471 research outputs found

    Diamond Prototypes for the ATLAS SLHC Pixel Detector

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    Vertex detectors at future hadron colliders will need to cope with large particle fluences. Diamond is a particularly radiation hard material and exhibits further properties that makes it an attractive material for such detectors. Within the RD42 collaboration several chemical vapor deposition diamond samples are being studied in the form of strip and pixel detectors. While the quality of the poly-crystalline diamond samples is constantly increasing and the feasibility of producing wafers has been demonstrated, recently a single-crystal diamond pixel detector has been assembled and characterized in a 100 GeV particle beam at CERN. Results on performance, detection efficiency, spatial resolution and charge collection are reported here together with the latest radiation damage studies.Comment: 3 pages, 8 figures, 1st International conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (TIPP09

    Impossible Origins: Trauma Narrative and Cinematic Adaptation

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    In this essay, I explore the cinematic adaptation and the representation of trauma, while I further consider the role and significance of the notion of the origin in both trauma and in cinematic adaptation. Through an initial consideration of the relationship between the theory of the impossible origin, particularly as it is articulated byWalter Benjamin, the essay goes on to analyze the significance and role of an impossible origin in the elemental form of adaptation. To this end, the essay considers the movement of adaptation from an autobiographical trauma memoir to a feature film, considering the success or failure of adaptation in situations where the original literary work concerns an experience of extremity. As I consider the vicissitudes of trauma and its grounding in a repetitious structure that leaves the survivor suspended in a kind of missed experience (or missed origin), I further explore how this missing origin (or original text in the case of adaptation) can be represented at all

    Kapitel 2.15 Gemüseernte und -aufbereitung, Kapitel 2.16 Reinigung, 4.14.5 Produktionsverfahren Möhren, Frischmarktware, Waschmöhre, Dammanbau, ökologisch

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    Maschinenkosten kalkulieren, Arbeitseinsätze planen oder Produktionsverfahren bewerten - die 1. Auflage der KTBL-Datensammlung Gemüsebau bietet zu jedem Anlass der betrieblichen Planung umfassende Informationen zum Gemüsebau im Freiland und Gewächshaus. Das Buch beinhaltet Produktionsverfahren für eine Vielzahl an Kulturen. Die wichtigsten Verfahrensschritte für den ökologischen und integrierten Anbau sind umfassend dargestellt: Vom Anbau über Ernte und Transport bis zur jeweiligen Verwertung. Für jede Kultur werden Anbauhinweise mit Angaben zu Maschinenkosten, Arbeitszeitbedarf und Dieselbedarf gegeben. Hierbei werden sowohl bekannte als auch in der Praxis weniger verbreitete Kulturen berücksichtigt. Planungsbeispiele bieten eine solide Grundlage zur Bewertung von Produktionsverfahren. Ergänzend zur gedruckten Ausgabe finden Sie unter www.ktbl.de kostenlose Online- und Excel-Anwendungen wie den „Leistungs-Kostenrechner Pflanzenbau“ und die Kalkulationsanwendung „Gemüse im geschützten Anbau“

    Shooting sparrows with cannons: national security and civil liberties under Britain’s terrorism laws

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    Philip Belau is a current MSc Human Rights student at LSE and president of the Human Rights Student Committee 2014/15. He holds a bachelor’s degree in History and Politics and has been involved in several humanitarian projects in the Middle East. He is currently working as the executive director of a grassroots organisation for Syrian refugees

    A Survey of Primary School Libraries to Determine the Availability and Adequacy of Services for Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    <b>Objective</b> -- As a first step in gathering evidence, this study surveyed school libraries and examined the services those libraries provide in relation to the Universal Basic Education (UBE) program at a primary level. The purpose of this paper is to explore these UBE factors in relation to school libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria.<br><b>Methods</b> -- A questionnaire was sent to the 33 schools which have a library and information centre staffed by a teacher-librarian, in order to examine library services and the views of those providing them. The questionnaire covers library space, categories of library resources, student activities during library visits, mobile library services, and the teacher-librarians’ perception of the adequacy of the collection and the challenges in the use of library.<br><b>Results</b> -- Questionnaires were returned by 30 teacher-librarians out of 33, a response rate of 91%. Although pupils across each local government area have the chance to visit school libraries, the system of one short visit per week is inadequate for developing a universal interest in reading and in study skills. Staff responsible for the libraries consider many of the resources to be inadequate or outdated and stock is depleted as pupils borrow books, leaving fewer for those who follow.<br><b>Conclusions</b> -- As a first step to implementing evidence based practice, this paper describes the primary school library system in Nigeria and provides evidence on how it operates in Oyo State. Teacher-librarians who staff the libraries confirm the inadequacies in the system. They perceive collections to be inadequate and confirm that some pupils in the state have only limited access to library resources. Respondents also believe that they need further training, particularly in computer and information literacy

    Outside Options in Probabilistic Coalition Situations

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    In this paper, I introduce an extension of (TU) games with a coalition structure. Taking a situation where all coalitions are already established is not reasonable in order to forecast the reality; there is not only one possible coalition, there are several. I consider situations where coalitions are not established yet and take into account the likelihood of each possible coalition. This leads to a generalized, probabilistic setting for coalition structures. Probabilistic versions of known axioms are introduced as well as new probabilistic axioms. Generalizations of both the outside-option-sensitive chi-value (Casajus, Soc Choice Welf 32, 1-13, 2009) and its outside-option-insensitive pendant, the component restricted Shapley value (Aumann and Drèze, Int. J. Game Theory 3, 217-237, 1974), are defined and axiomatic characterizations are given.TU game; coalition structure; outside option

