217 research outputs found

    Alternatives for Storing and Validating XBRL Data

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    The purpose of this article is to explore the alternatives for storing and validating data in Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) format. The article gives a brief overview of XBRL and the most common components, the history of XBRL and the latest trends in XBRL including Inline XBRL. Simple examples are provided in order to describe the XBRL format and structure and Inline XBRL. The author builds on his previous research and professional experience in the area of XBRL and different XBRL software tools and concepts to outline the best solutions for solving the research problem - storing and validating XBRL instances. The research is significant because it analyzes combined information from different XBRL related sources and the authorā€™s practical knowledge to reach a conclusion how to store and validate data in XBRL format

    Pemetrexed treatment for adenocarcinoma of un- known primary origin with BAP-1 mutation ā€“ imple- menting NGS analysis into clinical practice

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    Genome analysis like ā€žNext-generation sequencingā€œ (NGS) has impacted research of complex diseases including cancer. NGS allowed a cost and time-effective sequencing of tumor DNA, introducing us to a ā€žgenomic eraā€œ of cancer research and treatment

    Electrical properties of amorphous selenium based photoconductive devices for application in x-ray image detectors

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    In the last 10-15 years there has been a renewed interest in amorphous Se (a-Se) and its alloys due to their application as photoconductor materials in the new fully digital direct conversion flat panel x-ray medical image detectors. For a number of reasons, the a-Se photoconductor layer in such x-ray detectors has to be operated at very high electric fields (up to 10 Volts per micron) and one of the most difficult problems related to such applications of a Se is the problem of the dark current (the current in the absence of any radiation) minimization in the photoconductor layer. This PhD work has been devoted to researching the possibilities for dark current minimization in a-Se x-ray photoconductors devices through a systematic study of the charge transport (carrier mobility and carrier lifetimes) and dark currents in single and multilayered a-Se devices as a function of alloying, doping, deposition condition and other fabrication factors. The results of the studies are extensively discussed in the thesis. We have proposed a new technological method for dark current reduction in single and multilayered a-Se based photoconductor for x-ray detector applications. The new technology is based on original experimental findings which demonstrate that both hole transport and the dark currents in a-Se films are a very strong function of the substrate temperature (Tsubstrate) during the film deposition process. We have shown that the new technique reduces the dark currents to approximately the same levels as achievable with the previously existing methods for dark current reduction. However, the new method is simpler to implement, and offers some potential advantages, especially in cases when a very high image resolution (20 cycles/mm) and/or fast pixel readout (more than 30 times per second) are needed. Using the new technology we have fabricated simple single and double (ni-like) photoconductor layers on prototype x-ray image detectors with CCD (Charge Coupled Device) readout circuits. Dark currents in the a-Se photoconductor layer were not a problem for detector operation at all tested electric fields. Compared to the currently available commercial systems for mammography, the prototype detectors have demonstrated an excellent imaging performance, in particular superior spatial resolution (20 cycles/mm). Thus, the newly proposed technology for dark current reduction has shown a potential for commercialization

    Special lagrangian fibrations on flag variety F3F^3

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    One constructs lagrangian fibrations on the flag variety F3F^3 and proves that the fibrations are special.Comment: 19 page

    Analysis of Female Interest in Maritime Education at Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy Varna and at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split

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    The promotion of gender equality and womenā€™s empowerment is one of the main goals of the United Nations. The aim of this study is to analyze the gradual change of conservative perceptions about the role of women in shipping. Maritime education and training institutions are fully involved in the process. The Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy and the Split Universityā€™s Faculty of Maritime Studies are a part of this process of general change in human attitude towards the acceptance of women on merchant ships. Data on female admittance and graduation are collected by both academies. In the period examined, i.e. Ā 2012 ā€“ 2018, 129 women were enrolled at and 60 graduated from the NVNA. 281 women were enrolled at and 68 graduated from the Faculty of Maritime Studies. The attitudes of female candidates at the academy Nikola Vaptsarov were studied by means of a questionnaire. The growing number of female candidates at Nikola Vaptsarovā€™s Navigation, Ship Engineering and Electrician studies proves that a competitive environment was created on a completely new basis, namely the ability of women to work at an equal footing with men in a purely male-dominated profession. This paper opens the door to future research of the recruitment market required to establish the reasons behind skepticism about women on board and the ways to overcome this conservative line of thinking

