168 research outputs found

    Vouchers and the Cleveland Scholarship Program: little progress so far

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    Voucher programs are intended to raise the academic achievement of students, but, unfortunately, so far the evidence suggests that Cleveland’s voucher students perform no better than their counterparts in public schools.Educational vouchers ; School choice

    Should Ohio invest in universal preschooling?

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    A growing body of evidence shows that quality preschooling is associated with a host of benefits to students, schools, and society at large. These benefits can have a positive impact on a state’s budget, too: Children who attend preschool are not only more successful throughout their school careers, they also graduate and go on to college more often, commit fewer crimes, and earn higher wages once they enter the workforce. Research suggests that making public pre-schooling available to all children would be a cost-effective way to improve academic performance. This Commentary explains why making public preschooling available to all children in the state would be a wise investment for Ohio.Education - Ohio

    Education vouchers and the Cleveland Scholarship Program

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    Educational vouchers

    The Economic Value of National Service

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    In this report we calculate social and taxpayer benefits of national service using current data and including a wider array of gains across a range of different programs. We use national datasets and existing studies of the association between service, education, and long-term impacts to calculate the economic value of national service programs

    Unions, Training, and Firm Performance

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    The present paper uses a combination of workplace and linked employee-workplace data from the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey and the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey to examine the impact of unions on training incidence, training intensity/coverage, and training duration. It also examines the impact of unions and training on earnings and a measure of establishment labour productivity. In addition, the implications of training for the firm’s bottom line are evaluated. Union effects on training emerge as fairly subtle, and are more positive when using individual rather than plant-wide training data. A positive impact of training on earnings is detected in both the individual and plant-wide wage data, albeit only for the earlier survey. Consistent with other recent findings, the effects of union recognition on earnings are today rather muted, while union-training interaction effects vary greatly. Instrumenting training provides positive results for the labour productivity outcome and, in the case of the earlier survey, for the financial performance indicator as well. However, some negative effects of unions are now also detected.earnings, training duration, training intensity/coverage, training Incidence, employer-provided training, bargaining structure, union recognition, financial performance, labour productivity

    An Economic Analysis of Pre-K in Louisiana

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    A number of recent studies have shown that pre-k education is one of the most cost effective investments that a state can make. This report indicates that Louisiana has much to gain from such an investment. Overall, for every 1investedinprek,thestatewouldrecoup1 invested in pre-k, the state would recoup 2.25 in benefits. In the Department of Education alone, every dollar invested in pre-k would be offset by a savings of 77 cents over children's 13 years in K-12. These calculations show that pre-k expansion would be a strong investment, yielding high returns to Louisiana