15,742 research outputs found

    Poincar\'e duality, Hilbert complexes and geometric applications

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    Let (M,g)(M,g) an open and oriented riemannian manifold. The aim of this paper is to study some properties of the two following sequences of L2L^2 cohomology groups: H2,m→Mi(M,g)H^i_{2,m\rightarrow M}(M,g) defined as the image \im(H^i_{2,min}(M,g)\rightarrow H^i_{2,max}(M,g)) and Hˉ2,m→Mi(M,g)\bar{H}^i_{2,m\rightarrow M}(M,g) defined as \im(\bar{H}^i_{2,min}(M,g)\rightarrow \bar{H}^i_{2,max}(M,g)). We show, under certain hypothesis, that the first sequence is the cohomology of a suitable Hilbert complex which contains the minimal one and is contained in the maximal one. We also show that when the second sequence is finite dimensional then Poincar\'e duality holds for it and that, in the same assumptions, when dim(M)≡0 mod 4dim(M)\equiv0\ mod\ 4 we can use it to define a L2L^2 signature on MM. Moreover we show several applications to the intersection cohomology of compact smoothly stratified pseudomanifolds and we get some results about the Friedrichs extension ΔiF\Delta_{i}^\mathcal{F} of Δi\Delta_{i}.Comment: Final version. To appear on Advances in Mathematics. Comments are welcom

    On the L2−L^2-Poincar\'e duality for incomplete riemannian manifolds: a general construction with applications

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    Let (M,g)(M,g) be an open, oriented and incomplete riemannian manifold of dimension mm. Under some general conditions we show that it is possible to build a Hilbert complex (L2Ωi(M,g),dM,i)(L^2\Omega^i(M,g),d_{\mathfrak{M},i}) such that its cohomology groups, labeled with H2,Mi(M,g)H^i_{2,\mathfrak{M}}(M,g), satisfy the following properties: \begin{itemize} \item H^i_{2,\mathfrak{M}}(M,g)=ker(d_{max,i})/\im(d_{min,i}) \item H2,Mi(M,g)≅H2,Mm−i(M,g)H^i_{2,\mathfrak{M}}(M,g)\cong H^{m-i}_{2,\mathfrak{M}}(M,g) (Poincar\'e duality holds) \end{itemize} Finally in the rest of the paper we study some properties of this complex with particular attention to the sufficient conditions which make it a Fredholm complex.Comment: Final version. To appear on Journal of Topology and Analysi

    Twisted K-homology,Geometric cycles and T-duality

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    Twisted KK-homology corresponds to DD-branes in string theory. In this paper we compare two different models of geometric twisted KK-homology and get their equivalence. Moreover, we give another description of geometric twisted KK-homology using bundle gerbes. We establish some properties of geometric twisted KK-homology. In the last part we construct TT-duality isomorphism for geometric twisted KK-homology.Comment: We modify the statement about the six-term exact sequence of geometric twisted KK-homology. Some Typos are corrected. Comments are welcome

    On the Laplace-Beltrami operator on compact complex spaces

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    Let (X,h)(X,h) be a compact and irreducible Hermitian complex space of complex dimension v>1v>1. In this paper we show that the Friedrichs extension of both the Laplace-Beltrami operator and the Hodge-Kodaira Laplacian acting on functions has discrete spectrum. Moreover we provide some estimates for the growth of the corresponding eigenvalues and we use these estimates to deduce that the associated heat operators are trace-class. Finally we give various applications to the Hodge-Dolbeault operator and to the Hodge-Kodaira Laplacian in the setting of Hermitian complex spaces of complex dimension 22.Comment: To appear on Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Comments are welcome. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1607.0028

