5 research outputs found

    Ā»Clinical significance of mutations in the calreticulin gene (CALR) in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasmsĀ«

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    Uvod: V septembru 2013 je bila pri večini bolnikov, ki nimajo mutacije v genu JAK2 V61F in MPL (JAK2 V617F- in MPL-negativni bolniki) z esencialno trombocitemijo (ET) ugotovljena somatska mutacija v genu za kalretikulin (CALR). Prepoznana je bila tudi pri nekaterih bolnikih z drugimi podvrstami mieloproliferativnih novotvorb (MPN). Do sedaj je bilo prepoznanih več kot 50 različnih mutacij CALR, skoraj izključno gre za mutacije, ki povzročajo premik bralnega okvirja, in vodijo v nastanek novega C-terminalnega peptida. Glede na sodobne smernice Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije ima mutacija CALR pri ugotovitvi bolezni ET pomembno diagnostično vlogo. Diferencialna diagnoza ET je Å”iroka in poleg nekaterih drugih hematoloÅ”kih bolezni vključuje različne bolezni in stanja, kot so pomanjkanje železa, okužba, vnetje, stanja po kirurÅ”kih posegih ali splenektomiji. TakÅ”na trombocitoza je sekundarna in za razliko od ET ni povezana s povečanim tveganjem za trombotično-hemoragične zaplete. Ločevanje med ET in sekundarno trombocitozo je pogosto težavno, saj ne poznamo patognomoničnega pokazatelja ET, z znanimi molekularno-genetskimi kazalci bolezni pa bolezen ugotovimo le pri približno 90 % bolnikov. V Sloveniji je določanje mutacije CALR pri bolniki s sumom na MPN v rutinski rabi Å”ele zadnjih nekaj let, zato prisotnost mutacije CALR pri vseh naÅ”ih bolnikih, ki smo jih v preteklosti obravnavali zaradi suma na MPN, ni poznana. Namen: Retrospektivno potrditi diagnostično vrednost določanja mutacije CALR pri bolnikih s sumom na MPN. Oblikovati temelje za izdelavo diagnostičnega algoritma obravnave bolnikov s trombocitozo in sumom na ET. Materiali in metode: Vključili smo JAK2 V617F-negativne bolnike, ki so bili zaradi suma na MPN napoteni v HematoloÅ”ko ambulanto Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana med letoma 2011 in 2016. Pri vseh bolnikih smo določali prisotnost mutacij v genu CALR iz periferne krvi ali kostnega mozga. Pri tem smo uporabili presejalno metodo visokoločljivostne talilne analize, rezultate smo potrdili z elektroforezo na gelu. Tip mutacije smo natančno opredelili, pri čemer smo pri bolnikih brez najpogostejÅ”ih mutacij uporabili metodo sekvenciranja po Sangerju. Po potrditvi mutacij v genu CALR smo pri bolnikih glede na razpoložljive klinične in laboratorijske podatke ponovno ugotavljali in določali bolezen. Po izvedbi preverjanja prisotnosti mutacij CALR smo med vsemi vključenimi bolniki opredelili bolnike, ki so bili v HematoloÅ”ko ambulanto napoteni zaradi trombocitoze, in ob tem suma na ET. Glede na razpoložljive podatke z obravnav v HematoloÅ”ki ambulanti smo bolnike razvrstili na bolnike s primarno in bolnike s sekundarno trombocitozo. Bolnike, ki imajo mutacijo CALR (CALR-pozitivne bolnike), in bolnike, ki nimajo mutacije CALR (CALR-negativne bolnike) z domnevno ET smo primerjali po pogostnosti trombotičnih zapletov. Pri bolnikih, napotenih v HematoloÅ”ko ambulanto zaradi trombocitoze, smo opredelili bolnike, pri katerih je ekspertni sistem Ā»Smart Blood AnalyticsĀ« (SBA) ugotavljal bolezen s Å”ifro D47 po Mednarodni klasifikaciji bolezni (MKB) (druge neoplazme negotovega ali neznanega značaja limfatičnega, krvotvornega in sorodnega tkiva), kamor sodi tudi ET, kot najverjetnejÅ”o diagnozo. Ugotavljali smo občutljivost, specifičnost, pozitivno in negativno napovedno vrednost SBA pri napovedovanju ET pri bolnikih, napotenih v HematoloÅ”ko ambulanto zaradi trombocitoze. Rezultati: Med 524 JAK2 V617F- negativnimi bolniki, ki so bili napoteni v HematoloÅ”ko ambulanto zaradi suma na MPN, smo prepoznali 23 CALR-pozitivnih bolnikov (23/524 = 4,4 %). Pri devetih bolnikih smo retrospektivno potrdili ET. Pri dveh bolnikih smo odkrili prisotnost mutacije CALR brez premika bralnega okvirjapri nobenem od obeh bolnikov nismo diagnosticirali ET. Å tiri mutacije, ki smo jih potrdili v naÅ”i raziskavi, doslej v literaturi Å”e niso bile opisane, in so novo-ugotovljene. 