45 research outputs found

    Graffiti etruschi dalla Gallia e il piombo di Pech Maho : alcune questioni paleografiche e contenutistiche

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    Archaeological discoveries made in recent years off the coast of southern Gaul (both on the coast and in the sea, as shown in the wreck of the Grand Ribaud) demonstrate in a more and more clear way how were important not only contacts and trade between the region and the southern Etruria (as evidenced by the large number of transport amphorae), but also the Etruscan presence at least in places that have returned an epigraphic documentation (Saint Blaise , Lattes, Pech Maho, etc.).Through considerations on the paleography of the documents found in Languedoc, we try to underline the “peripheral” character of some Languedoc inscriptions, and to indicate on the contrary Etruscan, graphic and linguistic, character of the text of Pech Maho, in the light of comparisons with contemporary texts products in Etruria. The interpretation of its contents allows finally to formulate the hypothesis of a major involvement of the massaliote local community in the business transaction recorded on the lead.Les découvertes archéologiques faites ces dernières années près des côtes de la Gaule méridionale (tant sur le littoral et que dans la mer, comme le montre l’épave du Grand Ribaud) témoignent de manière de plus en plus claire non seulement des contacts et du commerce entre cette région et l’Étrurie méridionale (attesté par le grand nombre dʼamphores de transport), mais aussi de la présence étrusque au moins dans les lieux qui ont restitué une documentation épigraphique (Saint Blaise, Lattes, Pech Maho, etc.).À travers des considérations sur la paléographie des documents du Languedoc, on essaye de souligner le caractère « périphérique » d’une partie des inscriptions languedociennes, et de signaler au contraire le caractère étrusque, graphique et linguistique, du texte de Pech Maho, à la lumière de comparaisons avec des textes contemporains produits en Étrurie. L’interprétation de son contenu permet enfin de formuler l’hypothèse d’une implication majeure de la communauté locale massaliote dans la transaction commerciale enregistrée dans le document

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Adolescents with Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Emotional/Behavioral Symptoms and Parental Stress

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    The objective of our study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the emotional and behavioral symptoms in minors with neuropsychiatric disorders and on parental stress through a standardized neuropsychological assessment, comparing the data collected before the pandemic with those collected during the lock-down. Another goal of our study was to analyze the relationship between parental stress and behavioral/emotional symptoms in children. Our study was conducted on 383 families of patients who had already been referred at the Child Neuropsychiatry Unit of the University Hospital of Salerno for different neuropsychiatric conditions. All the parents completed two neuropsychological standardized questionnaires for the assessment of parental stress (PSI—Parenting Stress Index-Short Form) and the emotional/behavioral problems of their children (Child Behaviour CheckList). The data collected during the pandemic were compared with those collected from questionnaires administered during the six months preceding the pandemic, as is our usual clinical practice. The comparison between the mean scores of PSI and CBCL before and after the pandemic showed a statistically significant increase in all subscales analyzed in the total sample. The correlation analysis showed significant positive relationship between the subscale Total Stress of PSI and the subscales Total Problems and Internalizing Problems of CBCL. Our study suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding measures adopted led to an increase in internalizing and externalizing symptoms in children and adolescents with neuropsychiatric disorder. Similarly, parental stress increased during COVID-19 and ahigher level of stress in parents can be related to the internalizing symptoms of their children

    Progranulin Oncogenic Network in Solid Tumors

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    Progranulin is a pleiotropic growth factor with important physiological roles in embryogenesis and maintenance of adult tissue homeostasis. While-progranulin deficiency is associated with a broad range of pathological conditions affecting the brain, such as frontotemporal dementia and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, progranulin upregulation characterizes many tumors, including brain tumors, multiple myeloma, leiomyosarcoma, mesothelioma and epithelial cancers such as ovarian, liver, breast, bladder, adrenal, prostate and kidney carcinomas. The increase of progranulin levels in tumors might have diagnostic and prognostic significance. In cancer, progranulin has a pro-tumorigenic role by promoting cancer cell proliferation, migration, invasiveness, anchorage-independent growth and resistance to chemotherapy. In addition, progranulin regulates the tumor microenvironment, affects the function of cancer-associated fibroblasts, and modulates tumor immune surveillance. However, the molecular mechanisms of progranulin oncogenic function are not fully elucidated. In bladder cancer, progranulin action relies on the activation of its functional signaling receptor EphA2. Notably, more recent data suggest that progranulin can also modulate a functional crosstalk between multiple receptor-tyrosine kinases, demonstrating a more complex and context-dependent role of progranulin in cancer. Here, we will review what is currently known about the function of progranulin in tumors, with a focus on its molecular mechanisms of action and regulation

    Diffusion-weighted imaging and apparent diffusion coefficient mapping of head and neck lymph node metastasis: a systematic review

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    Aim: Head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) is the ninth most common tumor worldwide. Neck lymph node (LN) status is the major indicator of prognosis in all head and neck cancers, and the early detection of LN involvement is crucial in terms of therapy and prognosis. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a non- invasive imaging technique used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to characterize tissues based on the displacement motion of water molecules. This review aims to provide an overview of the current literature concerning quantitative diffusion imaging for LN staging in patients with HNSCC. Methods: This systematic review performed a literature search on the PubMed database (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) for all relevant, peer-reviewed literature on the subject following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) criteria, using the keywords: DWI, MRI, head and neck, staging, lymph node. Results: After excluding reviews, meta-analyses, case reports, and bibliometric studies, 18 relevant papers out of the 567 retrieved were selected for analysis. Conclusions: DWI improves the diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment response evaluation, and overall management of patients affected by HNSCC. More robust data to clarify the role of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and DWI parameters are needed to develop models for prognosis and prediction in HNSCC cancer using MRI

