167 research outputs found

    Severe eosinophilic colitis caused by neuropathic agents in a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome and functional abdominal pain: case report and review of the literature

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    Eosinophilic colitis is a rare clinical condition that belongs to the group of eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders. Its occurrence can be primary or secondary to infection, medications, or autoimmune/hematological conditions. We present a case of a young female adult with severe chronic fatigue syndrome, widespread chronic pain, including functional abdominal pain, who developed severe eosinophilic colitis following successive treatments with gabapentin and pregabalin. On both occasions, symptoms manifested as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and eosinophilia and improved upon discontinuation of the medications. Magnetic resonance imaging of the small bowel demonstrated an ascending colon colitis, and endoscopic investigations confirmed florid colitis mainly in the ascending colon with biopsies demonstrating a dense eosinophilic infiltrate with micro-abscesses. Serum eosinophil counts correlated well with the timing of the agents’ administration. There was no other organ involvement. Symptoms improved upon discontinuation of the drugs and steroid administration. Eosinophilic colitis is an exceptionally rare entity and its mechanism of action is still unclear. Suspicion of eosinophilic colitis should be raised if a patient presents with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and peripheral eosinophilia following treatment with pregabalin or gabapentin. / Die eosinophile Kolitis ist eine sehr seltene Krankheit aus der Gruppe der eosinophilen Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen. Als Auslöser gelten PrimĂ€r- und SekundĂ€rinfektionen, Medikamente, sowie autoimmune und hĂ€matologische Erkrankungen. Unser Fall beschreibt eine junge, weibliche Erwachsene mit schwerem chronischem MĂŒdigkeitssyndrom und generalisierten chronischen Schmerzen, darunter funktionellen Unterleibsschmerzen, welche unter Behandlung mit Gabapentin und Pregabalin an einer schweren eosinophilen Kolitis erkrankte. Zu zwei unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten wies die Patientin abdominelle Schmerzen, Diarrhoe und ein Eosinophilie auf, mit jeweils Verbesserung der Symptomatik nach Sistieren der Medikamenteneinnahme. In einer Kernspintomografie stellte sich eine Kolitis des aufsteigenden Kolons dar. Endoskopisch konnte eine floride Kolitis, vorwiegend im Kolon ascendens, bestĂ€tigt werden, mit Nachweis einer dichten eosinophilen Infiltration mit Mikroabszessen in den Biopsien. Die serologische Eosinophilie korrelierte zeitlich mit der Medikamenteneinnahme. Andere Organe waren nicht beteiligt. Die Symptomatik verbesserte sich nach Absetzen der Medikamente und Verabreichung von Steroiden. Die eosinophile Kolitis ist eine ausgesprochen seltene Erkrankung mit bisher noch unklarem Wirkmechanismus. Bei Patienten mit abdominellen Schmerzen, Diarrhoe und peripherer Eosinophilie unter einer Therapie mit Pregabalin oder Gabapentin sollte der Verdacht auf eine eosinophile Kolitis gestellt werden

    Tumour-marker levels and prognosis in malignant teratoma of the testis

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    The effect of 6 putative prognostic factors on survival was studied in patients with Stages III and IV malignant teratoma of the testis. Differences between survival curves were tested for statistical significance. A diameter greater than 5 cm in the largest tumour mass, and greater than 8 pulmonary metastases were adverse prognostic factors (P = 0.004 and 0.008 respectively). Patients with malignant teratoma, trophoblastic, fared worse than those with malignant teratoma, undifferentiated, and malignant teratoma, intermediate (P = 0.011 and 0.023 respectively). Previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy had no significant effect. Serum alpha-foetoprotein (AFP) above 10(3) MRC u/ml and serum beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) above 10(5) miu/ml, were found to predict a poor prognosis (P = 0.010 and 0.001 respectively). A combination of measurements of the tumour markers gave the most consistent indication of prognosis, in that patients with either AFP greater than 10(3) MRC u/ml or hCG greater than 10(5) miu/ml, or both, fared much worse than those with neither factor (P = 0.001). Serum concentrations of AFP and hCG should be stated in reports of treatment of testicular teratoma in order to provide a basis for comparison with other series. Regular and frequent measurements of these markers are appropriate throughout the clinical management of patients with malignant teratoma

    Cancer Informatics in the U.K.: The NCRI Informatics Initiative

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    The arrival of high-throughput technologies in cancer science and medicine has made the possibility for knowledge generation greater than ever before. However, this has brought with it real challenges as researchers struggle to analyse the avalanche of information available to them. A unique U.K.-based initiative has been established to promote data sharing in cancer science and medicine and to address the technical and cultural issues needed to support this

    Notifications for child safeguarding from an acute hospital in response to presentations to healthcare by parents.

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    BACKGROUND : Consideration of child safeguarding is routine within maternity services but less common in other health services for adults. We audited notifications for child safeguarding from an acute general hospital where the policy includes questioning adults presenting with violence, mental health problems or drug or alcohol misuse to any department within the hospital about children at home and notifying to the local authority children's social care services if there are safeguarding concerns. METHODS : Cross-sectional audit of notifications for child safeguarding, including abuse, neglect or victimization, from all departments in one hospital to the local authority children's social care department during 12 months (2010/11). RESULTS : Of 681 notifications (57 per month), 40% (270/681) were triggered by parents' presentation to acute hospital services. Of these, 37% (100/270; 12 teenage mothers) presented for maternity care and 60% (162/270; 8 teenage parents) presented to the emergency department (ED). Of the 60% (411/681) of notifications prompted by children presenting for healthcare, most originated from the ED (358/411; 87%): two-thirds of these presented with injury (250/358; 70%). CONCLUSION : Given a policy to ask adults about children at home, a substantial proportion of children notified for child safeguarding were recognized through presentations to acute healthcare by their parents. Further research and development of this policy needs to ensure that questioning results in effective interventions for the children and their parents
