462 research outputs found

    Guest Editor’s Introduction April 2023

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    One of the most commonly reported reasons for listening to music is simply because people find it enjoyable (Sanflippo et al., 2020). Despite aesthetic appreciation playing an important role in the motivation to listen to music, aesthetic responses to music have not been investigated as frequently as in other types of artistic modalities. This is perhaps due to the history of the field of music perception and cognition, which has traditionally focused more on basic perceptual functions and components of music, such as perception of pitch and rhythm, rather than aesthetic aspects of music listening. At this point, the study of music cognition and perception has spanned several decades, and music cognition is beginning to firmly establish itself as a key subfield within cognitive psychology and neuroscience more broadly. While the study of music cognition has continued to grow, it has done so somewhat in parallel with the psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts. Although the two research communities (that is, music cognition and empirical aesthetics) study similar topics using similar methods, the level of interaction between the two communities has been less than what one might expect. This could in part be due to the fact that the study of aesthetics tends to come from an academic tradition that is often considered to refer more specifically to the visual arts or visual stimuli more broadly (e.g., Arnheim, 1966; Berlyne, 1971), or at least that may be the perception researchers have of the work done under the banner of the psychology of aesthetic

    Sensitivity below the standard quantum limit in gravitational wave detectors with Michelson-Fabry-Perot readout

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    We calculate the quantum noise limited displacement sensitivity of a Michelson-Fabry-Perot (MFP) with detuned cavities, followed by phase-sensitive homodyne detection. We show that the standard quantum limit can be surpassed even with resonant cavities and without any signal-recycling mirror nor additional cavities. Indeed, thanks to the homodyne detection, the output field quadrature can be chosen in such a way to cancel the effect of input amplitude fluctuations, i.e., eliminating the force noise. With detuned cavities, the modified opto-mechanical susceptivity allows to reach unlimited sensitivity for large enough (yet finite) optical power. Our expressions include mirror losses and cavity delay effect, for a realistic comparison with experiments. Our study is particularly devoted to gravitational wave detectors and we consider both an interferometer with free-falling mirrors, and a MFP as readout for a massive detector. In the latter case, the sensitivity curve of the recently conceived 'DUAL' detector, based on two acoustic modes, is obtained

    Dual channel self-oscillating optical magnetometer

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    We report on a two-channel magnetometer based on nonlinear magneto-optical rotation in a Cs glass cell with buffer gas. The Cs atoms are optically pumped and probed by free running diode lasers tuned to the D2_2 line. A wide frequency modulation of the pump laser is used to produce both synchronous Zeeman optical pumping and hyperfine repumping. The magnetometer works in an unshielded environment and spurious signal from distant magnetic sources is rejected by means of differential measurement. In this regime the magnetometer simultaneously gives the magnetic field modulus and the field difference. Rejection of the common-mode noise allows for high-resolution magnetometry with a sensitivity of \pthz{2}. This sensitivity, in conjunction with long-term stability and a large bandwidth, makes possible to detect water proton magnetization and its free induction decay in a measurement volume of 5 cm3^3Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Improved version (v2). Accepted for publicatio

    Stray Magnetic Field Compensation with a Scalar Atomic Magnetometer

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    We describe a system for the compensation of time-dependent stray magnetic fields using a dual channel scalar magnetometer based on non-linear Faraday rotation in synchronously optically pumped Cs vapour. We detail the active control strategy, with an emphasis on the electronic circuitry, based on a simple phase-locked-loop integrated circuit. The performance and limits of the system developed are tested and discussed. The system was applied to significantly improve the detection of free induction decay signals from protons of remotely magnetized water precessing in an ultra-low magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 31 refs, v2 (with minor improvements) appearing in Rev.Sc.Instr. June 201

    Thermal Control of a Dual Mode Parametric Sapphire Transducer

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    We propose a method to control the thermal stability of a sapphire dielectric transducer made with two dielectric disks separated by a thin gap and resonating in the whispering gallery (WG) modes of the electromagnetic field. The simultaneous measurement of the frequencies of both a WGH mode and a WGE mode allows one to discriminate the frequency shifts due to gap variations from those due to temperature instability. A simple model, valid in quasi equilibrium conditions, describes the frequency shift of the two modes in terms of four tuning parameters. A procedure for the direct measurement of them is presented.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, presented at EFTF-IFCS joint conference 200