    Melodrama, Sickness, and Paranoia: Todd Haynes and the Woman’s Film

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    Filmmaker Todd Haynes has claimed that his films do not create cultural artifacts so much as appropriate and recombine the ones that audiences think they already know (MacDonald 2009, 57). This approach seems particularly true of the films in which Haynes puts the woman at the center of a melodrama—the genre traditionally associated with feminine sensibilities.1 He self-consciously returns to generic touchstones like Mildred Pierce and Far From Heaven, for example, to explore the effects of the Motion Picture Production Code prohibitions and the paternal authority on which the classical woman’s film relied (Superstar and Safe).2 How many of the familiar tropes of the “woman’s film” have made their way into today’s film culture? What anxieties persist in a genre that now has so much appeal precisely for its liberation from yesterday’s film culture

    The ZEUS Micro Vertex Detector

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    During the HERA luminosity shutdown period 2000/01 the tracking system of the ZEUS experiment has been upgraded with a silicon Micro Vertex Detector (MVD). The barrel part of the detector consists of three layers of single sided silicon strip detectors, while the forward section is composed of four wheels. In this report we shortly present the assembly procedure and in more details the test beam results on the spatial resolution of half modules. The first results of a cosmic ray test are presented and the radiation monitor system is described.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Talk presented at the VERTEX 2001 Workshop, 23-28 Sept. 2001, Brunnen, Switzerland. Submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Die Besiedlung von Totholz und anderen Sohlsubstraten der unteren Mulde und mittleren Elbe durch aquatisch lebende Wirbellose

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    An den Tieflandflüssen Elbe und Mulde wurde im Jahre 2001 die Besiedlung durch aquatisch lebende Wirbellose auf natürlichem und exponiertem Totholz sowie mineralischen Sohlsubstraten (Sand, Kies, Stein) untersucht, um die Bedeutung von Totholz für das Artenvorkommen zu beurteilen. Für die Elbe wurden am Strom-km 232,5 insgesamt 92 und für die untere Mulde an zwei Standorten 100 Taxa nachgewiesen. Die höchste substratbezogene Taxazahl konnte dabei auf Totholz festgestellt werden (Elbe: 46, Mulde: 67 Taxa). Steine wiesen etwas geringere Taxazahlen auf (Elbe: 42, Mulde: 62 Taxa), die wiederum signifikant höher waren als auf Kies und Sand. Viele der Totholz besiedelnden Arten sind auf den deutschen und sachsen-anhaltischen Roten Listen notiert. Insbesondere Vertreter der Köcherfliegen, Wasserschnecken, Krebse und Libellen zeigten eine Präferenz für Totholz. Das Einbringen von Totholz sowie der Erhalt natürlicher Totholzstrukturen erhöhen die ökologische Funktionsfähigkeit und Biodiversität und können dazu beitragen den ökologischen Zustand von Tieflandflüssen und -strömen zu verbessern

    Novel developments in SBGN-ED and applications

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    Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN, http://sbgn.org) [1] is an emerging standard for graphical representations of biochemical and cellular processes studied in systems biology. Three different views (Process Description, Entity Relationship, and Activity Flow) cover several aspects of the represented processes in different levels of detail. SBGN helps to communicate biological knowledge more efficient and accurate between different research communities in the life sciences. However, to support SBGN, methods and tools for editing, validating, and translating of SBGN maps are necessary.&#xd;&#xa;We present methods for these tasks and novel developments in SBGN-ED (www.sbgn-ed.org) [2], a tool which allows to create all three types of SBGN maps from scratch, to validate these maps for syntactical and semantical correctness, to translate maps from the KEGG database into SBGN, and to export SBGN maps into several file and image formats. SBGN-ED is based on VANTED (Visualization and Analysis of NeTworks containing Experimental Data, http://www.vanted.org) [3].&#xd;&#xa;As applications of SBGN and SBGN-ED we present furthermore MetaCrop (http://metacrop.ipk-gatersleben.de) [4], a database that summarizes diverse information about metabolic pathways in crop plants, and RIMAS (Regulatory Interaction Maps of Arabidopsis Seed Development, http://rimas.ipk-gatersleben.de) [5], an information portal that provides a comprehensive overview of regulatory pathways and genetic interactions during Arabidopsis embryo and seed development. &#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;[1] Le Nov&#xe8;re, N. et al. (2009) The Systems Biology Graphical Notation. Nature Biotechnology, 27, 735-741.&#xd;&#xa;[2] Czauderna, T., Klukas, C., Schreiber, F. (2010) Editing, validating, and translating of SBGN maps. Bioinformatics, 26 (18), 2340-2341.&#xd;&#xa;[3] Junker, B.H., Klukas, C., Schreiber, F. (2006) VANTED: A system for advanced data analysis and visualization in the context of biological networks. BMC Bioinformatics, 7, 109+.&#xd;&#xa;[4] Grafahrend-Belau, E., Weise, S., Kosch&#xfc;tzki, D., Scholz, U., Junker, B.H., Schreiber, F. (2008) MetaCrop - A detailed database of crop plant metabolism. Nucleic Acids Research, 36, D954-D958.&#xd;&#xa;[5] Junker, A., Hartmann, A., Schreiber, F., B&#xe4;umlein, H. (2010) An engineer&#x27;s view on regulation of seed development. Trends in Plant Science, 15(6), 303-307.&#xd;&#xa
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