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée occidentale

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    La question des contacts entre les différents peuples qui bordent les rives de la Méditerranée nord occidentale est l’un des sujets phares de la recherche archéologique de ces trente dernières années. Que l’on parle d’époque archaïque et classique ou de Protohistoire et d’âge du Fer, les échanges et les processus d’acculturation de ces peuples qui entrèrent alors en contact les uns avec les autres : Grecs, Celtes, Phéniciens, Ibères, Ligures, Étrusques, ont retenu l’attention des chercheurs travaillant sur l’expansion grecque dans ces régions, sur les trafics commerciaux, sur les échanges culturels. L’œuvre de Michel Bats (Directeur de recherche honoraire du CNRS) traverse toutes ces thématiques : la présence des Phocéens et des Étrusques dans le bassin occidental de la Méditerranée, l’acculturation et les identités ethno-culturelles, les recherches sur la céramique et ses usages dans une perspective anthropologique, l’appropriation de l’écriture par les sociétés protohistoriques. Ses collègues et amis, en organisant ce colloque et en participant à ces actes, entendent lui témoigner leur amitié et leur dette intellectuelle. Ce volume réunit des articles des meilleurs spécialistes, actuels de la question - des chercheurs de toute la Méditerranée - autour des quatre grands thèmes que nous venons d’évoquer afin tout à la fois de dresser un bilan et de définir de nouvelles perspectives. Cet ouvrage présente donc aussi bien des synthèses - sur la présence grecque en Espagne, sur l’origine de l’écriture, sur les pratiques funéraires, sur les identités culturelles et ethniques - que des découvertes récentes concernant la thématique des contacts et de l’acculturation en Méditerranée nord occidentale : l’agglomération du Premier âge du Fer de La Cougourlude (Lattes, Hérault) fouillée durant l’été 2010 ; le sanctuaire hellénistique de Cumes et les fouilles récentes de Fratte en Italie ; les ateliers de potiers de Rosas en Espagne ; les dernières découvertes d’Olbia de Provence

    Problemi di dialettologia etrusca : spie grafiche e questioni « dialettali » non solo perugine

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    Nell'articolo si rilevano e si studiano tutti i tratti di variazione grafica che sono stati o possono essere considerati marcatori di variazione linguistica nelle iscrizioni etrusche di Perugia di età recente, e pertanto di una specifica zona dialettale perugina. Ogni tratto viene considerato, criticato e posto nel quadro più ampio dei problemi di rappresentazione linguistica nei testi giunti a noi per valutare la loro utilità in uno studio generale dell’esistenza e estensione delle norme linguistiche e grafiche in Etruria.This text focuses on every phenomenon of graphic variation which Perugia’s Etruscan inscriptions display and can be or have been considered by scholars as linguistic variation’s markers and therefore as peculiar dialectal markers. These features are closely examined and discussed in order to fathom their relevance in a more general reflexion about linguistic and graphic norms in ancient Etruria

    Problemi di vocalismo etrusco arcaico. La geminazione di <ii>

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    Belfiore Valentina. Problemi di vocalismo etrusco arcaico. La geminazione di <ii>. In: La variation linguistique dans les langues de l’Italie préromaine. Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, 2011. pp. 41-60. (Collection de la Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen ancien. Série philologique, 45

    Il lessico del Cippo di Perugia

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    Alla luce delle più recenti acquisizioni epigrafiche e linguistiche in materia di etrusco, il contributo presenta alcune riflessioni sul contenuto del testo del cippo di Perugia, con particolare riguardo per l’impiego dei termini muni e *[s]cun- all’interno del corpus documentario etrusco. Dall’analisi condotta sembra che il rapporto fra le famiglie gentilizie dei Velθina e degli Afuna non sia paritario e che la definizione dei limiti di proprietà contemplati nel testo riguardi terreni di tipo particolare non necessariamente rientranti nell’ambito della proprietà privata.Basing on the recent acquisitions about Etruscan epigraphics and linguistics, the paper develops some reflections on the content of the Cippus from Perugia, focusing on the meaning of the terms muni and *[s]cun- and their use within the Etruscan corpus. According to the proposed analysis, the relationship between the gentilic families Velθina and Afuna seems to be uneven. Furthermore, the definition of the boundaries between properties seems to concern special plots of land, which do not necessarily fall within the private property

    Chapitre 2. La nozione di sacer in etrusco : dai riti del liber linteus a ritroso

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    Iscrizioni etrusche non solo votive, ma anche funerarie, restituiscono termini con significati attinenti alla sfera del sacro. Partendo dallo studio dei contesti, è possibile effettuare qualche considerazione sulla valenza che la nozione di sacralità ricopre nell’Etruria soprattutto di età ellenistica, quando è attestato un maggior numero di testi epigrafici rispetto alla vicina cultura romano-repubblicana. Un parallelo spunto di valutazione è offerto dalla valenza dei titoli magistratuali et..