все существующие виды эффектов кластеризации: экстерналии Маршалла, Якобса и Портера. В статье терминологически определен кластер, произведено содержательное и категориальное отделение кластера от смежных понятий и форм территориальной организации производства и осуществлена типоло-гия кластеров на основе выделения кластерных характеристик. Принципиальное значение для обособления кластеров предприятий от других форм объединения хозяйствующих субъектов имеет механизм их возник-новения и эволюции. Автор предлагает новый подход к эволюции развития кластера. Currently, cluster policy is becoming one of the most effective tools for improving competitivenessof countries and regions. However, the existing clustering methodology has several limitations. So, the procedures of formation economic clusters on the initiative the state is not fully defi ned, there is no unique approach to the defi nition of clusters and their typology. Author has examined all existing types of clustering effects: externalities Marshall, Jacobs and Porter. In this paper, the terminology logically defi ned cluster, made meaningful and categorical separation of the cluster of related concepts and forms of territorial organization of production and carried out a typology of clusters on the basis of allocation of cluster characteristics. Fundamental importance for the separation of clusters of fi rms from other forms of association of business entities is the mechanism of their origin and evolution. The author proposes a new approach to the evolution of the cluster

    Chromatographic behavior of petanin in reversed-phase HPLC in mobile phases with a wide range of pH

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    The chromatographic behavior of petanin, petunidin-3-O-[6-O-(4-O-(E)-para-coumaroyl-O-α-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-glucopyranoside]-5-O-β-glucopyranoside, is studied for the first time under conditions of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography in mobile phases with different pH values. The relationship between chromatographic behavior (retention time and peak efficiency) and transitions between different forms of anthocyanins is discussed. Analysis of the data obtained in the 2 to 6.5 range of mobile pH phases, the absorption spectra of petanin, and the results from studying the effect of adding tetrabutylammonium bromide to the mobile phase shows that increasing the pH results in the formation of uncharged and anionic forms, in addition to the pseudobase form

    Chromatographic behavior of anthocyanins on a C10CN stationary phase

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    The selectivity of the separation of some anthocyanins on Diasphere-11-C10CN stationary phase (phase I) is compared with the traditional reversed Symmetry C18 phase (phase II). It is found that, in contrast to phase II, phase I is effective in the separation of isomeric pairs of anthocyanins of 6-hydroxycyanidin- 3-rutinoside and delphinidin-3-rutinoside, 6-hydroxypelargonidin-3-rutinoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside, which ensures the determination of anthocyanins of Alstroemeria flowers. A comparison of separation maps shows that, on phase I, as compared with phase II, retention does not decrease so much, when OH groups are added to the anthocyanidin structure; trend lines for 3-mono-, di-, and triglucosides have a higher slope, and the addition of a glucosidic substituent at position 5 results in a more significant decrease in the retention of anthocyanins. Different selectivity of the separation of anthocyanins on phase I makes this separation version a good alternative to traditional reversed phase chromatography

    Chromatographic behavior of anthocyanins on a C10CN stationary phase

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    The selectivity of the separation of some anthocyanins on Diasphere-11-C10CN stationary phase (phase I) is compared with the traditional reversed Symmetry C18 phase (phase II). It is found that, in contrast to phase II, phase I is effective in the separation of isomeric pairs of anthocyanins of 6-hydroxycyanidin- 3-rutinoside and delphinidin-3-rutinoside, 6-hydroxypelargonidin-3-rutinoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside, which ensures the determination of anthocyanins of Alstroemeria flowers. A comparison of separation maps shows that, on phase I, as compared with phase II, retention does not decrease so much, when OH groups are added to the anthocyanidin structure; trend lines for 3-mono-, di-, and triglucosides have a higher slope, and the addition of a glucosidic substituent at position 5 results in a more significant decrease in the retention of anthocyanins. Different selectivity of the separation of anthocyanins on phase I makes this separation version a good alternative to traditional reversed phase chromatography