151 research outputs found

    Phaeochromocytoma and functioning paraganglioma in childhood and adolescence: role of iodine 131 metaiodobenzylguanidine

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    Phaeochromocytomas and functioning paragangliomas are rare tumours in childhood and adolescence. We review our experience of 43 cases (24 men, 19 women) who were first diagnosed at the age of ⩽ 18 years. All patients were evaluated at some point in their illness with iodine 131 metaiodobenzylguanidine ( 131 I-mIBG) scintigraphy. Eight patients (19%) had bilateral adrenal tumours, 12 (28%) had solitary extra-adrenal tumours, and 8 (19%) had multiple tumours. In 10 patients (23%), the tumours were associated with a familial neurocristopathic syndrome. Thirteen of 24 (54%) unifocal tumours which were initially considered to be benign ultimately proved to be multi-focal and/or malignant. The final prevalence of malignancy was 60% − 26 patients, of whom only 15 (57%) had obviously malignant tumours at the time of diagnosis. Primary tumour size ⋝5 cm was more commonly associated with a malignant course in adrenal but not extra-adrenal tumours. No other clinical, biochemical or morphological characteristic was significantly associated with malignancy. Although the high prevalence of malignancy in this series at least partly reflects referral bias, the need for lifelong follow-up of these patients is underscored. 131 I-mIBG scintigraphy was positive in 36 patients (84%), with a somewhat lower false-negative rate (12%) than X-ray computed tomography (20%). Eight patients with malignant tumours received therapeutic doses of 131 I-mIBG, with partial tumour responses in 3. Thus, 131 I-mIBG is an efficacious, non-invasive, localising agent and may be considered as a palliative therapeutic agent when alternatives have failed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46831/1/259_2005_Article_BF02262730.pd

    Successful and unsuccessful approaches to imaging carcinoids: Comparison of a radiolabelled tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor with a tracer of biogenic amine uptake and storage, and a somatostatin analogue

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    A mouse mastocytoma model was used to determine the biodistribution and tumour uptake of four radiopharmaceuticals developed to target the serotonin synthetic pathway in carcinoid tumours. Three of the compounds were competitive inhibitors of the rate-limiting enzyme of serotonin synthesis, tryptophan hydroxylase. Radiolabelled iodo- dl -phenylalanine (iodine-131 PIPA) was found to have the highest uptake and tumourto-liver ratio. Four patients with known carcinoid tumours were then injected with 0.5 mCi 131 I-PIPA and imaged at 1, 4, 24 and 48 h post-injection. The radiopharmaceutical, however, failed to localize in the known tumour sites. This result was in contrast to the authors' experience of 131 I- and 123 I-MIBG imaging of carcinoid tumours. Seven patients with known metastatic carcinoid tumours, two patients with symptoms of recurrence following tumour resection, one patient with completely resected disease, and two patients with a flushing syndrome of uncertain aetiology were studied with 131 I-MIBG. Three of the seven patients with known metastatic disease had positive 131 I-MIBG scans. Both patients with clinical evidence of recurrent disease had negative scans, as did the patient who was considered to have had complete resection of her primary tumour. The two patients with idiopathic flushing syndrome also had negative scans. Among seven patients imaged with 123 I-MIBG there were four true-negative scans and one falsenegative, the latter in a patient with biochemical and CT evidence of recurrence. In a seventh patient with distant metastases there was variable uptake in some of the lesions. Four patients were studied with indium-111 penetetreodide. Two patients with metastatic carcinoid disease had positive scans, although hepatic metastases were not seen in one. Another two with idiopathic flushing syndrome had normal studies. The literature suggests that up 50% of carcinoid tumour cases are detected with 131 I-MIBG, compared to a sensitivity of 87% reported with somatostatin receptor imaging using 111 In-pentetreotide. The experience with 123 I-MIBG is much less extensive. The mechanisms of carcinoid tumour localization for each of the three classes of radiotracers are discussed and contrasted to their varying sensitivities. The relative success of 131 I-MIBG and 111 In-pentetreotide relative to 131 I-PIPA may be related to the fact that 131 I-MIBG is actively taken up and stored by the enterochromaffin cells of the tumours and 111 In-pentetreotide binds to cell surface receptors, whereas 131 I-PIPA binds to tryptophan hydroxylase, which may be present in quantities too small to permit tumours to be imaged.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46840/1/259_2005_Article_BF01731835.pd

    Localization and function of the renal calcium-sensing receptor

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    The ability to monitor changes in the ionic composition of the extracellular environment is a crucial feature that has evolved in all living organisms. The cloning and characterization of the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) from the mammalian parathyroid gland in the early 1990s provided the first description of a cellular, ion-sensing mechanism. This finding demonstrated how cells can detect small, physiological variations in free ionized calcium (Ca 2+) in the extracellular fluid and subsequently evoke an appropriate biological response by altering the secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) that acts on PTH receptors expressed in target tissues, including the kidney, intestine, and bone. Aberrant Ca 2+ sensing by the parathyroid glands, as a result of altered CaSR expression or function, is associated with impaired divalent cation homeostasis. CaSR activators that mimic the effects of Ca 2+ (calcimimetics) have been designed to treat hyperparathyroidism, and CaSR antagonists (calcilytics) are in development for the treatment of hypercalciuric disorders. The kidney expresses a CaSR that might directly contribute to the regulation of many aspects of renal function in a PTH-independent manner. This Review discusses the roles of the renal CaSR and the potential impact of pharmacological modulation of the CaSR on renal function

