3 research outputs found

    Effects of natural disasters on children and adolescents

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    Doğal afetler öngörülemeyen, etkileyeceği alan ve etki düzeyi tahmin edilemeyen, çok fazla sayıda can ve mal kayıpları ile sonuçlanabilen doğa olaylarıdır. Dünya genelinde ve ülkemizde her yıl birbirinden farklı doğal afetlerin yaşandığına ve bu afetlerin sonuçlarının toplumlar üzerindeki etkilerine şahit oluyoruz. Çocuklar ve ergenler afetlere maruz kalan ve afetlerden etkilenen grupların en hassas ve savunmasız bireyleridir. Her yıl dünya üzerinde milyonlarca çocuk ve genç doğal ve insan kaynaklı afetlere maruz kalmakta ve bu afetlerden farklı şekillerde etkilenmektedir. Bu çalışma, doğal afetlerin çocuklar ve gençler üzerindeki etkilerine yönelik farkındalık oluşturmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Başta Yöktez, Google Scholar, Dergi Park, EM-DAT, Science Direct, PubMed, Psikiyatri ve Psikoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, Uluslararası Aile Çocuk ve Eğitim Dergisi olmak üzere konu ile ilgili bilgi erişimini sağlayan veri tabanları kullanılarak, afet, doğal afet, afet etkileri, afetler ve çocuklar, afetler ve gençler, çocuk gelişimi araştırmamıza temel teşkil eden gruplar kullanılarak elde edilen tezler ve makaleler irdelenmiştir. Konu ile ilgili çalışmalar; ilerde yapılacak yeni araştırmalara veri tabanı olabilecek şekilde genel olarak değerlendirilerek ve yorumlanarak bir araya getirilmiştir.Natural disasters are unpredictable natural phenomena that can result in a large number of life and property losses, with an unknown level of impact. We are witnessing different natural disasters every year in the world and in our country, and the effects of these disasters on communities. Children and adolescent people are the most sensitive and vulnerable individuals when exposed to disasters. Every year, millions of children and young people around the world are exposed and affected by various natural and man-made disasters. This study was conducted to raise awareness of the effects of natural disasters on children and adolescents. Theses and articles obtained by using search words and phrases such as disaster, natural disasters, disaster effects, disasters and children, disasters and young people, child development from different databases such as Yöktez, Google Scholar, Dergi Park, EM-DAT, Science Direct, PubMed, International Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology Studies, International Journal of Family Child and Education, have been reviewed and interpolated as to form a data base for further studies

    Dynamic risk modeling for safe car parking in climbing over urban curbs

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    In urban areas, safe and secure vehicle parking presents various problems as vehicles are driven at low speeds toward available parking spots. If there is an obstacle in front or back of the car, drivers have to accelerates their cars from zero to higher speed to pass over the obstruction. Obstacle could be curbs, bumper or any rim over the parking area. In this case, we assume the obstacle to be a curb. Therefore, driver has to get over the obstacle by stepping on the gas of his car. This action can result in hazardous situation to the car, pedestrians or obstacles around the car. In the proposed system, we estimate jumping distance of the car considering major components attributing to scenario. As outcomes, we have obtained the balance between the car performance and steep level of the curb. This would be a guidance not only designing urban areas but also estimating dynamic behavior of the car after detecting the obstacle profile

    Dynamic risk assesment for driver response in passing over obstacles

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    In the urban areas, drivers may need to step over obstacles for safety caution. At this stage, drivers have to slow down and move at low speed while passing over curbs. If there is an obstacle in front or back of the car, driver should step on the gas to speed up the car from zero to cautionary speed to pass over it. The obstacle in question could be curbs, bumper or rim over urban areas. In this scenario, we consider a particular obstacle, namely, a curb. Hence, the driver has to climb over the curb by stepping on the gas, which, in turn, creates a critical driving situation emerging risky move contemplating the car driven or pedestrians as well as obstacles around the car. In this work, depending on response time of driver, while car crosses over obstacle, lateral distance of car taken unintentionally have been estimated. Considering this distance, emerging risk by the situation has been investigated along with influence of height on risk severity experimentation. Relationship among response time of driver, obstacle height and unintentional moving backward distance is determined and presented as a parametric response or outcome function. The study is extended further for modeling unintentional driving behavior in passing over obstacle risk assessment. Subsequently, the undertaken research has enabled us to deduce compensation between the driver response, steep level and geometry of the curb. Furthermore, we give an assessment for estimating the risk causing of the driver response in passing over curb