10,558 research outputs found

    An effective Nuclear Model: from Nuclear Matter to Finite Nuclei

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    The momentum and density dependence of mean fields in symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter are analysed using the simple density dependent finite range effective interaction containing a single Gaussian term alongwith the zero-range terms. Within the formalism developed, it is possible to reproduce the various diverging predictions on the momentum and density dependence of isovector part of the mean field in asymmetric matter. The finite nucleus calculation is formulated for the simple Gaussian interaction in the framework of quasilocal density functional theory. The prediction of energies and charge radii of the interaction for the spherical nuclei compares well with the results of other effective theories.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, To appear in the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), May 27-June 1, 2012, San Antonio, Texas, US

    Unusual ocean-atmosphere conditions in the tropical Indian Ocean during 1994

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    The southeastern tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) was characterized by unusually cold sea surface temperature (SST) and strong northwestward alongshore surface winds during 1994. Using multi-source data sets including ocean model simulation, two key processes are identified for the SETIO cooling. Entrainment cooling produced most of the negative SST anomaly near the coast whereas evaporative cooling dominated the process away from the coast. Convection was anomalously suppressed over SETIO and the divergence of moist air from the region helped the local evaporative process. This also led to anomalous moisture transports that explain the enhanced convection over the central equatorial Indian Ocean, India and East Asia. The positive feedback between the enhanced and suppressed convection regions in turn helped maintain the surface wind anomalies. These evidences clearly indicate the existence of an ocean-atmosphere coupled phenomenon in the Indian Ocean during 1994

    Assessment of inter-population genetic diversity and preliminary evaluation of suitable clones of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. F.)

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    Productivity, uniformity and sustainability are the three important characters of the clonally propagated plants. With the increased use of clonal technology, the scarcity of wood products evidently decreased which has also led to reduced pressure on natural forests and ecosystem. However, the success of clonal technology rests on wise selection and deployment of suitable clones by studying the inter-population genetic diversity. The present study was conducted in a clonal seed orchard (CSO) of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. F.) comprising of 13 different clones to estimate the inter-clonal variation in terms of growth performance and genetic variability at 32 and 33 years of age. Clone ORANP2 exhibited maximum DBH (26.61cm), height (23.69 m), and stem volume (235.40 m3ha-1) with MAI of 7.133 m3ha-1year-1. The highest CAI of DBH (1.08 cm) and volume (18.558m3/ha) was reported in ORANP5 and ORANR3, respectively. The study found that clone ORANP2 is a superior genotype and thus can be recommended for vegetative multiplication and ex-situ mass planting in reforestation programmes. Both heritability and genetic advance values were low for all the plant traits studied (DBH, height and stem volume) indicating that these traits are of less use for a tree breeder for furthering the selection and breeding process on teak or other tropical hardwood species across globe

    Hybrid Composite Laminates from ESOA-BisGMA Blend and 2-Hydroxyethyl Acrylate (HEA) Treated Jute Fiber

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    The development of an inter-cross-linked polymer network of thermoset-thermoset blends have been extensively studied due to their enhanced mechanical properties. Among various polymer blends, modifications of vinyl ester resin (VER) i.e. styrene cross-linkable Bisphenol-A glycidyldimethacrylate (BisGMA) with epoxidized soybean oil acrylate (ESOA) combinations are an attractive route to promote the performance of the thermoset matrix and to overcome the inferior properties of both the components. The primary goal of this research is to develop hybrid composite laminates from ESOA-BisGMA blend (50:50 wt%) using both untreated and 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) treated jute fiber as reinforcement and then to characterize thereof. The mechanical properties like tensile strength, bending strength bending E.modulus, dynamic mechanical analysis, corrosion and ageing studies have been investigated. The results suggested improved properties of the hybrid systems with the incorporation of ESOA-BisGMA blend as the composite matrix. Moreover, HEA treatment of jute fiber enhanced the composite properties further, which interestingly, outperformed the parent ESOA-BisGMA blend and untreated jute-ESOA/BisGMA blend based composite. In this investigation 5 ply of jute fabric has been reinforced into ESOA-BisGMA blend matrix, so that at a low cost thin sheets can be produced. This may be used as an alternate material to wood, which has not been carried out elsewhere

    Assessment of genetic divergence for quantitative traits in thermo tolerant tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes

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    In the present study, 21 thermo tolerant tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes were evaluated to delineate the extent of genetic diversity through 10 quantitative traits. The genotypes were categorized into 4 distinct clusters using D2 statistics. Cluster IV had the maximum number (10) of genotypes, where all heat tolerant genotypes grouped together, followed by cluster I (5). Intra cluster analysis revealed that the cluster IV had highest distance, while the inter cluster distance was maximum between cluster III and cluster IV (6.53) indicating the presence of wide range of variability among genotypes of the cluster. Cluster IV recorded maximum cluster mean for yield (579.0), average fruit weight (33.33) and fruit set per cent (54.8) and the cluster III recorded highest mean value for days to 50 percent flowering (67.33). Principal component analysis showed that the first two principal components (PC’s) accounting for 77.6 per cent of total variation. On the basis of inter cluster distance, cluster mean and principal component analysis observed in the present study, a crossing programme involving genotypes from cluster IV will be promising one for developing heat tolerant tomato hybrids
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