2,383 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Beggs, Elizabeth S. (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    Almost commutative Riemannian geometry: wave operators

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    Associated to any (pseudo)-Riemannian manifold MM of dimension nn is an n+1n+1-dimensional noncommutative differential structure (\Omega^1,\extd) on the manifold, with the extra dimension encoding the classical Laplacian as a noncommutative `vector field'. We use the classical connection, Ricci tensor and Hodge Laplacian to construct (\Omega^2,\extd) and a natural noncommutative torsion free connection (∇,σ)(\nabla,\sigma) on Ω1\Omega^1. We show that its generalised braiding \sigma:\Omega^1\tens\Omega^1\to \Omega^1\tens\Omega^1 obeys the quantum Yang-Baxter or braid relations only when the original MM is flat, i.e their failure is governed by the Riemann curvature, and that \sigma^2=\id only when MM is Einstein. We show that if MM has a conformal Killing vector field τ\tau then the cross product algebra C(M)⋊τRC(M)\rtimes_\tau\R viewed as a noncommutative analogue of M×RM\times\R has a natural n+2n+2-dimensional calculus extending Ω1\Omega^1 and a natural spacetime Laplacian now directly defined by the extra dimension. The case M=R3M=\R^3 recovers the Majid-Ruegg bicrossproduct flat spacetime model and the wave-operator used in its variable speed of light preduction, but now as an example of a general construction. As an application we construct the wave operator on a noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole and take a first look at its features. It appears that the infinite classical redshift/time dilation factor at the event horizon is made finite.Comment: 39 pages, 4 pdf images. Removed previous Sections 5.1-5.2 to a separate paper (now ArXived) to meet referee length requirements. Corresponding slight restructure but no change to remaining conten

    User's manual for three dimensional FDTD version B code for scattering from frequency-dependent dielectric materials

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    The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Code Version B is a three dimensional numerical electromagnetic scattering code based upon the Finite Difference Time Domain Technique (FDTD). The supplied version of the code is one version of our current three dimensional FDTD code set. This manual provides a description of the code and corresponding results for several scattering problems. The manual is organized into 14 sections: introduction, description of the FDTD method, operation, resource requirements, Version B code capabilities, a brief description of the default scattering geometry, a brief description of each subroutine, a description of the include file, a discussion of radar cross section computations, a discussion of some scattering results, a sample problem setup section, a new problem checklist, references and figure titles

    User's manual for three dimensional FDTD version C code for scattering from frequency-independent dielectric and magnetic materials

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    The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Code Version C is a three-dimensional numerical electromagnetic scattering code based on the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) technique. The supplied version of the code is one version of our current three-dimensional FDTD code set. The manual given here provides a description of the code and corresponding results for several scattering problems. The manual is organized into 14 sections: introduction, description of the FDTD method, operation, resource requirements, Version C code capabilities, a brief description of the default scattering geometry, a brief description of each subroutine, a description of the include file (COMMONC.FOR), a section briefly discussing radar cross section computations, a section discussing some scattering results, a new problem checklist, references, and figure titles
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