2,048 research outputs found

    Disrupting unlawful exclusion from school of minoritised children and young people racialized as Black: using Critical Race Theory composite counter-storytelling

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    Utilising Critical Race Theory (CRT) as the analytical lens and CRT composite counter-storytelling as the method, this paper seeks to illuminate the experiences of minoritised children and young people racialised as Black in relation to encounters with the exclusionary practice called ‘off-rolling’. We conceptualise off-rolling as a hidden process of exclusion in education, and the stories shared in this paper bring into sharp focus the educational, relational and emotional impacts of camouflaged exclusionary practices. We offer four composite stories of exclusion to demonstrate how some of the most vulnerable, excluded, and marginalised young Black people from English urban cities experience further marginalisation because off-rolling, we argue, places learners in a space (both physically and educationally) located beyond care and inclusion. Storytelling is mobilised as a central method in CRT for challenging and exposing exclusionary practices, as it foregrounds the knowledge and lived experience of people of colour and we explore the processes of constructing such counter-stories. As an encouragement to reflection and critical conversation about unlawful exclusion and racial disparities, this paper was written with three goals in mind. The first is that it may inspire educators of colour to tell counter-stories that name their own reality and experiences of exclusion. Second, that in reading and responding to counter-stories, white educators will be encouraged to develop their own racial literacy. Finally, the third goal is that the call to action is answered from within and beyond the confines of academia, where inclusion and racial justice in education can no longer be left to wait

    On the space of connections having non-trivial twisted harmonic spinors

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    We consider Dirac operators on odd-dimensional compact spin manifolds which are twisted by a product bundle. We show that the space of connections on the twisting bundle which yield an invertible operator has infinitely many connected components if the untwisted Dirac operator is invertible and the dimension of the twisting bundle is sufficiently large


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    Introduction. In modern conditions of economy development forming a high level of the personnel engagement and a highest level of motivation of work allows enterprises to reach the best indicators of efficiency. Purpose. Determination of interrelation between effective personnel development management and achievement of high level of its engagement in the conditions of competitive economy. Results. In the article it is determined that management of personnel development, availability of the professional improvement and training opportunities in the course of work act as one of the determining factors which influence the level of the personnel engagement. Interpretation of the personnel engagement and modern vision of this problem at the Ukrainian enterprises is proved, the interrelation research between existence of effective systems of personnel development and increase in level of its engagement is conducted. High degree of dependence between availability of predictions of professional growth, an opportunity to enhance the skills on a workplace and desire to continue working at the entity, an embodiment of own and corporate tasks is revealed. The directions of improvement of the existing personnel development systems of the enterprise in the context of ensuring high level of the personnel engagement are offered, major factors of influence are formulated. Major factors, which influence level of personnel engagement, are fair and clear system of a financial incentive, the developed communications structure and certain organization culture, the system of an authority delegation and goal setting, forming of positive image of the enterprise and also the worker's embodiment as persons. The last component is considered in the context of management of personnel development - systems which are provided by fixed professional enhancement of workers and improvement of their knowledge, abilities and habits. Conclusion. It is proved that effective management of personnel development is offered to workers as an important factor of engagement to work, and the lack of similar system and opportunities of advanced training and professional knowledge negatively influences job satisfaction and loyalty of personnel

    Complete Characterization of the Ground Space Structure of Two-Body Frustration-Free Hamiltonians for Qubits

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    The problem of finding the ground state of a frustration-free Hamiltonian carrying only two-body interactions between qubits is known to be solvable in polynomial time. It is also shown recently that, for any such Hamiltonian, there is always a ground state that is a product of single- or two-qubit states. However, it remains unclear whether the whole ground space is of any succinct structure. Here, we give a complete characterization of the ground space of any two-body frustration-free Hamiltonian of qubits. Namely, it is a span of tree tensor network states of the same tree structure. This characterization allows us to show that the problem of determining the ground state degeneracy is as hard as, but no harder than, its classical analog.Comment: 5pages, 3 figure


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    Dengan bertambahnya skripsi dari tahun ke tahun, meningkat pula judul skripsi dan penelitian. Bila tidak dideteksi, menyebabkan penelitian yang sebenarnya sudah ada akhirnya diteliti kembali tanpa mengembangkan penelitian sebelumnya. Algoritma Levenshtein Distance digunakan untuk mendeteksi kesamaan pada judul skripsi yang ada. Penelitian ini digunakan untuk pencarian judul skripsi secara multi target dengan 6 kategori data target dalam database dan penentuan threshold = 4 serta penentuan bobot similarity 25% dinyatakan mirip untuk ditampilkan. Data yang ditampilkan adalah dari kategori judul perancangan sistem dengan distance 4 dan kemiripan 42,85% dan dari kategori aplikasi berbasis web dengan distance 5 dan kemiripan 28,5%. Sedangkan 4 kategori lain memiliki distance lebih dari 5 dan persen bobot similarity 25% sehingga tidak dianggap mirip dan tidak ditampilka

    Photoluminescence from nanocrystalline graphite monofluoride

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    We synthesize and study the structural and optical properties of nanocrystalline graphene monofluoride and graphite monofluoride, which are carbon-based wide bandgap materials. Using laser excitations 2.41 - 5.08 eV, we identify six emission modes of graphite monofluoride, spanning the visible spectrum from red to violet. The energy and linewidth of the modes point to defect-induced midgap states as the source of the photoemission. We discuss possible candidates. Our findings open the window to electro-optical applications of graphene fluoride.Comment: 11 pages including supporting information, 2 figure

    Experimental Implementation of a Codeword Stabilized Quantum Code

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    A five-qubit codeword stabilized quantum code is implemented in a seven-qubit system using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Our experiment implements a good nonadditive quantum code which encodes a larger Hilbert space than any stabilizer code with the same length and capable of correcting the same kind of errors. The experimentally measured quantum coherence is shown to be robust against artificially introduced errors, benchmarking the success in implementing the quantum error correction code. Given the typical decoherence time of the system, our experiment illustrates the ability of coherent control to implement complex quantum circuits for demonstrating interesting results in spin qubits for quantum computing

    Seismic Performance Evaluation of a Submarine Gas Pipeline

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    Analyses were conducted on the seismic performance of a proposed offshore gas flowline, which connects a manifold in 830-m water depth to a riser platform in shallow waters of the outer continental shelf. Climbing a 10-degree continental slope, the flowline will be installed on the seafloor underlain by deep carbonate sediments of sands and silty clays. Two types of analyses were performed for a critical segment of the flowline, where it traverses a narrow ridge flanked by two deep submarine canyons: (1) probabilistic analyses using simplified empirical methods; and (2) deterministic 2D and 3D analyses with FLAC using a nonlinear, effective-stress soil model fully coupled with an empirical pore-pressure generation scheme. Soil properties were derived from PCPT and T-bar data, Bender element tests, and monotonic and cyclic direct simple shear tests. The analysis results indicated an extremely small likelihood of liquefaction along the flowline, with only small deformations predicted to occur for ground motions with a return period of 5,000 years