    Degenerating Hermitian metrics and spectral geometry of the canonical bundle

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    Let (X,h)(X,h) be a compact and irreducible Hermitian complex space of complex dimension mm. In this paper we are interested in the Dolbeault operator acting on the space of L2L^2 sections of the canonical bundle of reg(X)reg(X), the regular part of XX. More precisely let d‾m,0:L2Ωm,0(reg(X),h)→L2Ωm,1(reg(X),h)\overline{\mathfrak{d}}_{m,0}:L^2\Omega^{m,0}(reg(X),h)\rightarrow L^2\Omega^{m,1}(reg(X),h) be an arbitrarily fixed closed extension of ∂‾m,0:L2Ωm,0(reg(X),h)→L2Ωm,1(reg(X),h)\overline{\partial}_{m,0}:L^2\Omega^{m,0}(reg(X),h)\rightarrow L^2\Omega^{m,1}(reg(X),h) where the domain of the latter operator is Ωcm,0(reg(X))\Omega_c^{m,0}(reg(X)). We establish various properties such as closed range of d‾m,0\overline{\mathfrak{d}}_{m,0}, compactness of the inclusion D(d‾m,0)↪L2Ωm,0(reg(X),h)\mathcal{D}(\overline{\mathfrak{d}}_{m,0})\hookrightarrow L^2\Omega^{m,0}(reg(X),h) where D(d‾m,0)\mathcal{D}(\overline{\mathfrak{d}}_{m,0}), the domain of d‾m,0\overline{\mathfrak{d}}_{m,0}, is endowed with the corresponding graph norm, and discreteness of the spectrum of the associated Hodge-Kodaira Laplacian d‾m,0∗∘d‾m,0\overline{\mathfrak{d}}_{m,0}^*\circ \overline{\mathfrak{d}}_{m,0} with an estimate for the growth of its eigenvalues. Several corollaries such as trace class property for the heat operator associated to d‾m,0∗∘d‾m,0\overline{\mathfrak{d}}_{m,0}^*\circ \overline{\mathfrak{d}}_{m,0}, with an estimate for its trace, are derived. Finally in the last part we provide several applications to the Hodge-Kodaira Laplacian in the setting of both compact irreducible Hermitian complex spaces with isolated singularities and complex projective surfaces.Comment: Final version. To appear on Advances in Mathematic

    A direct manipulation object-oriented environment to support methodology-independent CASE tools : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University

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    The aim of the thesis is research into application of direct-manipulable OO graphical environments to the development of methodology-independent CASE tools. In this thesis, a Methodology-Independent Graphical OO CASE Environment (M1GOCE) is proposed. MIGOCE consists of three parts: OO Notation Workshop, OO Notation Repository and Universal OO Diagramming Tool. OO Notation Workshop is an OO graphical editor which is used to design existing and new notations; OO Notation Repository is a notation database that stores different notations designed by the notation workshop; Universal OO Diagramming Tool is an upper-CASE graphical environment, by which a user can draw arbitrary OO diagrams of different methodologies. The MIGOCE database management system provides OO notation sets management, OOA/OOD diagrams management and OO repository management for data integrity and sharing. MIGOCE has three outstanding characteristics: Methodology-independence, Directly-manipulable graphical environment and Easily-expanded program structure MIGOCE is completely methodology-independent. It not only supports existing OO methodologies, but also supports users' own notation designs. It provides support for mixing, updating existing methodologies or defining new ones. It typically allows the user to switch quickly different OO notation sets supported by corresponding methodologies for designing diagrams. Direct manipulation interfaces of MIGOCE enable it more flexible and distinctive. The user can easily add, delete, edit or show notation shapes, and get the system feedback very quick on the screen. The MIGOCE system itself is programmed using object-oriented programming language - C++. Its program structure enable the functions of itself easy to be modified and expanded. Although MIGOCE is a prototype, it provides a new way to develop the real methodology-independent OO CASE environment. So far, the way and style taken by MIGOCE have not been found in OO CASE literatures. This system gives a complete possibility of implementing a methodology-independent OO CASE tool and shows distinct effectiveness of such a tool in practice
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