13 research outputs found

    Enterprise Ressource Planning dans les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises : Revue de LittƩrature et Etude Bibliographique

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    Ce document a pour but, tout d'abord, de deĢvelopper un cadre meĢthodologique pour mener une revue de la litteĢrature compleĢ€te, qui sā€™inteĢresse aĢ€ un pheĢnomeĢ€ne empirique baseĢ sur une grande quantiteĢ d'articles publieĢs. Il fournit une bibliographie annoteĢe des publications ERP dans les PME, publieĢes dans les principales revues et confeĢrences sur les systeĢ€mes d'information et bien dā€™autres. Lā€™utiliteĢ dā€™une eĢtude documentaire est de comprendre l'eĢtat actuel dā€™un domaine de recherche, afin de deĢmontrer comment l'inteĢreĢ‚t acadeĢmique qui sā€™inteĢresse aĢ€ ce domaine de recherche a eĢvolueĢ dans le temps et atteint une certaine maturiteĢ. Lā€™article se base essentiellement sur la syntheĢ€se des travaux passeĢs et lā€™identification des connaissances manquantes avant de proposer une vision des futures recherches aĢ€ reĢaliser. Lā€™objectif principal de ce travail est dā€™eĢtablir un bilan de la recherche ERP dans les PME, permettant de deĢvoiler les theĢ€mes abordeĢs, les domaines de preĢoccupation et les approches theĢorique et meĢthodologique mobiliseĢes. Cet article servira par la suite comme bibliographie compleĢ€te des articles publieĢs au cours de la peĢriode eĢtudieĢe. Il traite lā€™ensemble des travaux publieĢs dans diverses revues sur les diffeĢrents theĢ€mes de la planification des ressources d'entreprise (ERP) au sein des petites et moyennes entreprises entre janvier 2000 et deĢcembre 2017. Avec un total de (218) articles qui sont passeĢs en revue

    Critical Success Factors to Implement Enterprise Resource Planning in Morocco Large Companiesā€™ Case Study

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    To increase their performances, many companies have chosen to adopt ERP solutions in their information system including Moroccan companies. This paper attempts to identify important Critical Success Factors (CSF) impacting Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation in Moroccan context. The results presented are based on a case study (action research) in several large Moroccan companies: the business core related to those companies is different: industry, telecommunications, public administration, real estate, etc. This study concerns several kinds of projects: new implementation of an ERP, major extensions of an existing ERP or upgrade to a global new release. The factors dressed are spread over different phases of the implementation life cycle and discuss several aspects: scope, sponsoring, standard versus customizations, resistance to change / resisting forces, cultural aspects, operations and values system

    Difficulties Related to the Implementation of ERPs in Morocco: Focus on Change Management

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    The implementation of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the world represents today a critical vector for introducing major changes in the companies. The large Moroccan companies took great part in this trend with several implementations since 1995 using various products: Oracle Applications, SAP (Systems, Applications and Products for data processing), Odoo, etc. However, Enterprise Resource Planning projects implementation in Morocco donā€™t accord enough interest for the change management discipline throughout the life cycle of the project. This represents a major obstacle to the success of this kind of strategic projects in terms of Project Management discipline. In this paper, we focus on this phenomenon by studying two large Moroccan companies related to two distinct business sectors, using Action Research methodology. This study allowed us listing different missing parts in change management based on a literature review confronted with a reality experienced in a Moroccan context. Finally, we try to identify the main difficulties in change management by classifying them in different levels

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Economics and Management (CIREG 2016) Volume I

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    This book brings together papers presented at the 3rd Conference of Research in Economics and Management (CIREG) held in Morocco in May 2016. With a focus on the challenges of SMEs and innovative solutions, they highlight the contribution of researchers in the fields of business and management, with all their micro and macro-economic aspects. They shed light on the universal scientific vision of the importance of SMEs with answers relevant to their local context and adapted to their specific national situation. The relevance of SME research lies in its heuristic value of analyzing change, rather than in constructing a category, a particularly useful empirical concept. This first volume is focused on economic issues

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Economics and Management (CIREG 2016) Volume I

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    This book brings together papers presented at the 3rd Conference of Research in Economics and Management (CIREG) held in Morocco in May 2016. With a focus on the challenges of SMEs and innovative solutions, they highlight the contribution of researchers in the fields of business and management, with all their micro and macro-economic aspects. They shed light on the universal scientific vision of the importance of SMEs with answers relevant to their local context and adapted to their specific national situation. The relevance of SME research lies in its heuristic value of analyzing change, rather than in constructing a category, a particularly useful empirical concept. This first volume is focused on economic issues

    "DisChoco: A platform for distributed constraint programming"

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    International audienceOpen-source platforms are very useful for development and experimentation in constraint programming. However, until recently, no such platform existed for distributed constraint programming. This paper presents DisChoco, a platform for distributed constraint programming. DisChoco is a Java library implemented using the Choco solver and simple agent communication infrastructure (SACI). DisChoco can be used for simulation of a multi-agents environment on a single Java virtual machine, or performed in an environment physically distributed for a realistic use. DisChoco takes into account agent with a complex local problem, message loss, message corruption, and message delay. The implementation of DisChoco was made to offer a modular software architecture which accepts extensions easily. This paper presents the software architecture and illustrates how to implement a specific protocol

    "DisChoco: A platform for distributed constraint programming"

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    International audienceOpen-source platforms are very useful for development and experimentation in constraint programming. However, until recently, no such platform existed for distributed constraint programming. This paper presents DisChoco, a platform for distributed constraint programming. DisChoco is a Java library implemented using the Choco solver and simple agent communication infrastructure (SACI). DisChoco can be used for simulation of a multi-agents environment on a single Java virtual machine, or performed in an environment physically distributed for a realistic use. DisChoco takes into account agent with a complex local problem, message loss, message corruption, and message delay. The implementation of DisChoco was made to offer a modular software architecture which accepts extensions easily. This paper presents the software architecture and illustrates how to implement a specific protocol