433 research outputs found

    Superpotentials from flux compactifications of M-theory

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    In flux compactifications of M-theory a superpotential is generated whose explicit form depends on the structure group of the 7-dimensional internal manifold. In this note, we discuss superpotentials for the structure groups: G_2, SU(3) or SU(2). For the G_2 case all internal fluxes have to vanish. For SU(3) structures, the non-zero flux components entering the superpotential describe an effective 1-dimensional model and a Chern-Simons model if there are SU(2) structures.Comment: 10 page

    Entropy of N=2 black holes and their M-brane description

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    In this paper we discuss the M-brane description for a N=2 black hole. This solution is a result of the compactification of M-5-brane configurations over a Calabi-Yau threefold with arbitrary intersection numbers CABCC_{ABC}. In analogy to the D-brane description where one counts open string states we count here open 2-branes which end on the M-5-brane.Comment: 12 pages, (hyper) LaTeX, (minor changes and refs. added

    Fluxes in M-theory on 7-manifolds and G structures

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    We consider warp compactifications of M-theory on 7-manifolds in the presence of 4-form fluxes and investigate the constraints imposed by supersymmetry. As long as the 7-manifold supports only one Killing spinor we infer from the Killing spinor equations that non-trivial 4-form fluxes will necessarily curve the external 4-dimensional space. On the other hand, if the 7-manifold has at least two Killing spinors, there is a non-trivial Killing vector yielding a reduction of the 7-manifold to a 6-manifold and we confirm that 4-form fluxes can be incorporated if one includes non-trivial SU(3) structures.Comment: 13 pages, Latex; minor changes & add reference

    Towards Quantum Cosmology without Singularities

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    In this paper we investigate the vanishing of cosmological singularities by quantization. Starting from a 5d Kaluza--Klein approach we quantize, as a first step, the non--spherical metric part and the dilaton field. These fields which are classically singular become smooth after quantization. In addition, we argue that the incorporation of non perturbative quantum corrections form a dilaton potential. Technically, the procedure corresponds to the quantization of 2d dilaton gravity and we discuss several models. From the 4d point of view this procedure is a semiclassical approach where only the dilaton and moduli matter fields are quantized.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Latex, epsfig.sty, epsf.te

    Bent BPS domain walls of D=5 N=2 gauged supergravity coupled to hypermultiplets

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    Within D=5 N=2 gauged supergravity coupled to hypermultiplets we derive consistency conditions for BPS domain walls with constant negative curvature on the wall. For such wall solutions to exist, the covariant derivative of the projector, governing the constraint on the Killing spinor, has to be non-zero and proportional to the cosmological constant on the domain walls. We also prove that in this case solutions of the Killing spinor equations are solutions of the equations of motion. We present explicit, analytically solved examples of such domain walls, employing the universal hypermultiplet fields. These examples involve the running of two scalar fields and the space-time in the transverse direction that is cut off at a critical distance, governed by the magnitude of the negative cosmological constant on the wall.Comment: 18 pages, Late

    General N = 1 Supersymmetric Flux Vacua of (Massive) Type IIA String Theory

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    We derive conditions for the existence of four-dimensional \N=1 supersymmetric flux vacua of massive type IIA string theory with general supergravity fluxes turned on. For an SU(3) singlet Killing spinor, we show that such flux vacua exist only when the internal geometry is nearly-K\"ahler. The geometry is not warped, all the allowed fluxes are proportional to the mass parameter and the dilaton is fixed by a ratio of (quantized) fluxes. The four-dimensional cosmological constant, while negative, becomes small in the vacuum with the weak string coupling.Comment: 4 page

    Time-dependent backgrounds from supergravity with gauged non-compact R-symmetry

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    We obtain a general class of time-dependent, asymptotically de Sitter backgrounds which solve the first order bosonic equations that extremize the action for supergravity with gauged non-compact RR-symmetry. These backgrounds correspond only to neutral fields with the correct sign of kinetic energy. Within N=2 five-dimensional supergravity with vector-superfields we provide examples of multi-centered charged black holes in asymptotic de Sitter space, whose spatial part is given by a time-dependent hyper-K\"ahler space. Reducing these backgrounds to four dimensions yields asymptotically de Sitter multi-centered charged black hole backgrounds and we show that they are related to an instanton configuration by a massive T-duality over time. Within N=2 gauged supergravity in four (and five)-dimensions with hyper-multiplets there could also be neutral cosmological backgrounds that are regular and correspond to the different de Sitter spaces at early and late times.Comment: 28 pages, Latex; minor changes and add reference

    De Sitter vacua from N=2 gauged supergravity

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    Typical de Sitter (dS) vacua of gauged supergravity correspond to saddle points of the potential and often the unstable mode runs into a singularity. We explore the possibility to obtain dS points where the unstable mode goes on both sides into a supersymmetric smooth vacuum. Within N=2 gauged supergravity coupled to the universal hypermultiplet, we have found a potential which has two supersymmetric minima (one of them can be flat) and these are connected by a de Sitter saddle point. In order to obtain this potential by an Abelian gauging, it was important to include the recently proposed quantum corrections to the universal hypermultiplet sector. Our results apply to four as well as five dimensional gauged supergravity theories.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, add refs and corrected typo

    Curved BPS domain walls and RG flow in five dimensions

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    We determine, in the context of five-dimensional N=2{\cal N}=2 gauged supergravity with vector and hypermultiplets, the conditions under which curved (non Ricci flat) supersymmetric domain wall solutions may exist. These curved BPS domain wall solutions may, in general, be supported by non-constant vector and hyper scalar fields. We establish our results by a careful analysis of the BPS equations as well as of the associated integrability conditions and the equations of motion. We construct an example of a curved BPS solution in a gauged supergravity model with one hypermultiplet. We also discuss the dual description of curved BPS domain walls in terms of RG flows.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures; added reference

    BPS equations in N=2, D=5 supergravity with hypermultiplets

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    With the general aim to classify BPS solutions in N=2, D=5 supergravities interacting with an arbitrary number of vector, tensor and hypermultiplets, here we begin considering the most general electrostatic, spherical-symmetric BPS solutions in the presence of hypermultiplet couplings. We discuss the properties of the BPS equations and the restrictions imposed by their integrability conditions. We exhibit explicit solutions for the case of static BPS black-holes coupled to one (the so called universal) hypermultiplet.Comment: 20 pages, v3 some corrections performed; we thank A.Van Proeyen for the pointing ou
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