29 research outputs found

    Quantum optomechanics in tripartite systems

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    Owing to their long-lifetimes at cryogenic temperatures, mechanical oscillators are recognized as an attractive resource for quantum information science and as a testbed for fundamental physics. Key to these applications is the ability to prepare, manipulate and measure quantum states of mechanical motion. Through an exact formal solution to the Schrodinger equation, we show how tripartite optomechanical interactions, involving the mutual coupling between two distinct optical modes and an acoustic resonance enables quantum states of mechanical oscillators to be synthesized and interrogated.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Optomechanical cooling in a continuous system

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    Radiation-pressure-induced optomechanical coupling permits exquisite control of micro- and mesoscopic mechanical oscillators. This ability to manipulate and even damp mechanical motion with light---a process known as dynamical backaction cooling---has become the basis for a range of novel phenomena within the burgeoning field of cavity optomechanics, spanning from dissipation engineering to quantum state preparation. As this field moves toward more complex systems and dynamics, there has been growing interest in the prospect of cooling traveling-wave phonons in continuous optomechanical waveguides. Here, we demonstrate optomechanical cooling in a continuous system for the first time. By leveraging the dispersive symmetry breaking produced by inter-modal Brillouin scattering, we achieve continuous mode optomechanical cooling in an extended 2.3-cm silicon waveguide, reducing the temperature of a band of traveling-wave phonons by more than 30 K from room temperature. This work reveals that optomechanical cooling is possible in macroscopic linear waveguide systems without an optical cavity or discrete acoustic modes. Moreover, through an intriguing type of wavevector-resolved phonon spectroscopy, we show that this system permits optomechanical control over continuously accessible groups of phonons and produces a new form of nonreciprocal reservoir engineering. Beyond this study, this work represents a first step towards a range of novel classical and quantum traveling-wave operations in continuous optomechanical systems.Comment: Manuscript with supplementary information. 17 pages, 4 Figures. Minor correction in Fig.

    Oscillator-field model of moving mirrors in quantum optomechanics

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    We present a microphysics model for the kinematics and dynamics of optomechanics describing the coupling between an optical field, modeled here by a massless scalar field, and the internal and mechanical degrees of freedom of a movable mirror. Instead of implementing boundary conditions on the field, we introduce an internal degree of freedom and its dynamics to describe the mirror's reflectivity. Depending on parameter values, the internal degrees of freedom of the mirror in this model capture a range of its optical activities, from those exhibiting broadband reflective properties to those reflecting only in a narrow band. After establishing the model we show how appropriate parameter choices lead to other well-known optomechanical models, including those of Barton and Calogeracos [Ann. Phys. (NY) 238, 227 (1995)], Calogeracos and Barton, Ann. Phys. (NY) 238, 268 (1995), Law [Phys. Rev. A 51, 2537 (1995)], and Golestanian and Kardar [Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3421 (1997); Phys. Rev. A 58, 1713 (1998)]. As a simple illustrative application we derive classical radiation pressure cooling from this model. We then connect our microphysics model to the common descriptions of a moving mirror coupled to radiation pressure (e.g., with N x coupling, where N is the photon number and x is the mirror displacement), making explicit the underlying assumptions made in these phenomenological models. Our model is also applicable to the lesser explored case of small N , which existing models based on sideband approximations [Kimble et al., Phys. Rev. D 65, 022002 (2001)] have not addressed. Interestingly, we also find that slow-moving mirrors in our model can be described by the ubiquitous Brownian motion model of quantum open systems. The scope of applications of this model ranges from a full quantum-mechanical treatment of radiation pressure cooling and quantum entanglement between macroscopic mirrors to the back reaction of Hawking radiation on black-hole evaporation in a moving mirror analog

    Nonequilibrium Casimir-Polder Force in Non-Stationary Systems

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    Recently the Casmir-Polder force felt by an atom near a substrate under nonequilibrium stationary conditions has been studied theoretically with macroscopic quantum electrodyanamics (MQED) and verified experimentally with cold atoms. We give a quantum field theory derivation of the Langevin equation describing the atom's motion based on the influence functional method valid for fully nonequilibrium (nonstationary) conditions. The noise associated with the quantum field derived from first principles is generally colored and nonlocal, which is at variance with the `local source hypothesis' of MQED's generalization to nonequilibrium conditions. Precision measurements on the shape deformation of an atomic gas as a function of its distance from a mirror would provide a direct check of our predictions based on this Langevin equation.Comment: Rewritten Introduction and Abstract in v2 with a slightly altered title to place a sharper focus of our goals and a clearer distinction of what the influence functional method can achieve beyond the macroscopic QED approach. The rest of the paper and the results remain the sam

    Non-local double-path Casimir phase in atom interferometers

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    We present a quantum open system theory of atom interferometers evolving in the quantized electromagnetic field bounded by an ideal conductor. Our treatment reveals an unprecedented feature of matter-wave propagation, namely the appearance of a non-local double-path phase coherence. Such a non-local phase arises from the coarse-graining over the quantized electromagnetic field and internal atomic degrees of freedom, yielding a non-Hamiltonian evolution of the atomic waves moving in presence of correlated quantum dipole and field fluctuations. We develop a diagrammatic interpretation of this phase, and estimate it for realistic experimental parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Final version, published in the Europhysics Letter