11 research outputs found

    Estimating the class prior in positive and unlabeled data through decision tree induction

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    For tasks such as medical diagnosis and knowledge base completion, a classifier may only have access to positive and unlabeled examples, where the unlabeled data consists of both positive and negative examples. One way that enables learning from this type of data is knowing the true class prior. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method for estimating the class prior, by estimating the probability that a positive example is selected to be labeled. Our key insight is that subdomains of the data give a lower bound on this probability. This lower bound gets closer to the real probability as the ratio of labeled examples increases. Finding such subsets can naturally be done via top-down decision tree induction. Experiments show that our method makes estimates which are equivalently accurate as those of the state of the art methods, and is an order of magnitude faster.status: publishe

    Learning from positive and unlabeled data under the selected at random assumption

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    For many interesting tasks, such as medical diagnosis and web page classification, a learner only has access to some positively labeled examples and many unlabeled examples. Learning from this type of data requires making assumptions about the true distribution of the classes and/or the mechanism that was used to select the positive examples to be labeled. The commonly made assumptions, separability of the classes and positive examples being selected completely at random, are very strong. This paper proposes a weaker assumption that assumes the positive examples to be selected at random, conditioned on some of the attributes. To learn under this assumption, an EM method is proposed. Experiments show that our method is not only very capable of learning under this assumption, but it also outperforms the state of the art for learning under the selected completely at random assumption.status: publishe

    Positive and unlabeled relational classification through label frequency estimation

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    Many applications, such as knowledge base completion and patient data, only have access to positive examples but lack negative examples which are required by standard ILP techniques and suffer under the closed-world assumption. The corresponding propositional problem is known as Positive and Unlabeled (PU) learning. In this field, it is known that using the label frequency (the fraction of true positive examples that are labeled) makes learning easier. This notion has not been explored yet in the relational domain. The goal of this work is twofold: 1) to explore if using the label frequency would also be useful when working with relational data and 2) to propose a method for estimating the label frequency from relational PU data. Our experiments confirm the usefulness of knowing the label frequency and of our estimate.status: publishe

    Learning from positive and unlabeled data: a survey

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    Learning from positive and unlabeled data or PU learning is the setting where a learner only has access to positive examples and unlabeled data. The assumption is that the unlabeled data can contain both positive and negative examples. This setting has attracted increasing interest within the machine learning literature as this type of data naturally arises in applications such as medical diagnosis and knowledge base completion. This article provides a survey of the current state of the art in PU learning. It proposes seven key research questions that commonly arise in this field and provides a broad overview of how the field has tried to address them.status: publishe

    Learning the structure of probabilistic sentential decision diagrams

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    The probabilistic sentential decision diagram (PSDD) was recently introduced as a tractable representation of probability distributions that are subject to logical constraints. Meanwhile, efforts in tractable learning achieved great success inducing complex joint distributions from data without constraints, while guaranteeing efficient exact probabilistic inference; for instance by learning arithmetic circuits (ACs) or sum-product networks (SPNs). This paper studies the efficacy of PSDDs for the standard tractable learning task without constraints and develops the first PSDD structure learning algorithm, called LearnPSDD. Experiments on standard benchmarks show competitive performance, despite the fact that PSDDs are more tractable and more restrictive than their alternatives. LearnPSDD compares favorably to SPNs, particularly in terms of model size, which is a proxy for tractability. We report state-of-the-art likelihood results on six datasets. Moreover, LearnPSDD retains the ability to learn PSDD structures in probability spaces subject to logical constraints, which is beyond the reach of other representations.status: publishe

    Measuring adverse drug effects on multimorbity using tractable Bayesian networks

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    Managing patients with multimorbidity often results in polypharmacy: the prescription of multiple drugs. However, the long-term effects of specific combinations of drugs and diseases are typically unknown. In particular, drugs prescribed for one condition may result in adverse effects for the other. To investigate which types of drugs may affect the further progression of multimorbidity, we query models of diseases and prescriptions that are learned from primary care data. State-of-the-art tractable Bayesian network representations, on which such complex queries can be computed efficiently, are employed for these large medical networks. Our results confirm that prescriptions may lead to unintended negative consequences in further development of multimorbidity in cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, a drug treatment for one disease group may affect diseases of another group.status: publishe