    Aspectele genetice şi imunologice ale cancerului colorectal (rezultate şi perspective)

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    După cum au demonstrat rezultatele cercetărilor clinico-genetice efectuate, cancerul colorectal este o patologie multilaterală, la dezvoltarea căreia contribuie esenţial factorii genetici. A fost evi-denţiat caracterul comun al cancerului intestinului gros şi al adenocarcinoamelor. De asemenea, s-au formulat şi argumentat caracteristicile imunogenetice şi imunologice ale cadrului de premorbiditate la familiile cu risc sporit de cancer, indicat marcherii prognosticării nefavorabile la bolnavii cu can-cer intestinal şi riscul progresării neoplasmelor maligne primare multiple (NMPM). Este specificată corelaţia dintre rezultatele de tip imunologic şi cursul clinic al procesului patologic

    Etičko pitanje primjene transfuzije krvi kod jehovinih svjedoka ā€“ prikaz slučaja Ethical question on the application of the transfusion to jehovahā€™s witnesses - case report

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    Transfuzija krvi danas predstavlja bitnu i često primjenjivu medicinsku terapiju. Ista je osnova za održavanje života kod pacijenata s ozljedama koje dovode do većeg gubitka krvi, tijekom kirurÅ”kih zahvata, a u elektivnim indikacijama u upotrebi je za liječenje anemije i trombocitopenije. Transfuzijsko liječenje terapijski je postupak koji podrazumijeva ordiniranje krvnih pripravka parenteralnim/intravenskim putem. Krvni je pripravak svaki lijek koji se dobiva iz humane krvi. Iako je transfuzija krvi kao medicinski postupak u upotrebi od sedamnaestog stoljeća, do danas nisu razjaÅ”njeni problemi vezani uz uporabu ovog postupka. Prije primjene transfuzije krvi svaki pacijent dužan je potpisati informirani pristanak o upotrebi transfuzijskog liječenja, te ga ima pravo i odbiti. U radu se opisuje slučaj pacijentice J. M., hospitalizirane zbog simptoma teÅ”ke anemije. Pacijentica pripada vjerskoj zajednici Jehovinih svjedoka te odbija primanje transfuzije krvi i krvnih pripravaka. Prava Jehovinih svjedoka na zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu jednaka su kao i za ostalu populaciju. Tijekom hospitalizacije verificirano je da simptomatologija i nalazi laboratorijsko-biokemijskih pretraga indiciraju uporabu transfuzijskog liječenja, Å”to je detaljno objaÅ”njeno pacijentici. Usprkos objaÅ”njenjima pacijentica nije odustala od svojih vjerskih uvjerenja i odbija liječenje transuzijom, te su provođene ā€žbeskrvne metode liječenjaā€œ. Jehovini svjedoci poznati su po svojem uvjerenju kako je transfuzija krvi nedopustiva metoda liječenja i da je zabranjuje Bog. Nažalost, do danas je opisan velik broj primjera gdje su takva uvjerenja dovela do smrtnih ishoda liječenja, koji su se mogli izbjeći uporabom transfuzije krvi. Nadalje, Jehovini svjedoci koji svjesno prime transfuziju krvi moraju se suočiti s posljedicama da će biti isključeni iz svoje vjerske zajednice, ne pokaju li sezbog tog čina. Odbijanje transfuzije krvi dovodi do značajnih etičkih i pravnih dvojbi u situacijama koje su potencijalno opasne za život, stoga je bitna uloga članova multidisciplinarnog zdravstvenog tima koji pronalaze praktične metode zasnovane na dokazima za rjeÅ”enja s najboljim ishodom za pacijente i zdravstvene djelatnike
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