19 research outputs found

    Static Quark Potentials in Quantum Gravity

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    We present potentials between static charges from simulations of quantum gravity coupled to an SU(2) gauge field on 63×46^{3}\times 4 and 83×48^{3}\times 4 simplicial lattices. The action consists of the gravitational term given by Regge's discrete version of the Euclidean Einstein action and a gauge term given by the Wilson action, with coupling constants mp2m_{p}^{2} and β\beta respectively. In the well-defined phase of the gravity sector where geometrical expectation values are stable, we study the correlations of Polyakov loops and extract the corresponding potentials between a source and sink separated by a distance RR. We compare potentials on a flat simplicial lattice with those on a fluctuating Regge skeleton. In the confined phase, the potential has a linear form while in the deconfined phase, a screened Coulombic behavior is found. Our results indicate that quantum gravitational effects do not destroy confinement due to non-abelian gauge fields.Comment: 8 pages, to be published in Phys. Lett. B, uuencoded compressed postscript file

    Indications for Criticality at Zero Curvature in a 4d Regge Model of Euclidean Quantum Gravity

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    We re-examine the approach to four-dimensional Euclidean quantum gravity based on the Regge calculus. A cut-off on the link lengths is introduced and consequently the gravitational coupling and the cosmological constant become independent parameters. We determine the zero curvature, =0 =0, line in the coupling constant plane by numerical simulations. When crossing this line we find a strong, probably first order, phase transition line with indications of a second order endpoint. Beyond the endpoint the transition through the =0 =0 line appears to be a crossover. Previous investigations, using the Regge or the Dynamical Triangulation approach, dealt with a limit in which the first order transition prevails.Comment: Contribution to the lattice 2003 Tsukuba symposiu

    Phase diagram of Regge quantum gravity coupled to SU(2) gauge theory

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    We analyze Regge quantum gravity coupled to SU(2) gauge theory on 43×24^3\times 2, 63×46^{3}\times 4 and 83×48^{3}\times 4 simplicial lattices. It turns out that the window of the well-defined phase of the gravity sector where geometrical expectation values are stable extends to negative gravitational couplings as well as to gauge couplings across the deconfinement phase transition. We study the string tension from Polyakov loops, compare with the β\beta-function of pure gauge theory and conclude that a physical limit through scaling is possible.Comment: RevTeX, 14 pages, 5 figures (2 eps, 3 tex), 2 table

    Z_2-Regge versus Standard Regge Calculus in two dimensions

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    We consider two versions of quantum Regge calculus. The Standard Regge Calculus where the quadratic link lengths of the simplicial manifold vary continuously and the Z_2-Regge Model where they are restricted to two possible values. The goal is to determine whether the computationally more easily accessible Z_2 model still retains the universal characteristics of standard Regge theory in two dimensions. In order to compare observables such as average curvature or Liouville field susceptibility, we use in both models the same functional integration measure, which is chosen to render the Z_2-Regge Model particularly simple. Expectation values are computed numerically and agree qualitatively for positive bare couplings. The phase transition within the Z_2-Regge Model is analyzed by mean-field theory.Comment: 21 pages, 16 ps-figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    The Well-Defined Phase of Simplicial Quantum Gravity in Four Dimensions

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    We analyze simplicial quantum gravity in four dimensions using the Regge approach. The existence of an entropy dominated phase with small negative curvature is investigated in detail. It turns out that observables of the system possess finite expectation values although the Einstein-Hilbert action is unbounded. This well-defined phase is found to be stable for a one-parameter family of measures. A preliminary study indicates that the influence of the lattice size on the average curvature is small. We compare our results with those obtained by dynamical triangulation and find qualitative correspondence.Comment: 29 pages, uuencoded postscript file; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Is There Quantum Gravity in Two Dimensions?

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    A hybrid model which allows to interpolate between the (original) Regge approach and dynamical triangulations is introduced. The gained flexibility in the measure is exploited to study dynamical triangulation in a fixed geometry. Our numerical results support KPZ exponents. A critical assessment concerning the apparent lack of gravitational effects in two dimensions follows.Comment: 20 pages including 4 figures, uuencoded Z-compressed .tar file created by uufile