5 research outputs found

    Vegetable production and marketing during Covid-19 pandemic

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    Republika Hrvatska je veliki neto uvoznik povrća i prerađevina od povrća. Iako raspolaže odličnim prirodnim uvjetima za proizvodnju na otvorenom, ali i u staklenicima i plastenicima, to nije niti približno iskoriÅ”teno. Kriza izazvana pandemijom Covid-19 značajno je utjecala na tržne tokove povrća te se sve viÅ”e naglaÅ”ava važnost kratkih lanaca opskrbe. Primjena ovog oblika trženja je posebice naglaÅ”ena kod opskrbe potroÅ”ača većih hrvatskih gradova. Veća primjena ovog opskrbnog kanala je ograničena malim količinama pojedinih proizvođača te se rjeÅ”enje treba tražiti u njihovoj većoj poslovnoj povezanosti, ali i većem koriÅ”tenju suvremenih alatki tržnog komuniciranja, kao Å”to su internetske stranice, elektronička poÅ”ta (mail) i druÅ”tvene mreže. Do ovih rezultata se doÅ”lo u istraživanju provedenom u drugoj polovici prosinca 2020. godine u kojem su sudjelovale 104 osobe iz 57 naselja Hrvatske.The import of vegetables and vegetable products is high in the Republic of Croatia. Although there are excellent natural conditions for open-field production of vegetablesand greenhouse production, it is not nearly exploited. The importance of short supply chains is increasingly emphasized, as the crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have significantly affected the market flows of vegetables. The use of this kind of marketing is especially emphasized in the large Croatian cities\u27 consumer supply. The greater use of this supply channel is limited by the small quantities of products from some producers and the solution has to be their better business links, and better use of modern tools of market communication ā€“ the internet, mail, social networks. These results are also from the Survey conducted in the second half of December 2020, with the participation of 104 persons from 57 towns and villages in Croatia