3 research outputs found

    Anticoagulant Activity of Some Ficus carica Varieties Extracts Grown in Algeria

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    The hemostatic system is a complex balanced system that triggers clot formation to prevent blood loss after trauma. To block abnormal bleeding and maintain intravascular blood in a liquid state, in this study we investigated the possible anticoagulant effect of leaves and fruits extracts from some fig varieties grown in Algeria by determining the quick time (QT). The blood samples of the healthy individuals were used. For in vitro coagulation assays, the clotting times obtained in the presence of polyphenols in different extracts of F.carica samples indicate that they exert a high anticoagulant activity on the exogenous pathway of coagulation. Moreover, the polyphenolic extract of ‘Roudane’ variety presented a substantial increase in coagulation. Based on these preliminary results, it can be suggested that the fig polyphenolic extracts (FPE) of this varieties have anticoagulant activity that could be useful in preventing blood clots

    Cribado fitoquímico y evaluación de la actividad antimicrobiana del extractometanólico de Ficus carica

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    La higuera (Ficus caricaLinn.) fue apreciada como alimento y por sus propiedades medicinales, crece en la región mediterránea y se adapta bien a las condiciones de Argelia. El uso de recursos naturales para tratar y curar enfermedades es un método antiguo y aún muy extendido. El objetivo deeste trabajo fue evaluar la actividad antibacteriana que existe a través de extractos metanólicosde hojas de higuera cultivadas en el medio argelino. El ensayo antibacteriano se llevó a cabo mediante el método de difusión en disco para medir el diámetro de la zona de inhibición en la placa de agar Müller-Hinton contra cuatro cepas de bacterias seleccionadas Staphylococcus aureus(Gram positivas) y Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Escherichia coli,Klebsiella pneumonia(Gram negativas), además de la detección de algunos compuestos activos se llevó a cabo mediante cribado fisicoquímico. El resultado obtenido mostró que los extractos de F. caricarevelaron la presencia de flavonoides, saponinas, taninos, alcaloides. La presencia de metabolitos secundarios elaborados en estos extractos es la causa del potencial antimicrobiano observado. En consecuencia, todos los extractos exhibieron el efecto bactericida hacia las bacterias ensayadas, mientras que el extracto crudo de metanol fue más activo contra las bacterias Gram positivas que contra las Gram negativas. En este estudio se destacó el potencial de desarrollo de antibióticos alternativos derivados del extracto metanólico de hojas de higueraFig tree (FicuscaricaLinn.) was appreciated as food and for its medicinal properties, it grows in Mediterranean region, and it is admirably adaptedto the conditions of Algeria. The use of natural resources to treat and cure diseases is an old and still widespread method.Theobjective of this work was to evaluate the antibacterial activitythat existsthrough methanolic extractsof fig leaves grown in the Algerian environment.Antibacterial assay was carried out via disc diffusion method to measure the diameter of the zone of inhibition on the Müller-Hinton agar plateagainst four selected bacteria strains Staphylococcus aureus (Gram positive) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli,klebsiella pneumonia(Gram negative), in addition to the detection of some active compounds was carried out by phychemical screening.The result obtained showed that F.caricaextracts revealed the presence offlavonoids, saponins, tannin, alkaloids. The presence of secondary metabolites made in these extracts is the cause of the observed antimicrobial potential. Consequently, all extracts exhibited the bactericidal effect towards the bacteria tested, while the crude extract of methanol was active against Gram positive bacteria more than Gramnegative bacteria.In this study, the potential for development of alternative antibiotics derived from the methalonic extract of fig leaves was highlighte