2,622 research outputs found

    High-Q exterior whispering gallery modes in a metal-coated microresonator

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    We propose a kind of plasmonic whispering gallery modes highly localized on the exterior surface of a metal-coated microresonator. This exterior (EX) surface mode possesses high quality factors at room temperature, and can be efficiently excited by a tapered fiber. The EX mode can couple to an interior (IN) mode and this coupling produces a strong anti-crossing behavior, which not only allows conversion of IN to EX modes, but also forms a long-lived anti-symmetric mode. As a potential application, the EX mode could be used for a biosensor with a sensitivity high up to 500 nm per refraction index unit, a large figure of merit, and a wide detection range

    Correlations in excited states of local Hamiltonians

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    Physical properties of the ground and excited states of a kk-local Hamiltonian are largely determined by the kk-particle reduced density matrices (kk-RDMs), or simply the kk-matrix for fermionic systems---they are at least enough for the calculation of the ground state and excited state energies. Moreover, for a non-degenerate ground state of a kk-local Hamiltonian, even the state itself is completely determined by its kk-RDMs, and therefore contains no genuine >k{>}k-particle correlations, as they can be inferred from kk-particle correlation functions. It is natural to ask whether a similar result holds for non-degenerate excited states. In fact, for fermionic systems, it has been conjectured that any non-degenerate excited state of a 2-local Hamiltonian is simultaneously a unique ground state of another 2-local Hamiltonian, hence is uniquely determined by its 2-matrix. And a weaker version of this conjecture states that any non-degenerate excited state of a 2-local Hamiltonian is uniquely determined by its 2-matrix among all the pure nn-particle states. We construct explicit counterexamples to show that both conjectures are false. It means that correlations in excited states of local Hamiltonians could be dramatically different from those in ground states. We further show that any non-degenerate excited state of a kk-local Hamiltonian is a unique ground state of another 2k2k-local Hamiltonian, hence is uniquely determined by its 2k2k-RDMs (or 2k2k-matrix)

    The use of indicators for unobservable product qualities: inferences based on consumer sorting

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    Using the dietary supplement black cohosh to demonstrate our method, we employ data on a product characteristic unobservable to consumers to decompose the contribution to consumers’ valuations of observable characteristics into surrogate indicator and direct components. Because consumers are not all “expert appraisers” of the unobservable characteristic, the measured relationship of indicators to the unobservable quality is generally not the one consumers perceive. Consequently, biases that depend upon the nature of consumers’ ineptitude are introduced into the component estimation. The researcher’s inference problem is solved by recognizing that consumers with greater appraisal expertise sort disproportionately to higher quality products. This enables feasible measurement of inept consumers’ relative valuations and conjectures through separate hedonic estimation on high- and low-quality product subsamples. We find that, relative to experts, inept consumers likely underestimate the value of most observable characteristics in indicating black cohosh product authenticity; however they overweight online product ratings.hedonic analysis; surrogate indicators; asymmetric information; pricing strategy; product strategy

    Codeword stabilized quantum codes: algorithm and structure

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    The codeword stabilized ("CWS") quantum codes formalism presents a unifying approach to both additive and nonadditive quantum error-correcting codes (arXiv:0708.1021). This formalism reduces the problem of constructing such quantum codes to finding a binary classical code correcting an error pattern induced by a graph state. Finding such a classical code can be very difficult. Here, we consider an algorithm which maps the search for CWS codes to a problem of identifying maximum cliques in a graph. While solving this problem is in general very hard, we prove three structure theorems which reduce the search space, specifying certain admissible and optimal ((n,K,d)) additive codes. In particular, we find there does not exist any ((7,3,3)) CWS code though the linear programming bound does not rule it out. The complexity of the CWS search algorithm is compared with the contrasting method introduced by Aggarwal and Calderbank (arXiv:cs/0610159).Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Multi-Omics Analyses Detail Metabolic Reprogramming in Lipids, Carnitines, and Use of Glycolytic Intermediates between Prostate Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma and Prostate Adenocarcinoma.

