127 research outputs found

    Tien jaar communities of learners in praktijk en onderzoek

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    De computer als leermiddel in het lager onderwijs

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    In het S. V.0.-project ' Leren met computers in het ondenvijs' werd de computer in het lager onderwijs vooral gebruikt voor 1. remediële doeleinden, en 2. het leren programmeren. Oefenprogramma's benutten bij uitstek de interactieve mogelijkheden van de computer. Gebruiksvormen: remedieel (voor enkele achterblijvers), aanvullend bij klassikaal onderwijs (voor alle leerlingen), verrijkend (voor enkele voorlopers). Computergestuurde oefening bleek statistisch geen significant grotere prestatiestijging op te leveren dan overeenkomstige schriftelijke oefening. Wel werd de motivatie en de concentratie er door vergroot. In het onderwijs van de toekomst zal de informatietechnogie een steeds belangrijker plaats innemen. Hierdoor zullen niet alleen leerlingen zelfstandiger kunnen leren maar zal ook het schoolse onderwijs effectiever kunnen verlopen

    Лекарственный анафилактический и псевдоаллергический шок: патогенез, клиника, дифференциальная диагностика, подходы к терапии

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    Представлены особенности патогенеза анафилактического и псевдоаллергического шока, обусловленного лекарственными средствами, сходства и различия в клиническом их течении, субъективные и объективные признаки дифференциальной диагностики, подходы к терапии.The peculiarities of the pathogenesis of anaphylactic and pseudoallergic shock caused by medications, similarity and differences of the clinical course, subjective and objective signs of differential diagnosis, approaches to therapy are presented

    Экспериментальные методы и механические свойства конструкционных материалов при высокоскоростной деформации (10^2...10^5 с^-1) и температурах 77...773 К

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    Представлены основные методические особенности и результаты механических испытаний конструкционных материалов при различных видах нагружения со скоростью деформации до 10^5 с^-1 в диапазоне температур 77...773 К. Установлено повышение прочности всех исследуемых материалов с ростом скорости деформации и наиболее значительное при скоростях более 10^3 c^-1. При этом пластичность металлов возрастает, полимеров - падает. Предложена схема механического состояния металлов в зависимости от скорости деформации и температуры.Наведено основні методичні особливості і результати механічних випробувань конструкційних матеріалів за різних видів навантаження зі швидкістю деформації до 10^5 с^-1 в інтервалі температур 77...773 К. Установлено збільшення міцності усіх досліджуваних матеріалів з _і із ростом швидкості деформації і найбільше при швидкості 10^3 с^-1 . При цьому пластичність металів зростає, полімерів - падає. Запропоновано схему механічного стану металів у залежності від швидкості деформації і температури.We outline methodical particularities and results of mechanical testing of structural materials under various types of loading at the strain rates up to 10^5 s^-1 within the temperature range 77 ...773 K. We show that strength of all the materials investigated increases with strain rate, which effect is the most pronounced at rates over 10^3 s^-1 . During this process, plasticity of metals increases, whereas plasticity of polymers decreases. We propose a diagram that describes dependence of the mechanical state of metals on the strain rate and temperature

    Does excellence matter? The influence of potential for excellence on students’ motivation for specific collaborative tasks

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    It is often assumed that students with a higher potential for excellence are less motivated to collaborate. So far, the question remains whether this is actually the case. This survey study investigated the influence of business students’ (N = 389) potential for excellence on their motivation to collaborate on a business-related task. Different aspects of potential for excellence were taken into account, including intelligence, creativity, first-year grade point average (GPA), and personality. A structural equation modeling analysis was applied. The findings demonstrated that only GPA had a negative influence on students’ collaborative values, indicating that the assumption that students with a higher potential for excellence are less motivated to collaborate receives limited support. In addition, the findings showed that different aspects of potential for excellence were related to different aspects of motivation to collaborate. This indicates that the relationship between potential f

    Recombinant human activated protein C in the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    Rationale: Pulmonary coagulopathy may play a pathogenetic role in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), by contributing to alveolocapillary inflammation and increased permeability. Recombinant human activated protein C (rh-APC) may inhibit this process and thereby improve patient outcome. Methods: A prospective randomized, saline-controlled, single-blinded clinical trial was performed in the intensive care units of two university hospitals, and patients with ARDS were included within 24 h after meeting inclusion criteria. Intervention: A 4-day course of intravenous rh-APC (24 mcg/kg/h) (n = 33) versus saline (n = 38). Outcomes: The primary outcome parameter was the pulmonary leak index (PLI) of 67Gallium-transferrin as a measure of alveolocapillary permeability and secondary outcomes were disease severity scores and ventilator-free days, among others. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar; in 87% of patients the PLI was above normal and in 90% mechanical or noninvasive ventilation was instituted at a median lung injury score of 2.5. There was no evidence that Rh-APC treatment affected the PLI or attenuated lung injury and sequential organ failure assessment scores. Mean ventilator-free days amounted to 14 (rh-APC) and 12 days (saline, P = 0.35). 28-day mortality was 6% in rh-APC- and 18% in saline-treated patients (P = 0.12). There was no difference in bleeding events. The study was prematurely discontinued because rh-APC was withdrawn from the market. Conclusion: There is no evidence that treatment with intravenous rh-APC during 4 days for infectious or inflammatory ARDS ameliorates increased alveolocapillary permeability or the clinical course of ARDS patients. We cannot exclude underpowering. Trial Registration: Nederlands Trial Registe

    Large-scale ICU data sharing for global collaboration: the first 1633 critically ill COVID-19 patients in the Dutch Data Warehouse

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