    2015 American Thyroid Association Management Guidelines for Adult Patients with Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: The American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

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    Thyroid nodules are a common clinical problem, and differentiated thyroid cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent. Since the American Thyroid Association's (ATA's) guidelines for the management of these disorders were revised in 2009, significant scientific advances have occurred in the field. The aim of these guidelines is to inform clinicians, patients, researchers, and health policy makers on published evidence relating to the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer

    Chronic resveratrol reverses a mild angiotensin II-induced pressor effect in a rat model

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    Kevin L Gordish,1 William H Beierwaltes1,2 1Department of Physiology, Wayne State School of Medicine, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Hypertension and Vascular Research Division, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA Abstract: Resveratrol is reported to reduce blood pressure in animal models of hypertension, but the mechanisms are unknown. We have shown that resveratrol infusion increases sodium excretion. We hypothesized that chronic ingestion of resveratrol would reduce angiotensin II (Ang II)-induced increases in blood pressure by decreasing oxidative stress and by also decreasing sodium reabsorption through a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism. We infused rats with vehicle or 80 µg Ang II/d over 4 weeks. Vehicle or Ang II-infused rats were individually housed, pair fed, and placed on a diet of normal chow or normal chow plus 146 mg resveratrol/d. Groups included 1) control, 2) resveratrol-fed, 3) Ang II-treated, and 4) Ang II plus resveratrol. Systolic blood pressure was measured by tail cuff. During the 4th week, rats were placed in metabolic caging for urine collection. NO2/NO3 and 8-isoprostane excretion were measured. Ang II increased systolic blood pressure in the 1st week by +14±5 mmHg (P<0.05) in Group 3 and +10±3 mmHg (P<0.05) in Group 4, respectively. Blood pressure was unchanged in Groups 1 and 2. After 4 weeks, blood pressure remained elevated in Group 3 rats with Ang II (+9±3 mmHg, P<0.05), but in Group 4, blood pressure was no longer elevated (+2±2 mmHg). We found no significant differences between the groups in sodium excretion or cumulative sodium balance (18.49±0.12, 17.75±0.16, 17.97±0.17, 18.46±0.18 mEq Na+/7 d in Groups 1–4, respectively). Urinary excretion of NO2/NO3 in the four groups was 1) 1631±207 µmol/24 h, 2) 1045±236 µmol/24 h, 3) 1490±161 µmol/24 h, and 4) 609±17 µmol/24 h. 8-Isoprostane excretion was 1) 63.85±19.39 nmol/24 h, 2) 73.57±22.02 nmol/24 h, 3) 100.69±37.62 nmol/24 h, and 4) 103.00±38.88 nmol/24 h. We conclude that chronic resveratrol supplementation does not blunt Ang II-increased blood pressure, and while resveratrol has mild depressor effects, these do not seem to be due to natriuresis or enhanced renal nitric oxide synthesis. Keywords: resveratrol, angiotensin, natriuresis, sodium balance, sodium excretio

    Free radical scavenging reverses fructose-induced salt-sensitive hypertension

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    Zachary P Zenner, Kevin L Gordish, William H Beierwaltes Department of Internal Medicine, Hypertension and Vascular Research Division, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA Abstract: We have previously reported that a moderate dietary supplementation of 20% fructose but not glucose leads to a salt-sensitive hypertension related to increased proximal sodium–hydrogen exchanger activity and increased renal sodium retention. We also found that while high salt increased renal nitric oxide formation, this was retarded in the presence of fructose intake. We hypothesized that at least part of the pathway leading to fructose-induced salt-sensitive hypertension could be due to fructose-induced formation of reactive oxygen species and inappropriate stimulation of renin secretion, all of which would contribute to an increase in blood pressure. We found that both 20% fructose intake and a high-salt diet stimulated 8-isoprostane excretion. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic tempol significantly reduced this elevated excretion. Next, we placed rats on a high-salt diet (4%) for 1 week in combination with normal rat chow or 20% fructose with or without chronic tempol administration. A fructose plus high-salt diet induced a rapid increase (15 mmHg) in systolic blood pressure and reversed high salt suppression of plasma renin activity. Tempol treatment reversed the pressor response and restored high salt suppression of renin. We conclude that fructose-induced salt-sensitive hypertension is driven by increased renal reactive oxygen species formation associated with salt retention and an enhanced renin–angiotensin system. Keywords: reactive oxygen species, tempol, sodium, renin, oxidative stres