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    As the most common cancer in men, prostate cancer is molecularly heterogeneous. Contributing to this heterogeneity are the poorly understood metabolic adaptations of the two main types of prostate cancer, i.e., adenocarcinoma and small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (SCNC), the latter being more aggressive and lethal. Using transcriptomics, untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics profiling on LASCPC-01 (prostate SCNC) and LNCAP (prostate adenocarcinoma) cell lines, we found significant differences in the cellular phenotypes of the two cell lines. Gene set enrichment analysis on the transcriptomics data showed 62 gene sets were upregulated in LASCPC-01, while 112 gene sets were upregulated in LNCAP. ChemRICH analysis on metabolomics and lipidomics data revealed a total of 25 metabolite clusters were significantly different. LASCPC-01 exhibited a higher glycolytic activity and lower levels of triglycerides, while the LNCAP cell line showed increases in one-carbon metabolism as an exit route of glycolytic intermediates and a decrease in carnitine, a mitochondrial lipid transporter. Our findings pinpoint differences in prostate neuroendocrine carcinoma versus prostate adenocarcinoma that could lead to new therapeutic targets in each type

    Insights into the evolution of the suppressors of cytokine signalling (SOCS) gene family in vertebrates

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    This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31702386), International Cooperation Science & Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province of China (Grant No. 2017A050501037). E.W. was supported financially by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Thailand and Mahasarakham University. T.W. received funding from the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS), a pooling initiative funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Learning to suppress likely distractor locations in visual search is driven by the local distractor frequency

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    Salient but task-irrelevant distractors interfere less with visual search when they appear in a display region where distractors have appeared more frequently in the past (‘distractor-location probability cueing’). This effect could reflect the (re-)distribution of a global, limited attentional ‘inhibition resource’. Accordingly, changing the frequency of distractor appearance in one display region should also affect the magnitude of interference generated by distractors in a different region. Alternatively, distractor-location learning may reflect a local response (e.g., ‘habituation’) to distractors occurring at a particular location. In this case, the local distractor frequency in one display region should not affect distractor interference in a different region. To decide between these alternatives, we conducted three experiments in which participants searched for an orientation-defined target while ignoring a more salient orientation distractor that occurred more often in one vs. another display region. Experiment 1 varied the ratio of distractors appearing in the frequent vs. rare regions (60/40–90/10), with a fixed global distractor frequency. The results revealed the cueing effect to increase with increasing probability ratio. In Experiments 2 and 3, one (‘test’) region was assigned the same local distractor frequency as in one of the conditions of Experiment 1, but a different frequency in the other region – dissociating local from global distractor frequency. Together, the three experiments showed that distractor interference in the test region was not significantly influenced by the frequency in the other region, consistent with purely local learning. We discuss the implications for theories of statistical distractor-location learning

    Local unitary versus local Clifford equivalence of stabilizer and graph states

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    The equivalence of stabilizer states under local transformations is of fundamental interest in understanding properties and uses of entanglement. Two stabilizer states are equivalent under the usual stochastic local operations and classical communication criterion if and only if they are equivalent under local unitary (LU) operations. More surprisingly, under certain conditions, two LU equivalent stabilizer states are also equivalent under local Clifford (LC) operations, as was shown by Van den Nest et al. [Phys. Rev. \textbf{A71}, 062323]. Here, we broaden the class of stabilizer states for which LU equivalence implies LC equivalence (LULCLU\Leftrightarrow LC) to include all stabilizer states represented by graphs with neither cycles of length 3 nor 4. To compare our result with Van den Nest et al.'s, we show that any stabilizer state of distance δ=2\delta=2 is beyond their criterion. We then further prove that LULCLU\Leftrightarrow LC holds for a more general class of stabilizer states of δ=2\delta=2. We also explicitly construct graphs representing δ>2\delta>2 stabilizer states which are beyond their criterion: we identify all 58 graphs with up to 11 vertices and construct graphs with 2m12^m-1 (m4m\geq 4) vertices using quantum error correcting codes which have non-Clifford transversal gates.Comment: Revised version according to referee's comments. To appear in Physical Review