237 bolnikov je bilo napotenih v HematoloÅ”ko ambulanto zaradi trombocitoze, zaradi manjkajočih podatkov smo jih razvrstili 231. Primarno trombocitozo smo ugotovili pri 51 bolnikih. 42 bolnikov smo opredelili kot bolnike z domnevno ET. Pri 9 bolnikih so bile v ozadju druge hematoloÅ”ke bolezni, pri katerih je lahko prisotna trombocitoza. Pri 180 bolnikih je bila ugotovljena sekundarna trombocitoza. NajpogostejÅ”i vzrok sekundarne trombocitoze je bilo pomanjkanje železa. CALR-pozitivni bolniki z domnevno ET niso imeli značilno manj pogostih trombotičnih zapletov kot CALR-negativni bolniki z domnevno ET (p=0,374). Med slednjimi so bili, z izjemo enega bolnika, bolniki brez mutacij JAK2 V617F, CALR in MPL (trojno negativni bolniki). Pozitivna napovedna vrednost ekspertnega sistema SBA pri ugotavljanju ET pri bolnikih s trombocitozo je bila 23,7 %, negativna napovedna vrednost je bila 88,1 %. Občutljivost testa je bila 69 %, specifičnost je bila 50,7 %. Pri tem smo kot bolnike z ET upoÅ”tevali vse bolnike z domnevno ET. Ob upoÅ”tevanju le bolnikov s potrjeno ET po kriterijih SZO 2008 ali modificiranih kriterijih SZO je bila pozitivna napovedna vrednost ekspertnega sistema pri ugotovitvi bolezni D47 po MKB 14,8 %, negativna napovedna vrednost je bila 96,3 %. Občutljivost testa je bila 81,8 %, specifičnost je bila 50,2 %. Zaključek: Molekularno-genetska diagnostika je smiselna pri bolnikih, pri katerih je glede na anamnezo, klinični pregled in laboratorijske preiskave sum na MPN visok. V naÅ”i raziskavi smo odkrili Å”tiri doslej Å”e neprepoznane mutacije CALR. Večina napotitev v HematoloÅ”ko ambulanto zaradi suma na ET je neustreznih. Pred napotitvijo v HematoloÅ”ko ambulanto je potrebno izključiti najpogostejÅ”a stanja, ki lahko povzročajo trombocitozo. Glede na naÅ”o raziskavo je v naÅ”i populaciji najpogosteje spregledano pomanjkanje železa, ki je lahko prisotno kljub odsotnosti anemije. Trojno negativne bolnike z vztrajajočim sumom na ET bi morali zaradi primerljivega tveganja za trombotične zaplete v primerjavi s CALR-pozitivnimi bolniki obravnavati, kot da imajo ET. Te bolnike bi morali obravnavati individualno in glede na tveganje za trombotične zaplete zaŔčititi vsaj z acetilsalicilno kislino. SBA je manj učinkovit pri ugotavljanju ET kot hematolog.Introduction: In September 2013 somatic mutations in the calreticulin gene (CALR) were recognised in most JAK2 V617F- and MPL-negative patients with ET. CALR mutations have also been recognised in patients with other myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) subtypes. Up to this date, more than 50 CALR mutations have been confirmed, almost all are frameshift mutations that result in a novel C-terminal peptide. Based on the renewed World Health Organisation (WHO) criteria, CALR mutations are an important diagnostic hallmark of MPN. The differential diagnosis of ET is broad and apart from other haematological diseases includes different diseases and states such as iron deficiency, infection, inflammation, postsurgical period, hyposplenism. Thrombocytosis that results from other diseases and states is called secondary thrombocytosis and does not represent an increased risk for thrombo-haemorrhagic complications. The distinction between primary and secondary thrombocytosis is often difficult as there are no specific markers of ET. Today we can recognise the disease based on molecular-genetic markers in about 90% of all patients. In Slovenia, CALR mutations have only routinely been searched for in patients with suspected MPN in the past few years. Therefore, CALR genetic status in all patients with suspected MPN in our population in the past is unknown. Aim: To retrospectively confirm the diagnostic importance of CALR mutation confirmation