49 research outputs found

    A Semiparametric Bayesian Model for Detecting Synchrony Among Multiple Neurons

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    We propose a scalable semiparametric Bayesian model to capture dependencies among multiple neurons by detecting their co-firing (possibly with some lag time) patterns over time. After discretizing time so there is at most one spike at each interval, the resulting sequence of 1's (spike) and 0's (silence) for each neuron is modeled using the logistic function of a continuous latent variable with a Gaussian process prior. For multiple neurons, the corresponding marginal distributions are coupled to their joint probability distribution using a parametric copula model. The advantages of our approach are as follows: the nonparametric component (i.e., the Gaussian process model) provides a flexible framework for modeling the underlying firing rates; the parametric component (i.e., the copula model) allows us to make inference regarding both contemporaneous and lagged relationships among neurons; using the copula model, we construct multivariate probabilistic models by separating the modeling of univariate marginal distributions from the modeling of dependence structure among variables; our method is easy to implement using a computationally efficient sampling algorithm that can be easily extended to high dimensional problems. Using simulated data, we show that our approach could correctly capture temporal dependencies in firing rates and identify synchronous neurons. We also apply our model to spike train data obtained from prefrontal cortical areas in rat's brain

    An Urgent Plea for More Graduate Programs in Statistics Education

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    Lately, much has been written about the importance of amplifying statistics-related content in the K-12 curricula. This can be viewed in parallel or as an addendum to the existing mathematics curricula in the United States. Nevertheless, a key component of this debate is the lack of robust and cutting-edge academic programs in statistics education. In this piece, we emphasize the urgent need for investing in creating strong statistics education programs, which would significantly contribute to nurturing quantitative literacy as well as preparing a more informed citizenry in the 21st century

    Fluctuations in Climate and Incidence of Coccidioidomycosis in Kern County, California A Review

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    ABSTRACT: Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) is a fungal infection found in the southwestern United States, northern Mexico, and some places in Central and South America. The fungi that cause it (Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides posadasii) are normally soil dwelling, but, if disturbed, become airborne and infect the host when their spores are inhaled. It is thus natural to surmise that weather conditions, which foster the growth and dispersal of Coccidioides, must have an effect on the number of cases in the endemic areas. This article reviews our attempts to date at quantifying this relationship in Kern County, California (where C. immitis is endemic). We have examined the effect on incidence resulting from precipitation, surface temperature, and wind speed. We have performed our studies by means of a simple linear correlation analysis, and by a generalized autoregressive moving average model. Our first analysis suggests that linear correlations between climatic parameters and incidence are weak; our second analysis indicates that incidence can be predicted largely by considering only the previous history of incidence in the county—the inclusion of climate- or weather-related time sequences improves the model only to a relatively minor extent. Our work therefore suggests that incidence fluctuations (about a seasonally varying background value) are related to biological and/or anthropogenic reasons, and not so much to weather or climate anomalies

    Hebbian learning in linear-nonlinear networks with tuning curves leads to near-optimal, multi-alternative decision making

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    Optimal performance and physically plausible mechanisms for achieving it have been completely characterized for a general class of two-alternative, free response decision making tasks, and data suggest that humans can implement the optimal procedure. The situation is more complicated when the number of alternatives is greater than two and subjects are free to respond at any time, partly due to the fact that there is no generally applicable statistical test for deciding optimally in such cases. However, here, too, analytical approximations to optimality that are physically and psychologically plausible have been analyzed. These analyses leave open questions that have begun to be addressed: (1) How are near-optimal model parameterizations learned from experience? (2) What if a continuum of decision alternatives exists? (3) How can neurons’ broad tuning curves be incorporated into an optimal-performance theory? We present a possible answer to all of these questions in the form of an extremely simple, reward-modulated Hebbian learning rule by which a neural network learns to approximate the multihypothesis sequential probability ratio test