82 research outputs found

    Diabetes-related molecular signatures in infrared spectra of human saliva

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    WOS: 000290261500001PubMed ID: 20630088Background: There is an ongoing need for improvements in non-invasive, point-of-care tools for the diagnosis and prognosis of diabetes mellitus. Ideally, such technologies would allow for community screening. Methods: In this study, we employed infrared spectroscopy as a novel diagnostic tool in the prediction of diabetic status by analyzing the molecular and sub-molecular spectral signatures of saliva collected from subjects with diabetes (n = 39) and healthy controls (n = 22). Results: Spectral analysis revealed differences in several major metabolic components - lipid, proteins, glucose, thiocyanate and carboxylate - that clearly demarcate healthy and diseased saliva. The overall accuracy for the diagnosis of diabetes based on infrared spectroscopy was 100% on the training set and 88.2% on the validation set. Therefore, we have established that infrared spectroscopy can be used to generate complex biochemical profiles in saliva and identify several potential diabetes-associated spectral features. Conclusions: Infrared spectroscopy may represent an appropriate tool with which to identify novel diseases mechanisms, risk factors for diabetic complications and markers of therapeutic efficacy. Further study into the potential utility of infrared spectroscopy as diagnostic and prognostic tool for diabetes is warranted

    The potential risks and impact of the start of the 2015–2016 influenza season in the WHO European Region: a rapid risk assessment

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    Background: Countries in the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region are reporting more severe influenza activity in the 2015–2016 season compared to previous seasons. Objectives: To conduct a rapid risk assessment to provide interim information on the severity of the current influenza season. Methods: Using the WHO manual for rapid risk assessment of acute public health events and surveillance data available from Flu News Europe, an assessment of the current influenza season from 28 September 2015 (week 40/2015) up to 31 January 2016 (week 04/2016) was made compared with the four previous seasons. Results: The current influenza season started around week 51/2015 with higher influenza activity reported in Eastern Europe compared to Western Europe. There is a strong predominance of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 compared to previous seasons, but the virus is antigenically similar to the strain included in the seasonal influenza vaccine. Compared to the 2014/2015 season, there was a rapid increase in the number of severe cases in Eastern European countries with the majority of such cases occurring among adults aged < 65 years. Conclusions: The current influenza season is characterized by an early start in Eastern European countries, with indications of a more severe season. Currently circulating influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses are antigenically similar to those included in the seasonal influenza vaccine, and the vaccine is expected to be effective. Authorities should provide information to the public and health providers about the current influenza season, recommendations for the treatment of severe disease and effective public health measures to prevent influenza transmission

    The role of candida in inflammatory papillary hyperplasia of the palate

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    Summary The objective of this study was to investigate the expression by immunohistochemistry of the major basement membrane (BM) components (laminin, collagen type IV, fibronectin) in specimens from the palatal mucosa lesions of patients with complete dentures and diagnosis of inflammatory papillary hyperplasia of the palate (IPHP). Furthermore to evaluate the potential role of candidal infection in patients with IPHP. Biopsies of palatal mucosa were obtained from patients with IPHP, generally healthy/orally healthy patients with dentures, and healthy subjects. Immunohistochemical studies performed with specific antibodies to BM proteins. Scrapings and swaps of oral lesions from all patients and control groups were taken from the palate, and Candida species colonization was assessed with mycology tests. Immunohistochemical expression of BM components revealed thin linear staining in the BM of healthy palatal mucosa. In IPHP discontinuities or disruptions in BM were observed at the interface between epithelium and the underlying connective tissue in the areas of severe inflammatory response. Our findings suggest an interaction between the expression of BM components and Candida involvement in the development of IPHP, a disorder involving inflammatory reaction and modification of soft tissues. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Efficient Chaos-Based Substitution-Box and Its Application to Image Encryption

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    Chaotic systems are vital in designing contemporary cryptographic systems. This study proposes an innovative method for constructing an effective substitution box using a 3-dimensional chaotic map. Moreover, bouyed by the efficiency of the proposed chaos-based substitution boxes’ effectiveness, we introduce a new chaos-based image cryptosystem that combines the adeptness of Gray codes, a non-linear and sensitive hyper-chaotic system, and the proposed S-box. The generated secret key emanating from the cryptosystem is correlated to the input image to produce a unique key for each image. Extensive experimental outcomes demonstrate the utility, effectiveness, and high performance of the resulting cryptosystem

    'Detection of pemphigus desmoglein 1 and 3 autoantibodies and pemphigoid BP180 autoantibodies in saliva and comparison to serum values'

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    Although there is much literature on the detection of pemphigus and pemphigoid autoantibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in serum, nothing is known about their presence in saliva. The aim of this study was to evaluate the salivary levels of these autoantibodies in pemphigus and pemphigoid patients. Autoantibodies against desmoglein3, desmoglein1, and BP180 were assayed, by ELISA, in serum and saliva samples of patients and healthy controls. The titres of autoantibodies against Dsg1/3 found in both serum and saliva of pemphigus patients showed a statistically significant correlation, suggesting that saliva may be a useful biological material for diagnostic purposes, in monitoring disease activity, as well as for the early detection of relapses. By contrast, the titres of autoantibodies against BP180 in the serum and saliva of bullous pemphigoid patients were not statistically related, and further study of the usefulness of the BP180 ELISA for saliva in this disease is needed. In addition, based on our results, the BP180 ELISA with a recombinant NC16a epitope failed to detect the autoantibodies against BP180 in the serum and saliva of mucous membrane pemphigoid patients