in patients with suspected MPN. To form a scientific basis for the diagnostic approach to patients with suspected ET. Materials and methods: JAK2 V617F-negative patients with suspected MPN that were referred to the Department of Haematology between 2011 and 2016 were included in the study. CALR mutations were tested in all patients from blood or bone marrow samples. The screening method was Ā»high resolution meltingĀ« analysis. All results were confirmed by gel electrophoresis. Types of CALR mutations were defined. Sanger sequencing was used in all patientsā€™ samples with non-typical mutations. Based on CALR mutation confirmation all patients were re-diagnosed based on the available clinical and laboratory data. After CALR mutation confirmation we further analysed only patients with thrombocytosis and suspected ET. Based on the available clinical and laboratory data patients with primary and secondary thrombocytosis were defined. The number of thrombotic complications were compared in CALR-positive and CALR-negative patients with suspected ET. Artificial intelligence programme Ā»Smart Blood AnalyticsĀ« (SBA) was used to define patients with thrombocytosis whose most probable diagnosis after the initial presentation at the Department of Haematology was D47 based on International Classification of Diseases (ICD) (Other neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue). D47 includes the diagnosis of ET. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of SBA programme in diagnosing D47 in patients with thrombocytosis were defined. Results: 23 (23/524 = 4.4%) CALR-positive patients with suspected MPN were discovered. In nine patients ET was retrospectively confirmed according to modified WHO criteria. In two patients in-frame CALR mutations were confirmed, none of these patients were diagnosed with ET. We discovered four novel mutations in our study that have previously not been described. 237 patients were referred to the Department of Haematology due to thrombocytosis, due to missing data 231 patients were analysed. Primary haematological disease was confirmed in 51 patients. 42 patients were diagnosed with suspected ET and 9 patients were diagnosed with other haematological diseases. In 180 patients secondary thrombocytosis was confirmed. The most common cause of secondary thrombocytosis was iron deficiency. Thrombotic complications were not significantly less common in CALR-positive patients compared to CALR-negative patients with suspected ET (p=0.374). CALR-negative patients with suspected ET were triple negative patients (JAK2 V617F, CALR and MPL- negative) with the exception of one patient. Positive predictive value of SBA in D47 prediction was 23.7%, negative predictive value was 88.1%. The sensitivity of the test was 69% and the specificity was 50.7%. As patients with ET we included all patients with suspected ET. By including only patients with WHO 2008 or modified WHO criteria confirmed disease the positive predictive value was 14.8% and negative predictive value 96.3%. The sensitivity of the test was 81.8% and the specificity was 50.2%. Conclusion: Molecular-genetic testing should be reserved for patients with suspected MPN based on patientā€™s history, clinical examination and blood results. In our study, four novel CALR mutations were discovered that have yet not been presented in the literature. Before referral to the Department of Haematology patients should be screened for the most common causes of thrombocytosis. Based on our results iron deficiency is most commonly unrecognized as it can be present even in the absence of anaemia. Triple negative patients with suspected MPN should be considered as patients with ET as their thrombotic risk can be compared to the risk of CALR-positive patients. These patients should be treated at least with acetylsalicylic acid based on their individual risk for thrombotic complications. SBA is not as efficient in diagnosing ET as a haematologist