    Rotational sensitivity of the "G-Pisa" gyrolaser

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    G-Pisa is an experiment investigating the possibility to operate a high sensitivity laser gyroscope with area less than 1m21 \rm m^2 for improving the performances of the mirrors suspensions of the gravitational wave antenna Virgo. The experimental set-up consists in a He-Ne ring laser with a 4 mirrors square cavity. The laser is pumped by an RF discharge where the RF oscillator includes the laser plasma in order to reach a better stability. The contrast of the Sagnac fringes is typically above 50% and a stable regime has been reached with the laser operating both single mode or multimode. The effect of hydrogen contamination on the laser was also checked. A low-frequency sensitivity, below 1Hz1 \rm Hz, in the range of 10−8(rad/s)/Hz10^{-8} \rm {(rad / s)/ \sqrt{Hz}} has been measured.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, presented at the EFTF-IFCS joint conference 200

    Interferometric length metrology for the dimensional control of ultra-stable Ring Laser Gyroscopes

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    We present the experimental test of a method for controlling the absolute length of the diagonals of square ring laser gyroscopes. The purpose is to actively stabilize the ring cavity geometry and to enhance the rotation sensor stability in order to reach the requirements for the detection of the relativistic Lense-Thirring effect with a ground-based array of optical gyroscopes. The test apparatus consists of two optical cavities 1.32 m in length, reproducing the features of the ring cavity diagonal resonators of large frame He-Ne ring laser gyroscopes. The proposed measurement technique is based on the use of a single diode laser, injection locked to a frequency stabilized He-Ne/Iodine frequency standard, and a single electro-optic modulator. The laser is modulated with a combination of three frequencies allowing to lock the two cavities to the same resonance frequency and, at the same time, to determine the cavity Free Spectral Range (FSR). We obtain a stable lock of the two cavities to the same optical frequency reference, providing a length stabilization at the level of 1 part in 101110^{11}, and the determination of the two FSRs with a relative precision of 0.2 ppm. This is equivalent to an error of 500 nm on the absolute length difference between the two cavities

    Pulsating Heat Pipes, an innovative heat exchanger for non conventional applications.

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi analizza un particolare dispositivo per lo scambio di calore e massa (Heat and Mass Transfer Device) chiamato Pulsating Heat Pipe (PHP). Dopo aver descritto il principio di funzionamento di tale dispositivo ed aver evidenziato le differenze rispetto ad altri dispositivi bifase si è condotta una accurata analisi bibliografica dei principali risultati ottenuti in analisi sperimentali e numeriche disponibili nei lavori più significativi tentando di delineare un possibile approccio metodologico alla progettazione. Nella seconda parte del lavoro è invece esposta una attività di progettazione, realizzazione e sperimentazione di un particolare dispositivo in grado di funzionare in condizioni di microgravità, condotta nell'ambito di un progetto studentesco chiamato PHOS project (Pulsating Heatpipes Only for Space). Tale progetto ha portato alla sperimentazione di una PHPs a bordo di un razzo sonda (REXUS - Rocket Experiments for University Students), lanciato dal circolo polare artico, capace di raggiungere 100 km di apogeo e simulare 120 secondi di microgravità. Correlatamente al razzo sonda, una campagna di test, a terra e a bordo di un volo parabolico, è stata condotta. Dallo studio sui dispositivi è emersa una notevole disponibilità di risultati sperimentali tuttavia non facilmente interpretabili, correlabili e quindi utilizzabili al fine di ampliare gli strumenti progettuali. L'approccio utilizzato spesso è quello di provare un singolo dispositivo nella sua specifica applicazione anche se, in realtà, una conoscenza più approfondita del fenomeno di base sarebbe necessaria. L'attività delineata dallo specifico progetto, data anche la definizione abbastanza precisa delle condizioni operative, ha messo in evidenza alcune buone caratteristiche del dispositivo PHPs che lo rende interessante nello specifico ambito di applicazione in microgravità. Le sperimentazioni oggetto del presente lavoro, non permettono, dati i ridotti tempi di microgravità, di trarre conclusioni definitive senza prima aver condotte le stesse in condizioni più stazionarie. La progettazioni di un nuovo test-rig compatibile con la piattaforma presente a bordo dell'ISS è oggetto dell'ultima parte del lavoro

    Unraveling the Skillsets of Data Scientists: Text Mining Analysis of Dutch University Master Programs in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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    The growing demand for data scientists in the global labor market and the Netherlands has led to a rise in data science and artificial intelligence (AI) master programs offered by universities. However, there is still a lack of clarity regarding the specific skillsets of data scientists. This study aims to address this issue by employing Correlated Topic Modeling (CTM) to analyse the content of 41 master programs offered by seven Dutch universities. We assess the differences and similarities in the core skills taught by these programs, determine the subject-specific and general nature of the skills, and provide a comparison between the different types of universities offering these programs. Our findings reveal that research, data processing, statistics and ethics are the predominant skills taught in Dutch data science and AI master programs, with general universities emphasizing research skills and technical universities focusing more on IT and electronic skills. This study contributes to a better understanding of the diverse skillsets of data scientists, which is essential for employers, universities, and prospective students
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