9 research outputs found

    Paradox of Modern Pregnancy: A Phenomenological Study of Women's Lived Experiences from Assisted Pregnancy

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    The purpose of our study was describing the meaning of pregnancy through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs). A qualitative design with hermeneutic phenomenology approach was selected to carry out the research. Semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 women who experienced assisted pregnancy. Three themes emerged from women's experience including finding peace in life, paradoxical feelings, and struggling to realize a dream. We concluded that pregnancy is the beginning of a new and hard struggle for women with fertility problems. The findings of our study resulted in helpful implications for the health care professionals managing assisted pregnancies. Copyright © 2015 Fahimeh Ranjbar et al

    Measures of health-related quality of life in PCOS women: a systematic review

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    Zahra Behboodi Moghadam,1 Bita Fereidooni,2 Mohsen Saffari,3 Ali Montazeri4 1Department of Reproductive Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; 2Department of Reproductive Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; 3Health Research Center, Life Style Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; 4Population Health Research Group, Health Metrics Research Center, Iranian Institute for Health Sciences Research, ACECR, Tehran, Iran Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with biochemical and hormonal disturbance and adverse cosmetic, reproductive, metabolic, and psychological consequences, resulting in reduced health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Various generic and specific questionnaires have been used for assessing different dimensions of HRQoL in PCOS women. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify those general and specific instruments and to determine the factors that affect HRQoL in PCOS women. Materials and methods: The research strategy involved general and specific terms in relation to PCOS women and their QoL. A review was performed on studies that were published between 1945 to 2017 and that were indexed in MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus. A narrative synthesis of the data was provided. Results: In total, 52 studies (9 qualitative and 43 quantitative) were included in the review. The analysis indicated that 3 specific and 5 general instruments were used to measure the QoL in PCOS women. Of these, the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire (PCOSQ) were used most frequently. All studies assessed different aspects of QoL in PCOS women and found that PCOS had negative effects on QoL in this population. Conclusion: The PCOSQ and the SF-36 were used most frequently for the assessment of QoL in PCOS women. Perhaps using either a specific questionnaire solely or a specific questionnaire in conjunction with a generic measure would be more appropriate when measuring QoL in PCOS women. However, both questionnaires showed that they are able to capture different aspects of QoL in PCOS women and to identify areas that can help to improve QoL in these women. Keywords: polycystic ovary syndrome, health-related quality of life, questionnaires, systematic revie

    Returning to life, the Lived Experiences of Pregnancy in Women with HIV: A Phenomenological study

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    Background & aim: Pregnancy is every woman's stage of life. During this period, women experience physical, mental and social changes. It is very sensitive, challenging and therefore a critical period for every woman particularly in HIV-positive women. During pregnancy, an HIV-positive mother is facing a psychological crisis which includes fear of transmission to children, death, leaving children to the family or a guardian, adverse effects during pregnancy and the effects of pregnancy on their health. Therefore, HIV-positive pregnant women are vulnerable and require supportive interventions.  Care for pregnant women with HIV negative women are unique and different. However, no more information about experience of pregnancy in HIV positive women exists. Therfore, the aim of the present study was to explore the lived experience of pregnancy in HIV-positive women. Methods: The present qualitative study with hermeneutic phenomenological approach included 12 HIV-infected pregnant women who referred to the counseling center for behavioral diseases at Imam Khomeini Hospital of Tehran University of Medical Sciences who were recruited through purposive sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Data saturation was achieved after 16 interviews, each 40 to 90 min of duration with participants and then was analyzed by the method proposed by Diekelmann (1989). Results: The participants in the present study were of 22- 39 years of age. After data analysis, the main themes and 3 sub-themes emerged. These themes included: “return to life” with the three sub-themes of experience of motherhood, stability and protection, and gratification. Conclusion: The results revealed that although the experience of pregnancy in HIV-positive women was associated with a deep sense of fear of transmission of the disease and having children was viewed as a way of hope. Motherhood gave their lives meaning and provided for them to return to life. Understanding and awareness of all those are necessary for health care providers.The findings of this study emphasize on the need to design and implement comprehensive prevention strategies and interventions tailored to have a good feeling of pregnancy in these women

    Experiences of infertile women seeking assisted pregnancy in Iran: A qualitative study

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    Background: Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) are complicated and stressful techniques and the social and cultural norms are major obstacles against their use. Many qualitative studies have been done in the field of women's experiences of infertility, but less is known about the experiences of infertile women seeking assisted pregnancy. The aim of this study was to understand and describe the experience of women who have used assisted reproductive technologies for their current pregnancy. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted based on a content analysis approach. With purposive sampling, 12 pregnant women who were using ART were recruited from Avicenna Fertility Center in Tehran. Women were selected purposefully and with maximum variation. Interviews were performed after a positive test of pregnancy and women were introduced to researchers in their first visit of pregnancy in the prenatal clinic. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed concurrently. Semi-structured interviews were coded, categorized and the themes were also identified. Results: Four main themes were uncovered which included struggle to achieve pregnancy, fear and uncertainty, escape from stigma and the pursuit to achieve husband satisfaction. Conclusion: It is essential for these women to be counseled and prepared by their health care providers after the use of ARTs. Distress can be reduced for infertile women seeking assisted pregnancy when they are prepared for possible failures, empowered to deal with stigma, and have their partners' involvement in counseling sessions. © 2015 eISSN

    The effect of Valerian root extract on the severity of pre menstrual syndrome symptoms

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    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common disorder. Due to the knowledge lack of the precise etiology of this syndrome, different treatment methods are recommended, one of them is the use of medicinal herbs. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Valerian (�� xié c�o) root extract on the intensity of PMS symptoms. In this double-blind clinical trial, 100 female students of Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon Branch, Mazandaran Province, Iran, with PMS were randomly divided into groups receiving Valerian (scientific name: Valeriana officinalis) and placebo in 2013. The participants received 2 pills daily in the last seven days of their menstrual cycle for 3 cycles and recorded their symptoms. The data collection tools included demographic information questionnaire, daily symptom severity questionnaire, and a provisional diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome questionnaire. Data were compared previous, one, two, and three cycles after student's intervention using and analyzed by independent t-test, paired t-test, chi-squared test, and repeated measures ANOVA in SPSS 16. A significant difference was seen in mean emotional, behavioral and physical premenstrual symptom severity in the intervention group before and after the intervention (P < 0.001). However, this difference was not statistically significant in the control group. The results of this study showed that Valerian root extract may reduce emotional, physical, and behavioral symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. © 2015 Center for Food and Biomolecules, National Taiwan Universit