    The contemporary approach to CALR-positive myeloproliferative neoplasms

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    CALR mutations are a revolutionary discovery and represent an important hallmark of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), especially essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis. To date, several CALR mutations were identified, with only frameshift mutations linked to the diseased phenotype. It is of diagnostic and prognostic importance to properly define the type of CALR mutation and subclassify it according to its structural similarities to the classical mutations, a 52-bp deletion (type 1 mutation) and a 5-bp insertion (type 2 mutation), using a statistical approximation algorithm (AGADIR). Today, the knowledge on the pathogenesis of CALR-positive MPN is expanding and several cellular mechanisms have been recognized that finally cause a clonal hematopoietic expansion. In this review, we discuss the current basis of the cellular effects of CALR mutants and the understanding of its implementation in the current diagnostic laboratorial and medical practice. Different methods of CALR detection are explained and a diagnostic algorithm is shown that aids in the approach to CALR-positive MPN. Finally, contemporary methods joining artificial intelligence in accordance with molecular-genetic biomarkers in the approach to MPN are presented

    Management of anticoagulant-related nephropathy

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    Background: Anticoagulant-related nephropathy (ARN) is a form of acute kidney injury that mainly occurs in patients with previously unrecognized glomerular disease in addition to excessive anticoagulation. Since a renal biopsy is not performed in most cases, the diagnosis is often presumptive. Methods: Here, we present the characteristics of a national Slovenian patient cohort with histologically verified ARN, from the first case in 2014 to December 2020, and a review of the current literature (Pubmed database). Results: In Slovenia, ARN has been detected in 13 patients, seven of whom were treated with coumarins, and others with direct oral anticoagulants. In seven patients, ARN appeared after excessive anticoagulation. As many as 11 patients had underlying IgA nephropathy. Similar to the global data presented here, the pathohistological impairment associated with pre-existing glomerulopathy was mild and disproportionate to the degree of functional renal impairment. The majority of our patients with ARN experienced severe deterioration of renal function associated with histological signs of accompanying acute tubular injury, interstitial edema, and occlusive red blood cell casts. These patients were treated with corticosteroids, which (in addition to supportive treatment and discontinuation of the anticoagulant drug) led to a further improvement in renal function. Conclusions: Anticoagulant therapy combined with a pre-existing glomerular injury may lead to ARN. In addition to discontinuation of the anticoagulant and supportive care, corticosteroids, which are currently listed in only a few cases in the world literature, may have a positive influence on the course of treatment. However, the benefits of steroid treatment must be weighed against the risk of complications, especially life-threatening infections

    Transmission of pancreatic adenocarcinoma by a single multiorgan donor to two kidney transplant recipients: A case report

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    We present two cases of transmission of a pancreatic adenocarcinoma from a single donor to two kidney transplant recipients. Autopsy of the donor revealed a pancreatic adenocarcinoma that had already spread locally to the regional lymph nodes and had not been detected at the time of organ procurement. Both recipients were carefully monitored, as neither consented to graft nephrectomy. In one patient, the tumor was discovered on surveillance biopsy of the graft approximately 14 months after transplantation, and in the second patient, ultrasound-guided aspiration needle biopsy of a growing formation in the lower pole of the graft revealed poorly differentiated metastatic adenocarcinoma. Both patients were successfully treated with graft nephrectomy and complete discontinuation of immunosuppression. None of the follow-up imaging showed persistent or recurrent malignancy, and both patients were candidates for re-transplantation. These exceptional cases of donor-derived pancreatic adenocarcinoma suggest that removal of the donor organ and restoration of immunity may lead to complete recovery

    Is it possible to predict clonal thrombocytosis in triple-negative patients with isolated thrombocytosis based only on clinical or blood findings?

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    JAK2, MPL, and CALR mutations define clonal thrombocytosis in about 90% of patients with sustained isolated thrombocytosis. In the remainder of patients (triple-negative patients) diagnosing clonal thrombocytosis is especially difficult due to the different underlying conditions and possible inconclusive bone marrow biopsy results. The ability to predict patients with sustained isolated thrombocytosis with a potential clonal origin has a prognostic value and warrants further examination. The aim of our study was to define a non-invasive clinical or blood parameter that could help predict clonal thrombocytosis in triple-negative patients. We studied 237 JAK2 V617-negative patients who were diagnosed with isolated thrombocytosis and referred to the haematology service. Sixteen routine clinical and blood parameters were included in the logistic regression model which was used to predict the type of thrombocytosis (reactive/clonal). Platelet count and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were the only statistically significant predictors of clonal thrombocytosis. The platelet count threshold for the most accurate prediction of clonal or reactive thrombocytosis was 449 Ɨ 109^9/L. Other tested clinical and blood parameters were not statistically significant predictors of clonal thrombocytosis. The level of LDH was significantly higher in CALR-positive patients compared to CALR-negative patients. We did not identify any new clinical or blood parameters that could distinguish clonal from reactive thrombocytosis. When diagnosing clonal thrombocytosis triple-negative patients are most likely to be misdiagnosed. Treatment in patients with suspected triple-negative clonal thrombocytosis should not be delayed if cardiovascular risk factors or pregnancy coexist, even in the absence of firm diagnostic criteria. In those cases the approach ā€œbetter treat more than lessā€ should be followed