12 research outputs found

    RA (a-d) or OA (e, f) synovial tissue sections were immunostained with anti-human GlcNAc6ST-2 (a, b, e) or anti-mouse GlcNAc6ST-2 (c, d, f) antibody

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "A HEV-restricted sulfotransferase is expressed in rheumatoid arthritis synovium and is induced by lymphotoxin-α/β and TNF-α in cultured endothelial cells"</p><p>BMC Immunology 2005;6():6-6.</p><p>Published online 7 Mar 2005</p><p>PMCID:PMC1079838.</p><p>Copyright © 2005 Pablos et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.</p> Color was developed with DAB peroxidase substrate (brown color) and sections were counterstained with hematoxylin. Sections b and d are serial to a and c respectively, and were preincubated with human or mouse GlcNAc6ST-2 peptide to demonstrate the specificity of immunostaining. Original magnification: 400×

    Sections were simultaneously labelled with MECA-79 (red) and anti-GlcNAc6ST-2 (green) antibodies and photographed under appropriate filters

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "A HEV-restricted sulfotransferase is expressed in rheumatoid arthritis synovium and is induced by lymphotoxin-α/β and TNF-α in cultured endothelial cells"</p><p>BMC Immunology 2005;6():6-6.</p><p>Published online 7 Mar 2005</p><p>PMCID:PMC1079838.</p><p>Copyright © 2005 Pablos et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.</p> On the right panels, a merged image shows colocalization of both markers (yellow). (a) Lymph node. (b) RA synovium; Two MECA-79 negative and GlcNAc6ST-2 positive vessels are marked by arrows. Original magnification (a) 200×. (b) 150×. Selected areas within squared insets are shown on the lower right corner insets with higher magnification (630×)

    Clinicopathological changes in patients after anti-TNFα therapy.

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    <p>CD31+/aSMA–: immature vessels. CD31+/aSMA+: mature vessels. p-value of basal versus post-anti-TNF values.</p><p>(*)Absolute decrease from basal values in patients achieving moderate or good EULAR response (responders) and non responders to anti-TNF.</p

    Detection of immature or mature blood vessels in RA synovial tissues.

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    <p>Double immunoflurescent labeling of endothelium (CD31, red fluorescence) and pericytes/smooth muscle cells (aSMA, green fluorescence) in normal and RA synovial tissue is shown. Original magnification ×400. Right panels show the same area as in middle panels with higher magnification. Mature CD31+ vessels covered by aSMA+ periendothelial cells are marked by arrows, and immature CD31+ vessels lacking aSMA+ mural cells by arrow heads.</p

    Clinicopathological correlations of immature blood vessels in RA synovial tissues.

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    <p>Disease duration, DAS28 score, erosive disease, and synovial tissue infiltration by CD3, CD20 or CD68 cells is shown in groups with (+) or without (−) immature vessels as indicated. Density of mature or immature vessels in patients stratified by disease duration and levels of activity (low: DAS28<3.2, moderate 3.2–5.1, or high>5.1). Spearman's correlation coefficients between immature vessels density and disease duration, DAS28, CD3 or CD20 infiltration are shown. (*) p<0.05 (see text). ¶ p = 0.04 (Kruskall Wallys test and post hoc Dunns test (low versus moderate or high activity groups).</p

    Clinicopathological data stratified by the presence of Immature Vessels (IV).

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    <p>Data represent baseline data recorded at the time of biopsy. IV: immature CD31+/aSMA– vessels. LN: lymphoid neogenesis; DAS28: disease activity score; CRP: C-reactive protein; NS: Non-significant.</p><p>(*)IV- versus IV+ groups.</p><p>(†)RF or ACPA auto-antibodies.</p><p>(¶)p<0.05 but NS after correction for multiple testing.</p

    Variation in the density of immature vessels stratified by the levels of response to anti-TNF-α therapy.

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    <p>Decrease in immature (left graphics) or mature (right graphics) vessels density between the first and second biopsy after anti-TNF-α therapy is shown stratified by EULAR responses: 0 = : No response; 1: Moderate response; 2: Good response. (*) Kruskall Wallys test and post hoc Dunns test (non-responders versus good responders).</p

    Double labeling of lymphatic and CD31-positive vessels in RA synovial tissues.

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    <p>Lymphatic vessels were detected by immunoperoxidase (brown immunostaining) detection of podoplanin and double immunofluorescent labeling (red fluorescence) of CD31. The same field was photographed by light or fluorescent microscopy to show the position of CD31+ (arrowheads) and podoplanin+ vessels (arrows). Light microscopy image was inverted and merged with CD31 fluorescent image of the same field to show the relative position of podoplanin (blue) and CD31 (red) labeling.</p

    Mature and Immature Vessels in RA, OA or Normal Synovial Tissues.

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    <p>CD31+/aSMA+: Mature vessels; CD31+/aSMA–: Immature vessels; Total vessels represents the sum of both mature and immature vessels.</p><p>(*) RA versus OA.</p

    Dosimetry chart.

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    In this figure, we describe the procedures for obtaining the dosimetry data in each country and the calculation of the cumulative organ dose to the lungs (PACS: Picture Archiving and Communications System; TB: tuberculosis; CXR: chest x-ray; CT: computed tomography scan; kVp: kilovoltage peak; mA: milliamperes; CTDI: computed tomography dose index; HVL: half-value layer; DAP: dose area product; SA: South Africa; NCIRF: National Cancer Institute dosimetry system for Radiography and Fluoroscopy; NCICT: National Cancer Institute dosimetry system for Computed Tomography; mGy: milligray).</p